Arcin turned to the next page it and it began to talk about something or really someones called the elemental master's. It was something that she wasn't initially interested in she more wanted to recover what she lost and do what Animus asked of her to do.
[Recently there is this thing that popped up called the land challenge which has started to form in Medies. It's to be this test of strength of sorts. You fight against people that have become 'elemental' master of sorts in their respective land and if you beat enough of them you are able to fight against the land master, and if you manage to beat all the land master's apparently you get the chance to face off the supposed world master who is the strongest out of them all.
As a scholar sort, I don't really have much interest in it however others of the world have enjoyed the challenge from indagtor's ad the general people. However, there was two things I've heard that have caught my interest. Apparently the 'elemental' masters are capable of gauging their opponent's skill and scale the fight to make it fair for the challenger. How they do this peaks my curiosity and makes me wonder if it would be possible to create something that could replicate this skill of theres.
The other thing is about one elemental master in particular. I've heard rumours that the elemental master of Earth in Rockwell City trained at an elemental temple that an apostle was guarding meaning it's likely close to their main temple. I plan to investigate this further.]
After this point, the information was not as relevant for Arcin as it seemed that the writer never learned if it was true or not that the master had been at the Apostle guarded temple.
'Though I didn't get a location I got hints and a likely clue to what Animus wishes for me to do. I should search for the temple and these pillars that were mentioned since they are likely Mundus' goal. The possible hint for the location of one such temple is the elemental master of this city.' Arcin sighed as she closed the first book sending it to storage before opening the second. 'It's nice to actually have a clear goal or really objective with Animus' request now. Whether or not I'm on the right track we'll have to see.' Arcin paused as the towel on her head unravelled.
Arcin sighed and started to start to brush her hair as she slowly flipped through the second book. After about 20 minutes she let out a sigh and placed the brush on the desk. She hummed as she tapped the desk realizing this book was written by multiple people but there was one thing in particular that reinforced it.
"People or mortals that can use magic are unable to cast magic of an element they are not attuned to except for spirit and aether magic however they can only cast low-level spells. That is different from me who with the attunement of spirit makes it possible to use any element I wish with a lower ability in aether magic since it's the complete opposite of my attunement. But according to what Fulgur wrote here for me that it only means that the max spell class of that 'element' that I can cast is high-mid grade for aether and high grade for other elements and master for spirit. Honestly, that class levelling ability isn't that bad." Arcin muttered looking at the slightly hidden scrawl that was written on the pages.
"But that also applies to summoning and taming beasts. Summoners of the fire element can tame a beast like an air element or water. However, they can if the beast is a multi-type that has the fire element attunement. Also unlike beasts, people/mortals are not capable of having more than a 2 type element attunement in this world. As such, I'll have to be careful of what summons I use since it's probably best to hide my element attunement and apparent race. Not to mention just hiding the fact of my spirit element attunement and being an Apostle sigh things always have to get complicated. That Fox mask Animus gave me will defiantly come in handy when I have to act like an Apostle."
"Though also according to the book it emphasizes the fact that beast with aether and spirit attunement is very rare. Not to mention apparently impossible to train. Though I have a feeling Saisako was aware of this and took precautions but it's good to know. But I have a feeling the reason they are hard to train might be due to being highly intelligent. Hmmm but that's just a theory."
She turned the next page. "Apparently there is a few reason for this but the biggest one is that Summoner's are capable of sending their summon's to a separate space. This space is actually their mana realm. It make sense I remember when I awakened the mana in my body multiple islands appeared. These islands can sustain the summons supplying them probably with food and or mana. If they have an incompatibility it would just kill the summons since the land wouldn't be able to support the summon."
"The reason for it just makes sense. Spirit and Aether are the essence of life and death in this universe and the initial point of all magic. So it's the reason that I can use and tame any summons since my mana realm is versatile and can appear as any type." She hummed in thought.
Arcin stood up and got dressed. She sent the second book to her storage and put the towels in the bathroom. She opened the curtain and put on her cloak. It was nearing the afternoon and Saisako was sleeping though Pyre was grinning his feathers. Arcin couldn't help but let out a sigh as she picked up Saisako and Pyre flew to her shoulder realizing that she was about to leave. All clean and with an objective in mind she left her room.