The lady in the car stared as the two people entered the car next to her before they drove off. As soon as the car left the underground parking area, she could hear the camera's clicks and people shouting wanting to get a picture of Elliot but not long after the security guards came to clear the path for them to go through.
Once the car was out of sight, the lady unlocked her and stepped out with a smile on her face. She felt refreshed and inspired suddenly.
"Elliot huh?" The mysterious lady walked up to the underground elevator while she called someone.
"How can I help you Miss Sinclair?" It was Sofia.
"Did Elliot Lewis come in for the interview today," she asked calmly. "Yes, he just finished his interview not too long ago," answered Sofia, she was a little confused as Charlotte never asked these questions because its normally written in the report she sends weekly .
"I want to see it, I'm coming to my office now."
"I'll tell them to be ready then."
Charlotte hung up the phone and soon reached the room where Elliot was in previously. The room that was previously filled with many people was now almost empty with only a few left inside; Sofia, a cameraman and the cleaning crew. Once Sofia saw Charlotte enter, she rushed over to her.
"Miss Sinclair everything is ready." Charlotte nodded in response and followed Sofia to the cameramen. He handed an iPad to Charlotte.
"I've transferred all the interviews of the main cast." We didn't have a chance to edit them yet so they're all unedited," he explained.
"That's good, I want to see the unedited footage."
Charlotte left the room followed by Sofia. They stopped outside a door and Charlotte typed in the code on the small keyboard next to the door handle. It flashed green and opened. Once the door was closed Sofia collapsed on the soft grey couch.
"Charlie you're so difficult to work with," Sofia complained. Running around this huge building was a lot of work. She and Charlotte have been working with eachother since the very beginning. The two close and were cormfortable enough with eachother so they didn't mind speaking casually when they were alone.
Charlotte ignored her and walked up to her desk, sitting down on her black leather chair.
"Hey you can't ignore me." Sofia glared towards Charlotte. Once again Sofia was ignored which annoyed her even more. She walked over to Charlotte and who was busy staring at the ipads screen.
"What are you looking at?" Sofia stood beside Charlotte's chair. On the screen was playing Elliots interview taht was filmed earlier.
•What do you think of Charlotte and why do you want to work with her?
•I really admire her. She's spreading a message to the world with her platform. Not many movies focus on spreading a message. Even though some movies may have a moral behind. It's always the same while I think Charlotte wants to make a difference in the world by entertaining the world. She wants to show the world that we are all the same even though we may have our differences.
•Even though I have never met Charlotte, I'm very sure she is a woman with big dreams and has a compassionate heart.
Charlotte paused the video. "You know, I was so impressed," praised Sofia taking a seat in front of Charlotte. "Not many people have that sort of thinking process, they're only after fame so they would say anything to butter you up but I can tell the way he talks, he sincerely admires you." Charlotte smiled in response.
"Although, I think his assistant is such a let down."
"Why?" Charlotte raised her eyebrows in confusion.
Sofia laughed remembering what happened. She felt bad critising the girl and judging her without knowing her but she was only saying what she saw. "She's such a crybaby and is very unorganized."
Charlotte stared aimlessly and waited for Sofia to explain further. "You know how 2 days ago you said you wanted us to interview the main cast. Normally, if an interview was supposed to be held we had to notify the actors and actress a week earlier so we, along with them can prepare everything."
Charlotte nodded. "Well the original plan was that the cast was to meet you today, right?" .
"Hmm." Charlotte hummed in response.
"Elliots manger is currently injured and his clumsy assistant forgot to notify him about the plans changing and didn't show the questions beforehand." Charlotte put down the iPad in her hand and nodded her. Now everything she witnessed in the car park made sense.
"Now it makes sense."
"What makes sense?" Questioned Sofia curiously.
"I saw them in the car park before coming up" Sofias eyes widened. "What did you see?" She wanted to know if his assistance was fired. Charlotte explained everything she saw and the way he acted. "He forgave her." Sofias gasped. "Wow that assistance is lucky if I was him, I'd fire her right away. Then again we don't know much about his assistant so its given."
"His perfect," mumbled Charlotte under her breath. "Did you say something?" Sofia stopped her rambling and asked. Charlotte shook her.
"Enough chit chat, lets work."
A coffee in one hand and her car keys in the other, Charlotte walked out the coffee shop and into her car. Perks of being a celebrity without showing your face. You can walk out in public without being swarmed with paparazzi.
As Charlotte was about to drive her car door was suddenly opened. "Hi-Sorry-Ma'am can you please help, " said a man out of breath, his face mask barely staying on his face. It was Elliot.
He was frantically looking at the end of the street where countless people stood with cameras ready in their hand looking for someone. Charlotte thought for a second before nodding.
"Come in."
They were afterall, both going to be working together soon, there's no harm.
Elliot didn't wait any longer and hopped into the car. "Where should I take you?" Asked Charlotte. "Beverly Park Terrace." Charlotte nodded. She drove past the paparazzi and Elliot ducked to hide his face.
After they were far away Elliot let out a sigh of relief. Then realisation hit him. "I-I am so sorry, I don't normally do this. Thank you for your help." He spoke politely and fiddled with his thumbs. Charlotte looked at him before focusing back on the road with a smile.
"Are you nervous?" Elliot let out a chuckle.
"Is it obvious?" Charlotte laughed at his innocence.
"Who wouldn't be, you're in a strangers car." Elliot raised his hand and scratched his head. "I'm really sorry I haven't even introduced myself, I'm Elliot Lewis." He smiled.
"I know who you are."
"Yeah..."He mumbled. Charlotte paused at a red light and looked at Elliot with a smile. Elliot couldn't help but stare at her charming smile and felt his heart skip a beat.
"Charlie." Elliot flinched.
"What?" He asked with a blush on his face.
"You can call me Charlie."
"Charlie," repeated Elliot.