When we heard the Word Home-wreckers,
it always end up with the wife not good enough or to blind to see, she just an innocent woman that loose her husband, poor her, all that bullshit, Well news flash bitches, my name is Jasmine Samatha Evans or you could call me Mrs Evans, because you see that very good Looking Man with this Italian accent, and that dreamy sexy hazel grey eyes, yes it none other than my dear husband Micheal Grey Evans, yes the dumb ass middle name matches his eyes, before people say maybe it the sex that the problem news flash, we fuck like porn star, thinking about it make me want to fuck him, even though right now I just want to kill him, but his a dumb ass, but his my, maybe the smothered pig didn't know, I run my house, i maybe an innocent Wife, trusted me, him and I both know am nothing but a conning bitch, I don't play when it come for my family, especially my children, and that ungrateful selfish Kathy should have know better, but how could I blame her, she lived in a fairytale world, it time to teach a home wrecker the reality of life, or I may say a Marriage Lifestyle.