In the year 2308, scientists discovered something far more interesting than the new mysterious element they had stumbled upon the year before, after a string of criminal activities that could not be explained was unearthed. The existence of espers- psychics or superhumans as their presence was termed in several fiction. Now fiction had become reality. They were given the collective term, Holders, and their abilities were called Innates. The government decided to keep the existence of these Holders a secret following the results of the experimentation on the first captured Holder, Jean Frost. An English foreigner who had been staying in Colorado quietly till he was ascertained to be the criminal responsible for the unexplained serial murder case where all the victims died after suffering from fourth degree frostbite. Almost as if a play on his name.
The government issued orders for the capture and supposed "rehabilitation" of all individuals possessing supernatural abilities, causing most Holders to lay low. The humans who knew of the existence of Holders were scared of them. Mostly because it is believed that Holders do not have emotions. It was discovered that Holders could acquire their abilities or Innates from birth or develop them later on in life. But, when a person becomes a Holder, a phenomena coined, the 'Blank Canvas Effect' takes place in which the individual loses the most basic part of being human in exchange for their powers. They lose their conscience, and the ability to feel deeper forms of emotion. Basically, regardless of whether the individual is born with an Innate or develops one later on, their emotions become shallow and they no longer possess a conscience, thus their moral compass seizes to exist. Unfortunately, there are only a limited number of jobs an individual with no sense of guilt or an ability to feel compassion can perform efficiently. Therefore, it is the fate of most Holders to fall under the soldier, agent, syndicate/mafia, or hitman job description. Thus, the reason the humans fear them.