Chereads / Wolf in Ruins / Chapter 59 - Mountain of Secrets

Chapter 59 - Mountain of Secrets

Terek sits down under a thick pine tree after digging out a hole to slide through. The grass was cold but dry as a circle was left under the tree. Beside him Timber had laid down to relax, her head propped up on her paws.

"You should get some rest, Jayce. We still have a long way to go." Terek leans his head a against the tree.

"I will in a moment. I just want to look around. We just got past our territory not too long ago…" He replied. Something didn't feel right. As if they were being watched, but looking around aimlessly wouldn't find the eyes. Jayce forced himself to relax and crawled in under the snow covered pine tree for temporary shelter. He laid down on the cold ground and closed his eyes.

While the three were resting as the sun began to set, Vincenz was sitting upstairs inside his cabin room with Connor and Luc sitting across him in chairs.

"Can you please explain what is going on Vincenz? What do you mean Vivianne is alive?" Connor was on the edge of his seat.

"No offense to you Luc when I ask you this, but can I trust you two not to tell anyone? Not even my Father." Keeping his eyes on the ground, he knew he could trust his two oldest friends.

"We may not be blood, Vincenz, but you are our brother. You can trust us."

Vincenz raises his eyes to Connor and Luc, his worries still remains but lifted all doubt he had. "Vivianne is alive. As I said before. She came from the Moon Wolf, but she's not a part of the clan." He then stands up and walks over to the wall and leans against it. The bright snowy day shone into the room.

Connor stared at Vincenz. "You're trying to tell us that the woman you made everyone including your son, is still alive?" He stood up. "Do you understand how hurt he is right now?"

"I do. That is why Vivianne made me promise…"He stared at the floor. "But that's not all… The real reason I asked for you two to be here is there's something else she made me promise… No, Swear, not to tell our son."

"Vincenz, what could be worse than not telling your son his mother is alive?" Connor walks over and grips him by the collar.

"She's the other being that created our world…" Once the words left his mouth, the room fell quiet for several minutes before a familiar voice echoed through the room like a ghost speaking from the beyond.

"What Vincenz has told you two is true…"

Connor felt chills run down his spine. "Vivianne?"

Bright flames burned beside the door, blinding the three friends momentarily to reveal the woman in a white dress. Once the flames disappeared, Connor and Luc were able to see once again, looking as if they were seeing a ghost. Here hair was long and black at first then burned to white. "I'm sorry I forced Vincenz and the Chief of the Moon Wolf Clan to lie to everyone… But this was necessary."

"But…. If you're… Then Terek?" Connor stumbled on his words, the shock still running through him.

"He is… I didn't recognize him at first but I sensed his blood." She gripped her chest above her heart. "And so is Jayce…"

While Vivianne was explaining, Jayce and Terek took turns on watch while the other slept.

Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours until the sun had finally began to rise again. When Jayce woke, Terek was leaned agaisnt the base of the tree dozed off. Timber had went out not too long ago to hunt for food. He looks out through the hole Timber had gone through then crawls out so he can stretch. Once Jayce stretched, he looks around to catch his bearings. All of the scents filled his nose when one strongly hit him.

"Terek, wake up…" He didn't want to yell to catch the attention of those he recognized.

Timber came trotting through the snow with her prey. As she grew closer Jayce could see she had found a deer but this wasn't the best time.

"Timber, set that down for a moment." He tells the Direwolf quietly. She looks at him curiously as all she could smell was blood. She walks over to Jayce and sets the body down and looks around his expressions told her all she needed. Something was close, close and dangerous. Terek steps out to stretch then stops thinking to himself.

"We're surrounded…" Terek looks at Jayce. "I don't recognize the smell."

"The creatures that attacked my old village…" Jayce continued to keep his eyes forward as he slowly pulls his scythe from his back, unfolding it to its full length.

"I was hoping I wasn't the only one thinking we can take them." Terek smirked as he unscheathed his sword.

"We can't…" Jayce saw something move from the corner of his right eye. A monster stood out past a tree, twenty feet tall and menacing. It's eyes a piercing blue, white spikes and fur covered it's body. This beast stood similar to the Owl beast the Goddess took form of looking like a bear. It's claws large enough to crush boulders.

"Don't tell me there's more of those?" Terek asked jokingly.

"T-that's a lot larger than I remember." This was the second time Jayce had seen the creatures but something was wrong. A dark aura seemed to surround it. As it came closer into view, more seemed to step closer. They each seemed to have camouflaged themselves but unnaturally.

"We need to warn Moon Wolf…" There was no hesitation. Terek despised the clan, but he could not let family die like this. Nor could he allow unnatural monsters wipe another clan from existence.

"I have a plan to get past them then… But Timber isn't going to like it." Jayce looked to Terek. Timber was more focused on the monsters than the conversation.