I heard a knock at the door and I got up. My arm was killing me. It stung a bit but nothing too major. I called my dad and told him what happened and what went down. He said we could sue them but I thought against it. It was just the one woman who went a bit crazy. The rest of the family seemed ok. He told me to be a little more careful but he understands that these things happen
"Hello?" I asked, opening the door to a crack.
"Hey, neighbour. Your back early. I came over to return your textbook." Julian said standing there with my math textbook in his hand.
I sighed before opening the door gesturing for him to come in.
"Thanks. By the way, what happened to your arm? There are enough bandages to mummify someone." Julian chuckled. "Kitchen accident?"
"Nah. I was only in the kitchen when I was washing dishes. It was a...difficult customer." I said attempting to find a word to describe the lady without being too rude.
"Really?! What happened?" Julian asked sticking his face dangerously close to mine.
So I explained what happened and Julian sat there intrigued. He got up and grabbed 2 bottles of water and tossed one into my lap.
"That's wild. I wish I was there. That lady sounds like she needs some help. You could sue them." Julian suggested sipping on his water.
"Well, yeah but it was just the one lady I don't think it's really fair to sue the whole family for her mistakes. Besides the rest of the family was pretty nice." I said once again.
"Well, hopefully, nothing like that happens at Sapherone. Though I don't doubt there's going to be rude customers. Hopefully just rude and not whatever that lady was." Julian said before rolling off the couch. He stretched and carefully took my arm.
"That is definitely a thick wrapping of bandages. You sure it's "nothing"?" He said slowly rubbing his hand up the bandages.
"Yeah, it's about as bad as a cat scratch. It'll go away in a few days." I said looking at the bandages. I'll admit it is a lot of bandages.
Julian continued to stare at my bandages before he got up and ran to the kitchen. He came back with a sharpie. It took me a second before I realized what he was doing.
"May I?" He asked taking the lid off.
I gave him my arm. It tickled and I looked down realizing he wasn't writing or just signing his name on my bandaids he was drawing a whole art piece. And before I knew it I looked down and I saw sailor moon and her cat luna. I was awe-struck. No wonder he chose art as one of his options. He was amazing.
He realized I was staring and chuckled before he stood up and said, "Here let's go study. We got a chemistry test on Wednesday," reaching out his hand to me, offering me a smile.