Jayce wakes up from his sleep in a tall tree on the thickest tree branch overseeing an open field. Sweat trickling down his cheek and forehead from the dream he just had.
"Were you dreaming you were a wolf spirit too?" Terek asked as he sat at the base of the tree, Timbers head in his lap as she slept soundly.
"Y-Yeah. How did you know?" Jayce questioned and looked down at Terek, his scythe slung against the branch.
"I dreamt I was one too… But fighting some weird dog like creature." Terek said softly as he ran his hand along Timbers big head and down her back. "Timber was the one to wake me so I think the three of us are connected to who ever was in that dream."
Jayce slid down his scythe, landing on the ground beside Terek and unhooked it from the tree branch. "Do you think it was her? The girl she told us to find?"
Terek fell silent as he watched Timber sleep. "It's possible. Once she's well rested, we need to continue south. We're almost to Kane's Arch"
Jayce set his scythe down then sat beside him. He pulled his satchel over and dug in, pulling out a small sandwich and tossed it over to Terek. "Well. We need to make sure we eat while we rest. I feel like once we get walking, we'll make it to Kane's Arch by nightfall." The two ate their sandwiches while they waited for the sleeping Direwolf.
Hours pass, Timber had woken up which allowed them to begin walking again.
As they walked, Terek wondered if he should ask this question but he wondered if they should stop by Jayces old Village. "I know it's been eight years.. But since it's right past Kane's Arch…"
"No…. It's fine. We don't have much time to waste…" Jayce stayed quiet. The reminder of all those who lost their lives, and those who pushed him aside both hurt him. What hurt more were the ones who lost their lives protecting him till the very end.
Terek nods and continued to walk. Within the ten silent minutes they spent since the question had been asked, they could now see an arch within the mountain. The arch stood twenty feet high and past it an empty grass field that slowly turned into sand.
"Kane's Arch… It literally is an arch in a mountain…." This was Terek's first time actually seeing the arch for himself.
"First time in eight years… But I'm going the other way…" Just seeing the Arch made him uneasy but a smell caught his attention. "There's a fire…" Jayce sprints past Terek and Timber and runs through the arch. The smoke visible as soon as he passes the arch and runs forward. His old abandoned village was no longer abandoned and on fire. He stood there watching to judge how bad the fire was it because of the tall stone walls, he couldn't get a good glimpse. "Dammit…"
Terek and Timber caught up, and were able to see the fire as well. "I'm sure it's nothing too serious but let's go anyway." Terek said but seemed to have been ignored as Jayce was already fully sprinting to the hidden wall in the back.
Jayce was already at the massive wall, examining the side for the hidden entrance. "I know it's back here somewhere…" He was trying to rush, looking for a lock or button somewhere until he began to get frustrated. "Dammit! Where is that damn thing?" He yelled, punching a stone forward through the wall. In doing so, a door sprung open and hit the wall of the mountain.
Timber ran up through the hidden entrance without a sound. At a time like this she should've been growling. Jayce caught a glimpse and noticed how calm she was and followed through himself with Terek right behind him now. The two squeezed through the thin opening and push a door open past Timber. Jayce then stepped through and looked around to a sight he never wanted.
The old remains and bones of the villagers he once knew but had been ignored by, we're partially scattered through the village or lined up covered. Jayce dropped to his knees as the sounds of battle screams of women and children filled his head once again. "I should've died that night…. It should've been me not them…"
Terek places his hand on Jayces shoulder "If you had, the two of us wouldn't have gotten this far. Timber would still hate everyone." He spoke softly to comfort his companion. "Besides… We still have a girl to save."
Jayce tries to calm himself as they sat there for a few minutes. "I know you're not great at these things…. But thank you brother…" This was the first time he acknowledge anyone like family, let alone a brother. Terek smiles and looks up at the village.
"There's someone here still…" Terek said quietly. Jayce glanced up at Terek who was watching the village. He stands up beside his companion while Timber began to slowly lower herself as she stared off into the distance past the stone huts and cabins.
The three were ready for encounter of any kind but this one would throw them off. A large, four legged reptilian creature slowly crawls past one of the cabins. It's scales were white spreading from its neck down to its tail. On its head, read and green streaks ran down over the eyes and to its mouth. The creatures red eyes then creature looked over toward the three but made no sound as it acknowledged them.
"You must be the three they spoke of?" The voice came from the direction of the creature but they couldn't see a person in sight. Timber seemed to relax as the threat had passed. "The name you mortals know be by is Argi." The creature crawled over to them and bowed its head.
"You?? You talk? Wait now that shouldn't surprise me.." Jayce said jokingly but felt Argi glare at him.