A week had past since the trial. Terek had healed the first two days then began to train. Timber still worried for her partner while he trained but could do nothing but watch. As she sat there, a familiar scent hits her nose as she looks over into me to feel Jayce place his hand on her shoulder.
"He'll be fine, girl. This is his way of healing the rest of the way." He spoke softly as the massive Direwolf leaned against him.
After training for a couple hours, Terek stopped and walked over to Timber and Jayce. "Have you two been here the whole time?" Terek questioned while he dried himself off.
"I just came up to help ease Timber. I can sense she worries about you." Jayce replies while stroking her head.
"We need to make sure we have everything before we leave. That doesn't include worry though." Terek reaches up and rubs Timber's cheek. "I'll be fine ya big fluff ball. Come on let's go pack our things." Jayce nodded then left to pack his things as well. As time goes by, Timber could do nothing but watch as her partner packed his things. Terek had gotten a pack ready and slung it over his shoulder and around his back, tightening the strap across his muscular chest and side as tight as he could. He began to walk out of the room when something caught the corner of his eye. Timber clumsily stumbles into Terek, who was standing in the doorway of his room. She backs away from him then sits and watches curiously as he turned to his nightstand. Terek walks over to the engraved wooden nightstand, one that he spent countless nights avoiding, and picks up an old necklace. The necklace was made from leather with an old metal pendant. In it sat a foggy red gem with the shape of dragons eye. Terek stared at the necklace in his hand for several minutes before feeling Timber's head slide under his arm. The young man grew to hide his emotions but this was one he wouldn't be able to hide. Two minutes pass by as he stood with Timber against him, keeping him company. He wipes his eyes the straightens himself. "Thank you girl…" He says, sliding the necklace around his neck.
Jayce stood outside with his pack slung around his shoulder, he made sure to gather the supplies they would need to travel through the hell that would be of a desert. He looks up to see Terek step outside the cabin, followed by Timber. "I was wondering what was taking you so long." Jayce saw the necklace hidden beneath his shirt and remembered the story Connor told him regarding Terek's mother.
"Yeah… Sorry I was grabbing a couple things. Terek responded, his handle on his sheathed sword. "Let's go… We still need to reach Kane's Arch which means passing Mount Fang." He says as he walks down the steps to Jayce.
"Hey.. Are you sure you're okay?" Jayce asked as he places his hand on Terek's shoulder.
"No… Past the Mountain we'll be in the Moon Wolf Clans territory.."
"Terek, it'll be fine. You said the two clans are at peace, right?" Jayce asked as he was trying to help ease his friend.
"Yes… But that's not the reason…" Terek reached up and gripped the talisman right in his right hand. "My mother was part of the Moon Wolf Clan…"
"Oh…" Connor had told Jayce that Terek's mother was killed in order peace could be established but that wasn't the whole story, the real story.
"Let's get moving…" He walks past Jayce without saying anything else. He needed to clear his mind for a moment and this travel has been the opportunity.
Timber glanced at Jayce then looks to the ground and follows behind. She was only a pup when everything had happened but she remembered it clearly.
Jayce follows close to Timber as they head towards the Villages Gates where Vincenz stood. He could tell the Chief was hurting deep down as the three got closer. He stood there with his hands on hilt of his greatsword while it rested tip down in the snow and ground.
"After you leave the Forest that protects our village, you three as your know, must pass through our neighboring Clan…." Pain began to strike through the Chiefs voice. He had sent a message to the clan but no word came back. "I cannot guarantee they will allow your passage."
"It's fine Dad… If they try anything…" Terek stopped his sentence as anger began bubble inside him.
Jayce could sense the rage when Timber, the large Direwolf, coward behind Jayce. This was the first time he would sense anger from him, let alone sense his Aura. Jayce quickly walks over and places his hand on his shoulder, knowing this would be risky.
Terek felt the hand on his shoulder and began to relax. The anger was slowly fading as he closed his eyes and began to breathe. "Don't worry about us. I know Luc and Connor won't be able to help us past the mountain."
Vincenz sighs then steps aside for the three to pass. "I will not give you a time limit, but I would suggest you guys find this girl you speak of before the next Blood Moon."
Terek nods then heads out through the gates with Timber. Jayce was getting ready to pass Vincenz when he stops him halfway.
"May I ask a favor of you Jayce?" The Chief asks with a concerned tone.
"You don't need to ask. I promise I'll keep an eye on him, Vincenz." He looked up at Vincenz with a smile. "I still owe you so much."
Vincenz relaxes a little then pats him on the back. "Thank you. Now go before you lose them in the woods."
Jayce nodded and ran off to catch up to Timber and Terek. Connor and Luc walk up to Vincenz' sides and watch with him. "You know she would be proud of the young man he's becoming." Connor spoke with a soft tone but serious.
"I know she is…. It's about time the three of us had a private talk. One my father cannot hear." He told the duo.
"Vincenz? You know you can tell the two of us anything." His old friend looked at him seriously worried now. Luc, the mute Guardian, looked at the two of them confused.
The Chief sighs then steps forward and turns around. "It's about Vivianne… She's alive…"