Chapter 16 - New Faces...
Naruto took a deep breath as he sat in the familiar cross-legged position on a boulder with his eyes closed, the sign of him meditating. His attire remained the same except he replaced his tattered jeans with his Leaf Shinobi pants. Laying perfectly flat on his lap is the golden Trident. On his back is the black sword Tenkaichi. "Times of peace like this is something to take advantage before the next wave of evil arrives. Don't you agree Kurama?"
"Of course. A short break from fighting is good for every living being." Kurama replied before getting to the true subject of the conversation. "So… are you going to ask him?" Naruto sighed as Kurama continued speaking, "It's not going to hurt you to ask for help you know."
"That's rich coming from you 'Mr. Prideful'," deadpanned Naruto with a twitching eye. "You once told me you get bothered whenever I use Sage Mode instead your power during the war."
"There's a reason for that! You're my Jinchuriki, so you should be using my power exclusively. And we were fighting those bastards of Uchihas and the Shinju."
Naruto couldn't help but sigh as he opened his eyes to look around the training ground and saw neither of the tenants nor felt their Spiritual Pressure unless they were suppressing it. He remembered Rukia and Renji had left for Soul Society to report to the Shinigami of his status as an Olympian and title of Poseidon.
Now is a good time as any at the moment.
"All right then…" He inhaled another deep breath before slowly exhaling it from his mouth as he locked into a deep meditation with his eyes closed once more.
Suddenly his body started to glow a white aura and that aura somehow moved away from the Shinobi. The aura then started to take form of a young man with short spiky black hair with two locks wrapped in bandages framing either side of his face and a black forehead protector. He wears a light-coloured kimono adorned with magatama around the collar and was held closed by a dark-coloured sash. Underneath the kimono, he wears a black full bodysuit. There is also a shakujo, a ringed staff, on his back as well.
"It's good to see you again Naruto," The ethereal being said with a kind smile.
The Jinchuriki opened his eyes with a small smile. "Same to you… Ashura."
Kurama snorted as his Jinchuriki converses with his distant ancestor. "Things are really starting to heat up. Especially if the Sea God thought it was necessary for the Shinigami and his friends to receive upgrades." The giant fox thought to him-self as he recalled the gathering a few days ago.
(Flashback Starts)
-(A Few Days Ago)-Urahara's Shop-
The first thing Naruto wanted to do when he Hirashined to his room was to take a shower and then sleep from the exhausting and interesting day he just had. But that didn't work out for him since his friends pulled him away from the safe haven that is his bed and to the underground training room so that everyone could have more space for them-selves.
"What is it, you guys?" Naruto muttered as he stifled a yawn. "I want to take a nap considering what I've been through." He received flat looks from Renji, Rukia and Ichigo. "What?"
A tick-marked Renji grabbed Naruto by his jacket collar, shaking the confused latter. "What do you mean 'what'?! You-" He cut off by a annoyed Rukia who pinched his cheek, forcing him to let go of Naruto. "Rukia, what are you doing?" He yelped when Rukia tugged his cheek hard before she let go of him.
"You need to consider what Naruto just went; he could've lost his life if he wasn't careful," Rukia scolded Renji for his lack of concern. Now the taller Shingiami feels like a jerk now.
"Wait! How do you guys know about the Wager?"
"Poseidon came by earlier and told us," replied Orihime cheerily.
Naruto smiled at Orihime before he sipped his tea that was offered by Ururu. He then looked at Rukia. "Though now I think about it, there is something really important I have to tell you all." Everyone listened in as Naruto took a deep breath before he spoke the words, "The Sea God Poseidon chose me to be his successor." He flinched in anticipation for the reaction and he will get it in three…two…one.
Rubbing his ears to make sure they're working from the outburst, Naruto explained. "Yeah. It turns out that the whole reason for the Wager was to see if I was worthy of being the successor of Poseidon." Suddenly Ichigo, Renji, Urahara and Jinta started laughing at him, causing a tick mark to appear on the blonde's head. "Oi! I'm not kidding about this!"
"You really expect us to believe you?" Uryuu asked with a nod from the Shinobi. "Show us proof then."
A confident smirk crept along his mouth, Naruto pulled up his right sleeve revealing a fuinjutsu tattoo on his right wrist. A puff of smoke later, there lay a golden spear-like object. "Naruto, that's not the Trident. We asked for proof," deadpanned Rukia with a dry look.
"Hold on a moment." Naruto grabbed the object by the lone leather grip. After a moment, he firmly shook the weapon and it instantly transformed into the Trident. "Here's your proof." He said as he held the weapon by the black leather grip.
"T-that's Poseidon's Trident!" exclaimed a shocked Rukia pointing a finger while Urahara and Yoruichi were surprised. "Are you saying he gave it to you?!"
Naruto nodded with a grin as he rested the weapon over his shoulder before flicking the Trident back to its dormant form and sealing it away on his wrist. Before he and Poseidon parted ways, Naruto had asked the original Olympian if he could somehow have the Trident into a different form in case he wouldn't need it.
"So he really did choose you," Urahara said seriously as Naruto unsealed his sheathed sword and placed it on his back like before. "What are you going to do now?"
"Well…" Naruto trailed off as he pulled out a scroll and opened it. Everyone watched the blonde Shinobi draw blood from his thumb and slide it across the markings before a puff of smoke appeared and revealed a chest with intricate Ancient Greek symbols all around it. "I was going to give these to Ichigo and the others tomorrow, but since we're all here; I guess I do it now."
"What's in it?" asked a curious Orihime as she tried to take a peek, but was shut down by Naruto who waved his finger sideways.
Naruto chuckled at the cute pout the busty girl gave him before he opened the chest. "Before l left, Poseidon gave me this chest as a present for you guys. Apparently there are some weapons that suits your fighting styles." His eyes widen as he reached inside the chest and pulled out of what looks to be an orange bow without the string attached to it. "No way… This is the Bow of Apollo, the Greek God of the Sun… I think this weapon is for you Uryuu, considering you're the only archer in our group."
A stunned Uryuu reached out and grabbed the bow before inspecting the craftsmanship. It felt perfectly balanced and light in his hands. But one was on his mind. "How am I supposed to fire arrows with this thing?"
"Try pulling it."
"What?" asked a confused Uryuu as he looked at Naruto for the specifics.
Naruto sighed as he rolled his eyes. "The bow has no string nor quiver or arrows. It converse the magical power of the wielder and turns that power into arrows engulfed in flames. In your case, try channeling your Spirit Energy through it and it should work."
"P-perhaps later." Uryuu said as he gives another inspection on his new weapon. He couldn't afford to let any of them know about his lost Quincy powers.
"Everything okay, Uryuu?"
"I'm fine, Ichigo…. Thanks."
Seeing Ichigo wave away the Quincy's thanks, the Jinchuriki coughed loudly to catch their attention again. "Okay! Let's see what else we have in here…" Naruto reached in again and this time pulled a pair of large gauntlets that had what looked like the Nemean Lion's head and claws. "Whoa… The Nemean Cestus… a personal weapon of Hercules when he defeated the Nemean Lion. I believe these will work perfectly for you, big guy, since you're the most physically strongest guy of us… besides me."
Chad nodded as he stepped forward and grabbed the gauntlets before trying them on. They fitted his large arms and hands perfectly. He tried a few jabs with them and felt satisfied until Naruto told him to punch one of the boulders in the area. He had to ask, "Why?"
"Just do it."
"… Fine." Chad complied and walked to the nearest boulder until he stopped in front of it. He felt everyone's eyes on him and so with a deep breath, Chad threw a light right punch at the boulder. The next thing he knew was a big dust cloud hindering his sight of the boulder. After a moment, the cloud dissipated and caused the giant teenager's eyes widen although his hair covered them when the boulder was now rubble and dirt.
Letting Chad to get over his weapon's power, Naruto faced the chest and everyone. "All right. Next up is…" He reached in with both hands and pulled out a pot with a blue flame inside of it with a symbol on it and a small note on the top of it. Naruto opened it and read it to him-self before repeating it for all to hear. "This is… the Ice of Poseidon. With this power, you can break your enemies' guard and summon glaciers to freeze and crush your opponents."
"Hey Rukia. Doesn't your Zanpakuto control ice?" asked Renji as Rukia nodded while her gaze never left the pot. "Then you should get it. You control ice and it seems more like your style."
"You're right. Perhaps it could even help me achieve Bankai," admitted Rukia as she walked to the pot and tried to lift it with her small hands, but found out she couldn't. "What the hell?" It was like trying to move a boulder that wouldn't budge at all.
"Hold on…" Naruto read the note again and his eyes perked when he read the bottom of it. "Ah here we go! It says here that you have to stab the pot with your weapon in order to receive the power, Rukia."
Rukia blinked a couple time before nodding in agreement. She drew her weapon and stabbed the pot in a double-handed downward thrust. What she didn't expect was the pot shattering and multiple ice shards forming across her blade to her arms. Ignoring the cries of surprise from everyone except Naruto and Urahara, the petite Shinigami quickly shook her arms and caused the shards to fall off, leaving not a single sign of frostbite. "What now?"
"Try swinging it," Naruto said as if it was the obvious thing for a weapons user.
Rukia glared at him for a split second before she turned to the place where Chad destroyed the boulder. Channeling her Spirit Energy into her blade that emitted a white aura, Rukia swung several slashes and white ice followed each of those slashes. She then stabbed the ground and instantly the said ground transformed into a slippery ice floor. "I can't believe this…" Rukia muttered as she looked at her blade. She was surprised to say the least since she just used her Zanpakuto's ice abilities without releasing her Shikai. Perhaps it can enhance her Shikai's abilities.
"The next item is…" Naruto pulled out another pot like the one before, but this time it's yellow. Meanwhile everyone's wondering how can many things fit into a small chest. After finding and reading another note, he explained more. "This is the Lightning of Zeus. This power will allow you to strike multiple enemies from a single attack. Hhmm…" He looked at Renji who was smirking like he knew he was the one. "Okay, Pineapple-Head. You could take it since it'll probably work with you since you're a whip-master and all."
Ignoring the nickname, Renji drew his sword and repeated the action Rukia did to get the power: he stabbed the pot and a moment later, both his Zanpakuto and arms sparked with yellow electricity for several moments before disappearing. "I'll try the new abilities later: don't wanna spoil the new power to you guys, you know." said the Shinigami with a cocky smirk. With this new ability, he could beat Ichigo and give a thousand times payback for their last match. Perhaps even beat Naruto and Urahara for that matter.
Naruto and Ichigo rolled their eyes before the former reached in the chest again, only to find and pull out… "Nothing?" The Shinobi looked inside the chest and found nothing else. "That's odd."
"Well to be honest, I don't want a new weapon or power. I'm fine with Zangetsu." Ichigo said with his arms folded with a confident smile. He returned to his body earlier during the Wager.
"Well, I'm not fine with Orihime being defenseless," said a perturbed Naruto as Orihime tried to wave away his concern. Suddenly an idea shot up in his head and looked at his right arm. "Oh yeah. Orihime, come here for a second."
Orihime gave a shy 'yes' before she walked towards the blonde ninja. She watched Naruto take off the golden armlet and was surprised when he placed it on her left arm. "What? Naruto, what is this anyway?" She said curiously as she looked at the armlet.
"That is the legendary Golden Fleece, Orihime. Its powerful abilities will protect you from attacks by reflecting them back to the enemies, but from various sources and experts say it also has powerful healing powers." Naruto happily replied before he noticed Ichigo's flat look. "What's with the look, Strawberry?"
"Why would she need armor? She's not a fighter," Ichigo said before he noticed a small frown on the girl's face, making him regret what he said.
"You're right…" Everyone looked at Naruto with his arms folded and a grin. "She's a healer. And that is the most important position in any team." He chuckled at Orihime's smile when she heard him say being the most important. He elaborated further, "In my home dimension, Medical Shinobi were obviously trained in the medical field to help heal and save their fellow comrades' lives. But there was a chance of them being killed by the enemy since it is a tactical strategy… so Granny Tsunade made three clear rules for the Medical Shinobi, especially the last one…"
"Which is…?" asked Uryuu.
"They should be the last ones to die." Naruto explained further when Ichigo was about to speak. "Think about it, Ichigo. If our enemies managed to take her out first in the middle of a battle; who else will heal our wounds?" He inwardly smirked as everyone's eyes widen upon realizing his point. "That's why in the next few weeks, all of us will practice teamwork and formations. Also Orihime will have to learn how to fight in case if we all get separated by chance."
Everyone in the room was genuinely surprised at the boy's knowledge of battle strategy and they had to agree with his logic.
"… So what are we going to do with these weapons? It's not like we can just carry them with us and hope nobody notices," said Uryuu gesturing to his new weapon as Chad and Orihime agreed with their fingers pointing at their new equipments.
Naruto sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Picture your weapons as something that no one would think it would be. Take my jacket for example; it was the Nemean Lion's Pelt and while I was holding it, I thought about turning it into a jacket with a few designs. The next thing I knew, it turned into this…" He pointed at him-self, specifically the jacket.
"Oooh…" The trio said as they looked at their gifts. They closed their eyes and imagined the forms they wish for their weapons to take and after a few moments, they glowed white. After the light subsided, Naruto, Ichigo and the kids and the elder Shinigami looked at the new forms of their friend's weapons; Uryuu's Bow transformed into a orange bracelet that had the Quincy symbol on one side and Apollo's symbol on the other; Chad's Nemean Cestus transformed into a pair of silver-black fingerless gloves with the Nemean Lion's symbol emblazoned on it; Orihime's new Golden Fleece morphed from the armlet into a female version of a letterman's jacket with the Olympian symbol Omega on the back.
"Whoa." Was the word that came from the Shinigami and the Substitute Shinigami.
Naruto chuckled as he closed the chest before walking away toward the stairs. "Well that's everything so I'm going to take a nice, long sleep."
(Flashback Ends)
Kurama smirked as he went to sleep to take advantage of the current peace right now. As for Naruto, he just finished explaining everything that's happened including his status as the new Olympian and his title of Poseidon to Ashura. "This always reminds me of that day," thought Naruto as Ashura pondered on what to do about the Trident.
He recalled that in the last month of the training, the Sage had revealed to Naruto that he is the current reincarnation of his younger son and part of the reason of his Chakra's potent power. He also revealed that the previous reincarnation was the First Hokage himself, Hashirama Senju and the reason why was because after their deaths, Ashura and Indra's powerful Chakra remained in the world and was reincarnated throughout various individuals throughout history that eventually led to the young Shinobi being the current inheritor of the younger brother's Chakra.
"Naruto! Naruto!"
He grunted when he heard his name the second time. "Sorry, Ashura. Dozed off for a second there." A raised eyebrow was sent his way, "So… do you have any tips or styles for me?" Naruto asked as the Trident shined briefly from his touch.
"Hmph…." The spirit crunched his face as he tries to think a style that suits the younger Shinobi, "Honestly I don't know anything about spear techniques nor their different styles. I know Bojutsu, but I don't think the fundamentals apply to a spear."
"Can we at least try? How do we know if we don't try it out first?" Naruto countered as he stood up on his feet, holding the Trident in a firm grip.
Ashura sighed as he stood up from his sitting position as well. "Yeah sure. We'll start first thing tomorrow." He said as his body started to glow, signaling his time is up. Naruto nodded in agreement before the glow entered his body, causing him to glow briefly before disappearing.
Naruto then looked at the Trident and started twirling it above his head with his hand to get a good feel of it before his new training tomorrow. He then remembered about Poseidon saying about the weapon adopting his traits power-wise. "I wonder…" The Jinchuriki muttered as he channeled Wind Chakra into the three-pronged spear. He was surprised when the three tips started to glow bright blue and felt his Chakra drawn and collected.
He smirked as he pointed it at a series of boulders nearby, preparing to do whatever he is about to do. Meanwhile inside the seal, Kurama cracked open one eye before closing it for another nap. "The idiot is gonna do something that'll get him in trouble again," the fox said to the man sitting in front of him.
"Yep… Should we stop him?" The fox thought about it and answered without opening his eyes by shaking his head. "I thought so too." Ashura said with a smirk as he lay down on the grass using his arms as comfort and closed his eyes.
-Training Grounds-13th Division Barracks-Seireitei-
"*sigh* That'll be enough for today," said a tired Rukia sheathing her sword, panting . She looked around in the valley she's currently standing as multiple ice shards protruded out of the ground and large pillars on the walls as well.
Since her return from the World of the Living, Rukia wanted to get used to utilizing the strange power Naruto gave her and she was impressed and amazed at the same time. It turns out that the power is automatic when she is either in combat or training and requires a bit of Spirit Energy.
"That was impressive, Rukia." The Kukichi Shinigami turned around and saw her smiling captain walking over to her with someone else. "For you to utilize your Shikai's abilities without releasing it is quite feat for someone lower than Lieutenant or Captain," said Ukitake with a proud smile.
Rubbing her head, Rukia nervously spoke, "Thank you Captain Ukitake." She couldn't bring her-self to tell her captain that the ability is actually an outside power given by an Olympian God. She then looked at the person next to the captain. "Captain Hitsugaya, how are you feeling? Have your wounds heal?"
The young captain was short with short, spiked, white hair and turquoise eyes with the overall appearance of a kid. He wears the traditional Shinigami outfit with the Captain's Cloak to show his rank. His Zanpakuto and sheath is carried on his back and tied to a green sash around his shoulders on either end with a round, star-like clip holding the sash together.
Hitsugaya nodded as he spoke, "Yes, they have. Thank you for your concerns." He looked around the valley, inspecting the melting ice spears. "Your Zanpakuto shows potential to be very powerful. Perhaps it might grow powerful to rival my Zanpakuto." Rukia widen her eyes in surprise. "I mean what I say, Rukia."
"T-Thank you for your praise sir." The petite Shinigami gave a small bow before lifting her head. "Is there anything I can assist you with?"
"Naruto Uzumaki."
Rukia blinked and tilted her head in confusion. "What about him?"
"I've heard rumors about Uzumaki and his strength and powers, but they are only rumors. I want to hear from you since you got to know him during your stay in the World of the Living." Hitsugaya said. During his recovery, the young captain heard talks about a mysterious yet powerful blonde Ryoka and his battles against the Head Captain and Aizen and his conspirators.
"*Ahem* Well, Naruto is very powerful for a Human and he's an experienced warrior." Rukia said letting the two captains soak the information before continuing, "But he acts like an idiot sometimes." Hitsugaya gestured her to continue, "He's obviously stronger than Ichigo. In fact just recently he was chosen to succeed the Greek God of the Sea, Poseidon."
Ukitake nodded while rubbing his chin, "I read that part in your report. You can only imagine the other Captains' reaction to Naruto's… ascension." The veteran Shinigami had heard stories and myths regarding the other powerful figures that Humans partook in their religion. "Captain Kenpachi had to be restrained from going to the World of the Living and challenging Naruto to a fight-to-the-death match."
"He always wants to fight anybody strong." Hitsugaya said before something came to mind, "I also read the report and it mentioned about Naruto receiving the Trident." He received a nod, "Elaborate."
Rukia replied, "The weapon is-" She paused before amending her sentence, "The Trident was the personal weapon of Poseidon. He gave it to Naruto to symbolize his new status and title. I also heard that the Trident is a very powerful weapon, but I trust Naruto would never abuse its power or his status. He's not that kind of person."
Moments passed until the two Captains nodded and turned around to make their leave. "That's all I wanted to know. Thank you, Rukia," Hitsugaya said before he Shunpoed along with Ukitake.
-Karakura High School-Karakura Town-
"Things are calm for now," thought Ichigo with his hand on his chin as he looked outside the window. "I haven't seen a Hollow since Naruto came back from the Wager." Since then, all Hollow activity decreased tremendously for whatever reason with a few of the nasty creatures here and there. But when he did find a Hollow, Ichigo was perplexed when the creature shook in place like it was scared of something or someone. "Come to think of it, Naruto's Spiritual Pressure is slightly different somehow. May-"
"Good morning class!" said their homeroom teacher excitedly. She was a woman in her late twenties with brown eyes and matching hair color in a loose shirt and skirt.
"… I'll talk with the others about this." He was sitting in one of the desks in the classroom and he was not alone. His closest friends he made before and during their journey in Soul Society was put in the same homeroom as well. Orihime sat at the desk on his right while Chad sat at the desk on his left and Uryuu is located in front of the giant teenager. All three of them were wearing the new equipment Naruto gave them as part of their school uniform.
"I have some exciting news! Apparently there will be some transfer students coming from Kuoh Academy, so let's all give them a big welcome here from Karakura."
"Transfer students? In the middle of the year?" asked Uryuu suspiciously as his eyes narrowed. "It's been a week since the whole deal with the Wager and Naruto inheriting the title of Poseidon and the Trident. This can't be a-"
"-Coincidence." Ichigo unknowingly finished Uryuu's thought. "Better alert Urahara and Naruto about this just to be in the safe side."
"Excuse me. Are we in the right room?" asked a new voice. Everyone turned their gaze at the door and was stunned by the sight standing in it. The voice belonged to a young woman in her late teens with a buxom figure, a light skin tone and blue-green eyes, and a long crimson red thigh-length hair with a single strand sticking out on the top and loose bangs covering her forehead and side bangs framing her face. She was wearing the Karakura High School girl's uniform that hugged every aspects of her body. "My name is Rias Gremory."
"Whoa…" thought Ichigo, Uryuu and Chad who had tinges of red on their cheeks but managed to keep them-selves composed unlike their fellow males.
Ignoring both the nosebleeds and wolf whistles from her male students, the teacher looked at her new student. "Ah, Ms. Gremory! Pleasure to have you with us." The teacher said with a strain in her voice as she inspected the girl's body. "Where does a girl like her get her body to be that?!"
"I must apologize for being late. We ran into… complications while on our way," said Rias as she entered inside the classroom with confidence and pride.
"'We?'" said the Karakura Group inwardly. That's when the other transfer students came and the entire class was in for another surprise as three beautiful girls walked in along with two boys; all of them wearing the uniform of the Karakura High School.
The first girl was as tall as Rias and the same age with a buxom figure with very long black hair with violet eyes. Her hair is tied in a long ponytail that reached all the way to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backwards with an orange ribbon keeping it in place. She also wore black knee-high socks with her new uniform. The girl smiled as she waved at everyone. "Hello, I'm Akeno Himejima. Pleased to meet you all."
The boys sans Ichigo, Chad and Uryuu sighed and smiled goofily while the girls glared at the more beautiful girl.
Akeno touched the girl next to her and gestured her to introduce her her-self. The girl looked to be around 15-16 years old with long blonde hair that flows all the way down to her back with split bangs over her forehead and a single strand sticking out from the top, sloping backwards. She also has green eyes. "H-hi everyone. My name is Asia Argento. I hope we can all be friends." She said with a tinge of pink on her cheeks. She then turned to the girl next to her. "Koneko?"
The girl, Koneko, was a petite 15-year-old girl with white hair and hazel eyes. She has two longs bangs going past her shoulders and several loose bangs hanging over her forehead at the front while the back of her hair has a short bob cut. She also wears a black cat-shaped hair clip on side of her hair.
She nodded at Asia before speaking. "I'm Koneko Toujou," She said monotone.
Everyone blinked at the girl's short introduction while one of the boys stepped forward, taking the short intro as his cue. "Hello everyone! I am Yuuto Kiba. It is a pleasure to be here." He said as he winked at a girl in the front who fainted from her seat. Yuuto is a young man with short blonde hair, grey eyes and a mole under his left eye. His handsome appearance soaked in all the female students' attention especially since there are girls looking through the windows outside the classroom.
Ichigo narrowed his eyes as the last boy stepped forward after Yuuto stepped back in line. The boy looked to be around 17-years-old with short brown hair and light brown eyes. He wore his open shirt over a red T-shirt and wears blue and white sneakers instead of the brown shoes that Ichigo and the other males have to wear.
However nothing could've prepare him and anyone else for what the boy said. "I am Issei Hyoudou! And I am going to be the Harem King!" Issei said with pride and his arms up. Everyone, especially the girls, were affronted by the boy's declaration while the new students sighed exasperated.
That is until Koneko elbowed him in the gut… hard and muttered, "Pervert." She didn't even look to see her handiwork as Issei doubled over and sank to his knees.
"*sigh* Oh Issei," Rias muttered before turning to the teacher, "Excuse me but I was wondering: do you have a student named Naruto Uzumaki in your registry?" She didn't noticed Ichigo or the others perk when she mentioned the name.
The teacher raised a brow before looking through her clipboard and shook her head. "No, Ms. Gremory. I don't have any student by that name at all. Why do you ask? Is he a relative?"
"Yes, he is. He's my long-lost cousin and I heard that he was in this town. I assumed that he would attend at this school."
The teacher nodded and directed the new students to open seats around the classroom and the only ones available was the back row that was behind Ichigo and his friends. As the students passed them by and took their seats, Uryuu glanced at Ichigo who returned the look at him and they knew one thing for sure: Naruto doesn't have a cousin or family in town or anywhere for that matter.
Things are going to get complicated again.
-(Noon)-With Naruto-
"Aaahhh! I'm so bored right now!" complained Naruto as he sat on the roof of a random building with a bored expression.
Behind him was a wall with an indent and spider-web cracks around it. His head was held by his right hand for support while he stares at the peaceful town around him with Tenkaichi strapped on his back like before, but this time he initiated the Transparency Jutsu on the sword to save him the trouble of sealing the weapon. He looked at his right wrist where a kanji for "Trident" was on it. "Good thing I sealed the Trident on my wrist instead of placing it on my back." He thought it'd be best to seal away one of the most powerful weapons ever created instead of showing it around like it was a toy.
As much as he loves using his clan's techniques, there comes a time when you must always be on guard especially when a lunatic betrays his comrades in order to gain power and become an immortal being.
"Yeah, Kurama?"
"Are you an idiot?"
"I've been called that before. That doesn't bother me anymore." Kurama grumbled something about unaware blonde shinobi, "If you're talking about my duties as Poseidon, then you don't have to worry about it since I sent my clones to take care of them."
"…Okay. I was going to scold you for not doing that, but whatever."
"Okay. So where should we go 'cause I doubt Yoruichi had calm down by now." Naruto shuddered while shuddering in fear.
Kurama chuckled at his partner's dilemma. Earlier when Naruto was testing the Trident with his Wind Chakra, he got too excited and accidentally fired an energy beam at the ceiling… a strong beam that blew up the room where the female Shinigami was cleaning herself in her room. The next he knew, Naruto was sent flying across town and smashed against the wall of the building he's staying on.
Naruto then rubbed his head before an topic popped in his head. "I wonder how Ichigo tends to control his dark power… Given by the intensity and strength of his Spiritual Pressure back at Soul Society, I'd say he didn't know about it at all. And he hasn't shown any initiative or attempts to control it since then." He then felt a tug on his left arm and looked to find Sui in her miniature form poking her head out of his jacket sleeve, curiously looking at the city around them. Naruto stared at Sui until the Hippocampus returned to the inside of his sleeve.
Since he accepted the titles of Poseidon and Olympian, Naruto found out that Sui and the rest of her species are sworn to obey him and protect him. He also found out Sui wanted to be with him out of gratitude for being released from her prison and she liked his personality.
"He's probably ignoring it and wants to rely on his own power. Remind you of anyone in particular?"
"Kurama, that was a long time before you and I became friends. But I'm thinking about helping him to control it since he's going through the same thing I did with you." The fox growled at him. "What? I'm just saying how it is. Do you think he and the others are out of school by now?" asked Naruto before he felt a familiar pinging in his head. He quickly stood up to his full height. "Something's up. What do you think it is?"
Kurama sent a 'I don't know' grunt to the boy before the latter used a smoke bomb to cover him-self from the prying eyes of his stalkers and disappeared in a yellow flash.
-Karakura High School-
When Naruto reappeared from the space-time void, he found him-self on the rooftop of a building with fence walls surrounding the edges of it. Ichigo was leaning against the fence wall with his arms crossed while Uryuu, Chad and a beaming Orihime stood next to him. Between him and his friends was a Hirashin Kunai. He had given it to Orihime in cases of emergencies.
Naruto raised a curious brow, "This must be an emergency." He spoke trying to lighten the mood, "Hey guys! What's going on?"
"We may have a situation." Uryuu answered after fixing his glasses in place, a habit of his.
"How so?"
"Sense the five new Spiritual Pressures in the school and you'll know."
Naruto shrugged and closed his eyes as he sensed for the Spiritual Pressures. A moment later, he opened his eyes in surprise and was about to speak when Chad spoke first. "They feel demonic." interjected Chad, "The outputs feel just as potent as a Hollow's Spiritual Pressure if not more so."
"Yeah, but all of their power outputs is more potent than the guy at the town." Naruto saw the curious looks from the others and explained, "Earlier today, I sensed three other Spiritual Pressures and they were following me around town, but only one of them is demonic. I'm pretty sure I lost them after using the Flying Raijin Technique." He said with a grin and a glint in his eyes. A glint that Ichigo recognizes all too well since he and Naruto are similar in nature.
Ichigo lifted his head with the same glint in his eyes, "So should we do what we do best?" Naruto nodded with a mischievous smirk plastered on his face.
"LET'S BEAT THE HELL OUT OF THEM!" shouted chibi Naruto and Ichigo who high-fived each other..
"Eeeehhhh?!" responded Orihime, Chad and Uryuu in shock. They certainly didn't expect this.
"Let's go!" Naruto said as he and Ichigo prepared them-selves for a fight in case if the new students turns out to be enemies.
Before he could even take a step, Naruto felt a huge amount of killing intent from above so did everyone else. When he lifted his head to look whatever that was up, all he saw was the bottom of a shoe before darkness took over.
Ichigo and the others scarily stood in place as they watched Yoruichi mercilessly kicking Naruto into the cement floor. After a few minutes, Yoruichi grabbed the unconscious Shinobi's leg and spun around aggressively until she let go of her grip. Everyone winced when Naruto crashed into the concrete wall and slid down to the floor. "Damn…" Ichigo said fearfully with a sweat-drop. "What did he do to upset Yoruichi?"
"Come here Naruto," Yoruichi said with a sweet smile and a deadly aura as she lifted Naruto by his collar, "You're going to pay for what you did to me in the showers."
This earned a nosebleed from Uryuu and red blushes from Ichigo and Chad while Orihime stood there confused.
Before Yoruichi could unleash her punishment on Naruto, a loud ripping sound reached the inside of her eardrums as did everyone else. The group turned around and looked to find a dark rip-like hole in the sky… located above a park. "That's not good." Yoruichi said before she felt an very strong presence in the area. "That is really not good."
-(A Moment Earlier)-Karakura Park-
The people went about their business as they enjoy life. Parents having fun and playing with their children. Couples on their dates. They enjoyed one of life's aspects so much that they don't feel the presence of two people in a clearing surrounded by trees.
"Can I eat these souls now, Ulquiorra?" said a man with a jawbone resting on his chin, clearly irritated. He was considered a giant with tan skin, a powerful build and a ridge-lined cranium. There is a large hole in the center of his chest. His eyes are brown with orange eyebrows and red markings under his eyes. He also has black hair with matching long, bushy sideburns and a thin ponytail reaching his upper-back despite being bald. He wears an open white jacket with white hakama held together by a black sash. "I'm getting irritated by these Humans ignoring us."
The man now named Ulquiorra simply sighed as he looked his much taller colleague, frowning. He is a slender, yet fairly muscular in average height with fairly short, messy black hair, pale white skin, a black upper lip and green eyes with small slit-shaped pupils, distinctively thick eyebrows and a hole in his throat. Teal lines descend from the lower part of his eyes. He sports a similar outfit like Yammy: a white jacket with black sash and a white hakama. The only differences are the jacket's longer coattails and a higher collar. "Of course they would ignore us since they can't see nor sense us. They obviously don't think you're important enough."
"Enough blubbering, Yammy. Remember why we are here." That seemed to calm the larger man down. "We must draw out Ichigo Kurosaki and the blonde whiskered Human," said Ulquiorra touching his mask that lies on the top left side of his head. The mask formed a broken horned helmet. "Do you what you do best."
A sickening grin slowly crept on Yammy's face as the latter looked toward the unsuspecting Humans. "No arguments there, Ulquiorra." He said while cracking his knuckles.