Chereads / Wolf in Ruins / Chapter 61 - Moonlight Princess

Chapter 61 - Moonlight Princess

As the days fly by, Jayce, Terek, and Timber finally pass through Moon Wolf territory without any issues until their last day in the woods. The temperature has risen since they reached the south side of the mountain, snow melted the further they went. A guardian of Moon Wolf appears in front of then three as they were about to leave the forest. His form was covered in scars as well as his muzzle. His right eye scarred and closed while his whole right arm had been covered in old burns showing only his skin. It was clear, he was one of the guardians who had been left to help the Jackals down south.

"The Chief of your clan sent us a message you three were passing through." He walks up to them. "I must ask you to be careful."

Terek looks up at him "Has it gotten worse?"

The guardian nods. "Clan Vulpus has gone silent but knowing them, they've gone underground. However, I do not believe the creatures that attacked your clan has made a move since that day, young one."

"If the creatures that attacked my clan attacked Vulpus, we would have had word oalready." Jayce looked away trying to ease his mind.

"We need to reach the Vulpus in order to cross the desert when the time comes." Terek looks at the Scarred Guardian. "If they're going to be silent, is there anyone else we can speak to about crossing it?"

The Guardian looks out into the woods thinking. He thought for a moment and even hesitates to answer. "There is one that's not too far past Vulpus. I'll ask the chief to send a Raven that way. Go visit Argi of the Sand Eaters, she is an old friend of ours who may help." He scratches his head for a moment. "If she's not hungry. "Do you two have a map?"

Terek and Jayce look at eachother and nod. Jayce slides his pack off and pulls out a scroll and unravels it to show a map of the whole continent. The only explored areas had been surrounding the mountain. They watched as the guardian circles an oasis within the desert as well as the location of Clan Vulpus.

While the scarred Guardian spoke, Timber had disappeared in the woods to find something small to eat.

"Here is the oasis Argi usually lives at. She doesn't mind travelers but with how dangerous the desert is she's skeptical about everyone." Each one of them then hears a wolf howl off in the distance of the guardians village. He then steps away, "Now if you will excuse, I think I'm being summoned."

And with that, the scarred Guardian was gone into the forest. Jayce and Terek looked at eachother and shrug their bare shoulders.

"Let's get going. I don't want to be in this forest any longer than we have to be." Terek started to walk again towards the south, Timber fumbles past Jayce with a small creature in her mouth, catching up to Terek's side. The three make their way out of the forest and are now greeted by bright winter sun as they start their new journey. They walk through an open field for miles until the sun began to set and their they felt themselves grow hungry.

As the three took their rest to recover from their long travel, across the world on the continent of Strazza Grah, the food tinent that stands twice, no three times larger than the one they live on, a girl finds herself in the company of her butler and a guard.

In a broken down log cabin the girl was sitting on the floor curled up, dressed in black jeans, dress shoes, and a gray blouse. Her butler was by her side looking out of the shattered window. "Princess… We can't stay in this abandoned cabin much longer. The Necromancer will find us soon." The guard spoke as he reentered the room. His armor was silver to represent his duty as the princess' guard and wore a chain mail underneath for extra protection. On his left forearm hung a silver shield with a crescent moon engraved in as well as an iron long sword that had been sheathed and attached to his left hip.

"I know…" The princess said with a soft voice. "I'm still trying to figure out what I missed." Her mind was still processing the events of the past couple weeks as it had all happened within a blink of an eye.

"I agree with Sir Fendwyr, my lady." An older gentleman dressed in a a black suit with a vest underneath. His face was clean shaven except for a gray and white mustache and a beard which matched his angular, and slightly tinkled cheeks while he kept his hair short and slicked back. "We must keep moving in order to protect you."

The girl whom they acknowledged as Princess, stood up from the floor and dusted her black jeans and blouse. "I know, I know." She replied. "I just wish mother was here to help me understand what is going on. She always knew what to say…" The butlers hand gently placed on her shoulder.

"I have served your family since before your father could dress himself. Trust me when I say this my lady, I may be getting old, but I promise I, and Sir Fendwyr will protect you." He told the princess as she looked up at him.

"Bastian, you and mother always took care of me. Thank you." She spoke softly before hugging him. Bastian was like a second father to her while her father was off being a King. She understood her fathers duty as he fought to protect his kingdom and his family.

Fendwyr smiled then looked out the door. His smile disappeared as he began to hear the howls of hellhounds off in the distance. "I hate to interrupt, but we really must leave now. They caught our scent already."

The princess and Bastian's hug lasted only but a moment before they start to walk to the door and leave. Bastian took the lead with the princess behind him. Fendwyr followed behind her, the three now sprinting away from the abandoned cabin. In the distance the howls continued to follow along with the yelling of men, yelling a name over and over.

"Princess!!! Where are you!!" A familiar voice yelled. "Oh Princess Celestyn!" The voice called again.