As Arcin walked down the street it was clear nothing had changed which was expected but she felt an odd air to the place, it was as if everyone was tense. She wasn't gone for that long only a day despite the few-day exploration of the dungeon. However, she had no idea what happened to put the city on edge. Arcin continued on eventually reaching the guild building.
Arcin walked over to the front desk. "Um did something happen?" she asked more out of curiosity for the change of atmosphere.
"Ah… Ad Finem had attacked a companies HQ in the city. It didn't turn out too well and a number of people got injured with some people getting killed. Not to mention they made off with some equipment."
"Hmm, makes sense then. Well, I need to report something. In Miner's Cavern… something happened and we ended up fighting and Earth Hydra instead of the normal boss. I think it would be good to have someone high level like Lv. 30 to check it out."
"Thank you for letting us now. Wait you managed to clear a mutated dungeon alone?"
"Yea with my summons."
"Actually I think you might be able to help out then?"
"The thing with Ad Finem we need Indagtor to head out and try and get things back."
"I just come back from a dungeon crawl after a few days. If they offer up a decent reward that catches my interest by tomorrow I'll think about joining this little quest."
Arcin waved her hand as she made her way to her room. Arcin entered the elevator and the moment the door closed she closed her eyes and leaned against the wall of the elevator. "'So running into those guys wasn't a coincidence. That was the word they said in Latin Ad Finem… of the end. They are the cult of the end followers of Mundus and my enemy as they wish to destroy all the words the two higher beings created which includes my own.'" Arcin sighed but despite knowing this she had really desire to fight them right away, though what they did was a problem it was only a typical gang crime something she was more than familiar with.
Arcin wasn't a cop she had no reason to stop them from doing what they did. The only time she would get involved is for a few things. If the pay was too good to pass up, they were doing something that would bring forth the end, or they tried to kill her or someone she cares for. The last one was the law she had always run by and never let past.
Arcin walked over to her room and went inside to find two books resting on her bed. She was on edge right away seeing this she pulled out the blades from her belt and begun to case the room slowly before opening the book with the tip of her blade at that point she relaxed. In the language of the gods, the book read [Fulgur]. She lowered the blade and put them away as she put her hand on her head. "You could have let me know beforehand that you were going to do this." Arcin muttered as she grabbed the books and placed them on the table.
She shook her head she looked at the titles for a moment humming as she turned around she placed her sleeping summons on the bed "'It's fairly early but I need a bath before doing anything else. I just feel… gross.'" Arcin closed her eyes and felt something stirring in her mind. "'I feel like there's something trying to surface that I've forgotten. I don't know what it could be. Realizing the truth of the past I thought was filled with lies and false stories. I guess I should thank Animus for giving me a chance to get away from those that were poison to me and giving me a chance to become myself once again after the drug is flushed from my system. Sigh… let's just go take a bath I'm too tired to stand and take a shower right now.'" Arcin sighed as she removed her cloak and went into the bathroom.
Locking the door behind her she began to fill the bathtub with water. As the water filled the large tub she removed her clothing she removed her jewelry and accessories and placed them on the sink's countertop. The moment the water was high enough Arcin stepped inside and slid into the tub. With her wet foot, she turned off the tap the drip of the water after the tap shut off.
It had been a long time since she last had a bath or really submerged herself in water like this. She couldn't really give a reason as to why she's pretty much avoided submerging herself in water like this as she loved the water. It was another thing she needs to figure out. To her the more she was she the more mysteries she realized she needed to figure out about herself. All of this was in part due to the drug she had been forced to take and suppressed by her step-mother and her ex's family.
She looked at the ceiling with a sad expression any time she was completely alone like this she couldn't help her mind from wandering and lately it tended to go to the dark side of things. "'In the end do I really have any allies or friends… father is gone… my half-brother is too young. Then my team. Haaaa… even though I'm the leader of the Lynch clan I feel very much alone. Did he ever actually love me or was it just a ploy that his family came up with in hopes of taking over the Lynch clan. Sigh not to even mention my memories the more I think about it know the more haze that are over the memories I believed for the last… well since my father died..'" Arcin thought as tears formed in her eyes.
The tears began to run down her face as she closes her eyes to stop the tears from forming. She then brought her head under the water as her mind begun to race.