Waking up the next morning feel like a torturous mess, a torture that I always crave once an while, that still doesn't change the fact that I want to crush the face of my husband, looking at him sleeping peacefully really piss me off, while am sore every where, do I deserve it you ask, yes I fucking do an innocent man is laying down at a hospital with a broken nose, because I wanted to piss of a demon with a possessiveness that turn me on, but still very unnecessary sometimes, our daughter just like him, in every way which scared me sometimes, and mostly got me judging him quite frankly especially the way he encourages her, by spoiling the hell out of the kid, everything she ask she get, daddy princess, our son different very sweet, so docile, an angel, but still as temper as his dad, something that Micheal is very proud of, yes that man have his flow, his isn't perfect but his one hell of a father, will drop anything, I means anything, from work to hangout the second one of them call him even if it not needed, so it hard not to love that man, his a headache but his worth every pill.
"Good Morning " princess, you sleep well, rolling my eyes at him, I try to get up, which end up with me falling face flat on the floor, I need to call off today or take the week off, my leg is really jelly, and my private part sore as hell, I need a really warm bath, a clean sheets and good nap, Micheal I scream, why the hell you alway do that, do what he ask, if you talking about you being punished for you unnecessary bullshit you did yesterday, yes baby girl you deserve every fucking pounding you received last night, to be fair I was being very nice, because you still limping your ass inside the bathroom right, I turn to look at him, staring at me with the stupid smile on his face, smirking at me, with those dimples of his, I don't know if I should trow the bottle at him or ride his face, instead I just turn around and get ready for my warm bath.
Before I even got the chance to open our bathroom door, I feel a warm chest and a two strong arm wrap around my body, before I even get the chance to give him a peace of mind, he kiss my neck and whisper so sweetly " look am sorry, that was a jerk move on my part, I know you piss off at me and I gladly deserve it princess, but the thought of him touching what my really get me, and our last conversation didn't ended well, I guess I used my power and anger against an innocent person that didn't deserve it, I call your work this morning, I talk with your boss and I apologize for my behavior, you didn't deserve that image I brought out, and yeah I did talk with the guy, no anger no screaming, a grown up conversation, and I pay up the damages, you have the week off, and I warm up your bath for you, let me go prepare breakfast, we eat and we could pick up where we left off in our conversation before it escalated the way it did, sounds good" I turn around and look at him, his grey eyes stared right at my soul, I want to be petty but how when he does shit like that, I just whispered a yeah, he kiss my forehead, and slap my ass push me inside the bathroom close the door and left, I just smile and get ready for my nice shower, the bubbles around me make giggle it feel so refreshing that I dose off right there.
I most have falling a sleep because when I wake I was dress up and the bed smell so refreshing, the smells of pancakes and sausage and bacon filled up around the room, make my belly growling, am starving, sitting up I see Michael coming around me with a plate of food and drink and a pill and a bottle of water," drink the pill first it for your soreness and eat, I will be at a meeting, if you need anything call me alright" he kiss me and walk out, I drink the pill and eat place the whole tray by our table, watch some television, I want to talk with Mike, I just let him be am feeling alright and so refreshing, a little nap could do me no wrong right, when I fully energized my spirit and mind we will talk for now let me rest.