Hours had past since Vincenz sent Terek and Jayce to the blacksmith. Snow slowly fell on the training yard as everyone from the village had been seated on stands. In the middle of the training yard stood Vincenz with his great sword in hand. The tip of the blade pressed into the ground as he stood, patiently with his looking toward the sky and his eyes closed, feeling each flake of snow land and melt on his skin. As he stood there, he then slowly began to hear the villagers talking as the two boys entered the field. He opens his eyes to see his son and Jayce walking side by side with their newly forged weapons. Terek walked with a long sword in its sheathe on his hip while Jayce had his weapon slung over his shoulder and behind his back. He then flicks his wrist and spins the weapon quickly before gripping it tightly to reveal a long scythe.
The two split and stand about ten feet from eachother and Vincenz. "Something about you boys feels different…" He speaks up so everyone can hear. "No… It's more like you've been awakened." With those words, Jayce flickers his aura slightly without trying as his was still adjusting to it.
"You could say that sir." He responds, spinning his scythe behind him as if he wee just spinning a staff without worry. The blade clearly glowing bluish as he spun it.
Terek stayed silent and looked at his father, drawing his sword from his sheathe.
"I see you boys want to get straight to the point." His begins to shift into a Lycan and pulls his sword out of the ground with one hand. "Do not hold back, either one of you."
As the match began Jayce took one step then disappeared. He hasn't had a chance to see what all had changed when she woke their auras until now, this was the perfect chance. His speed had increased, allowing him to get behind him quickly. His feet completely silent as he swings his scythe at Vincenz. The Guardian blocks his back with his greatsword and uses his hardened palm to block the blade of Terek, whom as well took the chance to use his speed to close the distance.
Connor stood by the stands watching unfazed, knowing that he and Luc are the only ones to have seen Vincenz go all out.
Jayce pushed himself back away from Vincenz, trying to think of a plan, meanwhile Terek and Vincenz' weapons spark with each attack. In a blink of an eye, Vincenz was already on top of Jayce, the flat part of the greatsword's back already slamming into Jayce, sending him flying through the training yard. Snow kicked up as he lands, his scythe laid in the snow yards away from him.
"Rule number one about our combat, never lose your weapon. It could be the death of you." Vincenz went back to fight his son, their swords clashing as the sped up. In the middle of the clash, the Lycan Chief reaches forward and grabs his sons face. "Rule number two, be ready because not everyone you face will fight with honor." He tells his son before throwing him similar to Jayce.
Terek's back smashes into a tree not too far from the fight, causing him to cough up blood. The eight of his blood on the snow triggers something. His eyes begin to glow red and a low growl begins to emit from the back of his throat. He was always careful in training that he'd never shed a drop of blood but now, even by his father, he bleeds. Terek grips his sword and boosts of the tree toward his father and clash. The only thing visible through their fight had been the glow of his eyes through the snow.
The echo of their swords smacking one another fell through the training yard as Vincenz stood in the center once again, cuts spread out though his body as blood dripped down from each one until they healed. Terek finally snapped out of his temporary rage, gripping his side as he coughed. Jayce now stood beside Terek. This had been the first time the Wolf had shown inside either of them. "You two passed my expectations. I would've like to see more from you Jayce but I saw why you didn't make a move. Terek. Go recover then the three of us will talk at home."
"We need to go to Strazza Grah…" Terek spoke but was interrupted with more coughing.
Vincenz turned to his son with a brow raised. His form went back to his human form while he sheathed his sword. "And why would you want to go there. All there is to find is corruption."
"There is a girl like us… That's why we wanted to speak… With the Prophets." He says coughing still.
"We… We had a dream of a girl… White hair and red eyes. She's in trouble…" Vincenz interrupts Jayce mid sentence, holding his hand up.
"I already know. This is why I wanted to make sure you two were ready." Timber walks over cautiously to Terek and leans against him. "I'm sending you two and Timber to the south." Connor walks is way through the snow and stands beside Vincenz.
"While you're gone, we'll be having a meeting with the other Lycan clans. Since the Jackals have been whipped out ten years ago, what ever attacked them has gone silent." Commits arms were still crossed. He knew bringing that incident up would upset Jayce.
Jayce held Terek up once he was capable to lean against Timber. "I'm gonna practice more with this. Timber, take Terek home." He asks the Direwolf as he gently caresses her head.
Timber walked with Terek leaned against her with an arm over her. She hadn't seen, let alone sensed, The Wolf powers inside him so her feelings were mixed. Partially behind worried since he had over exerted himself, but afraid. Afraid he would lose himself to it.
"I'm okay girl…" Terek stops walking and places his hand on her shoulder. "I've got you by my side ya big fur ball." Hearing this, she closes her eyes and rubs her head against his chest. Terek smiles. He could tell she was worried. Out of all the Direwolves in the pack, she was different and being around her made him more comfortable. He starts to walk home with Timber by his side and reaches a cabin. He walks in and laid down in his bed, feeling the big Direwolf step up into the bed and lay her head in his chest.
The villagers had left the training yard and went home or back to work leaving Jayce in the middle, practicing with his new weapon. He didn't know it but he was being watched by Connor and Vincenz from a far.
"Everyone in our village believes that once the Old Wolf God wakes, it will be a good sign. If he wakes, Hell will fall upon our world." Vincenz says softly as he watched.
"I never believed it would be a good thing, but are you saying this now of all times?" Connor looks at his old friend curiously.
"I'm not sure… It's a feeling I've had since Terek was born." Vincenz replies. He still wasn't sure what would soon to come. The only thing he knew was it won't be good.