Ashlin fell unconscious, unable to breathe properly. Lucan wasn't far behind, concerned for her wellbeing. He rush to get side, picking her up and caring her home. Ashlin's earlier words sank in as he sat by her bedside. Brushing loose strands away from her face Lucan frowned to himself. He had never seen her that angry before this incident. She slept soundly throughout the night, her face often contorted into different expressions displaying her emotions in dream state. Ashlin awoken next to an asleep Lucan, his peaceful feathers was a masterpiece carefully crafted.
"Are you going to continuing staring?" sleepy eyelids open.
"Are you uncomfortable?" he chuckled softly.
"No, I'm quite honored"
She sat up, "Why didn't you tell me?".
"Ash, you have to understa-"
"Do I? Why? Give me a reason that'll make my death, safe" she chuckle sourly, "You can't, can you?" Ashlin stood, "If you were me, can you say honestly...will you feel safe knowing you have to return to the place that took you at birth and forbade all your ancestral knowledge? I can destroy everything, Lucan" tears started pooling out unaware eyes, "I can turn everything into a battlefield of death without knowing how I did it. I feel like a timebomb ready to trigger at any second and I'm trying for the life of me to have patience and understanding but I can't. My soul..... it feels broken and, maybe that's how I was born but the edges; they're clawing out, begging for air and no needle's strong enough to mend my spirit" soul shattering sobs left her body.
Lucan tried his best to give her comfort yet he had no solution to the problems tearing her apart. He held her tight and made promises that'll surely be broken. Lucan promised an impossible future and whispered seemingly foolproof plans. If I'm being completely honest, I think Lucan also wanted to believe those wishful promises.
"I promise, I will find another solution" teary hazel eyes gaze at him hopeful.
"What if-" he place a finger to her lips.
"What if the world breaks? What if Hell rose from it's depths? What if the stars wanted to rebel? Leave what if, in your mind and prepare for it but don't ponder on it. There's only one result to pondering on what if; failure. Let's focus on us, is that fine with you, my little chaos?" she nodded in agreement.
They spent their morning in Lucan's office reading through many 'forbidden' books and there was a lot of useful information but Ashlin couldn't spend another minute with her nose buried in a book. She started seeing words behind closed eyelids and whenever she daydream, it was a combination of different information from various books she has read. Ashlin screamed suddenly causing Lucan to jump in surprise. He looked at her raising a perfectly shape eyebrow to which she smiled nervously.
"Are you bored?" there was a subtle laughter in his voice.
"Yes" she groaned, "I'm starting to become traumatized" Lucan chuckle, "All I can think about and see is, the information I have read. If I read anymore I will become brainwashed" Ashlin tried to plead her case, adding a cute pout.
"You'll become brainwashed, by words?" He was trying to hold back his laughter.
"Yes" seeing the level of seriousness in her eyes Lucan couldn't hold back his laughter anymore.
Ashlin had walked over while Lucan was caught in a fit of laughter, she held his chin placing a gentle kiss on his lips.
"What was that for? I thought you were still angry at me" his face held a genuine smile.
"I am angry at you but.." she began to blush, "It's my first time seeing you laugh and you looked...really hadsome" her voice dropped at the end.
He pulled her onto his lap gazing into her eyes, tracing the imperfect lines at create her beauty. He lend down connecting their lips in a passionate kiss, trying to apologize. He held her as though begging forgiveness and she gave all he asked for, Ashlin offered willingly. They were interrupted by a depressed looking Cleus, his curls were messy and stuck up weirdly. Around his eyes were colored with dark circles and a frown was placed were a bright smile once resided.
"Cleus?" Ashlin worried voice made him look up as though he heard a ghost.
"Ashlin..." she smile at him, "You aren't angry?" the helpless male was utterly confused.
"No, I'm steaming with anger but, the torture you're putting yourself through is satisfying" her grin widen.
"What have you done with, my Ashlin?" she laughed.
"Gave her an upgrade" she approached him grabbing hold of his hand and pulling him out the door, "I'm bored and I haven't seen Kure in months"
"Bye" Lucan called after his lover who offered a wave in response.
They made the journey to Cleus house where a grown Kure was eagerly awaiting. He began barking happily upon seeing Ashlin, running and licking her. She gave the animal a warm embrace, running steady finger through velvet fur. Ashlin played with Kure until deciding to take him outside which Cleus advised against but she refused to listen. Merely half an hour later they were apologizing and preparing to compensate for damages done by Kure. He trashed many lawns, gardens and fences; Cleus held a righteous look while Ashlin walked behind the giddy dog, sadly.
"I don't even, have money" Ashlin mumbled, sad.
"I warned yo-" she gave him a glared causing Cleus to look at the sky whistling, "Nice weather".
"I thought, I heard someone being a prick" she said in fake wonder.
"Those aren't words an angel should be using" Cleus said in a fatherly tone.
"Bite me" he instantly appeared behind her.
"Do you really want me to?" he whispered in her ear causing a blush to rise.
"Th-that" she fumbled over her words.
"Does my presence have such a strong effect on you? You can't form a sentence properly" his tone was soft and gentle causing goosebumps.
"Do all of you have a lust switch?" Ashlin tried to ignore her growing blush stepping away from him.
"Awe, don't be a tease" he chuckle behind to which Ashlin ignored trying to calm her red, hot face.