Botan Date: (Raising his arms up some, he waved his hands slightly as he stated his welcome…) "I would like to welcome you to our home my queen and prince. I will have our best two rooms prepared for you at once. Rest assured; you will have the highest quality that can possibly be offered."
Kaida Endo: (Looking up at Botan, I turned my attention to him as I had a minor request to ask of him.) I am sorry for interrupting, but can you please make sure we are next to each other, it would make me feel more at ease as we get used to living here."
Botan Date: "But of course, that will not be an issue. You heard the queen, make sure they are next to each other. Be fairly quick about it. Make sure they have clothing in the closets as well."
Tsubasa Endo: "Woah, it is so damn big. And thank you for that. What does the rest look like? Is the entire mansion this huge or is it just parts of it?"
My brother's excitement got the better of him and all I could do was smile and shake my head in hopes that he would calm down. The whole while Botan Date and the other three laughed among themselves as though we were the best entertainment they had seen in a while. We had heard gasps coming from the servants and I wondered momentarily what they could possibly be panicking over. And just as I was about to say something, Botan Date once again intervened on my behalf. Was he always this chivalrous? It began to make me wonder if he was always this sensitive to body languages.
Botan Date: (Clapping his hands together to get their attention…) "Alright now people, it is not so uncommon for someone who has never seen certain things to get to this level of excited. Stop acting like it is something new."
Servant: (Looking at Kaida and Tsubasa, she furrowed her brows in distain as she stood scowling…) "It is not that my lord, but their human, we are kind of confused. We are merely trying to understand why they are here. Are they new human servants?"
I minorly jolted in surprise as they seemed to be confusing us with servants even though he had clearly stated that we were the queen and prince several times already. I began to wonder if they ever listened to anything their lords had to say. Or if they were selectively listening to what they wanted to hear. Either way, Botan interrupted once again to set things straight. Or so I hoped so.
Botan Date: (Staring back at the row of servants, she furrowed his brows and angrily stated to them once again…) "I have told you all for years of the quest to find the one who will be our next queen, it has basically been like a fairy tale style story for you all, but it was always based in truth. We have finally found the Bloodline. Now show the respect deserved or die. Your choice, you all are a replaceable servant as you already know. So do not test my patients on this issue."
I was dumbfounded, blushing hard at his response in absolute embarrassment. I brought my hands to my own face as I tried to hide my cheeks. I must be looking like a ripe tomato about now. I had struggled so much while growing up that I did not think anyone demanded respect. I always thought it an earned trait. But knowing the worlds we lived were different, I really could not say anything against it. After all, this was a new world I would eventually have to get used to. Whether I liked the way they acted or not. It was a fact, the world of vampires is vastly different, I would have to embrace it soon enough. The servant's eyes all grew wide. I could hear loud gulps coming from some of them. All they could do was nod in acknowledgment. Especially after the final warning of anyone threatening us would be put to death immediately. This new burden was hitting me harder and harder, and it zapped me of half my energy in mere moments, it seemed. Seeing my increased stress, Botan Date took us both on a small tour of the mansion, finally showing us the dining area and the bathes last. I gasped at the sight of the huge open-air bath that was completely fenced in. Having a proper divider and everything. It was the most luxurious thing I had ever seen in my life. I unconsciously giggled with excitement, bouncing in place slightly as I had seen fresh kimonos sitting neatly folded on the shelves with sandals that seemed to match. My brother laughed at me slightly as he then rounded the corner for the men's side and his reaction was not much of an improvement from mine. I started laughing to myself shaking my head. I then turned to Botan Date, who had been laughing to himself at our reactions and proceeded to ask him about the luxurious looking baths.
Kaida Endo: (I could not help but fidget excitedly as I asked about the baths.) "Would it be possible to jump in the bathes before we have dinner while our rooms are being prepared for us?"
My brother had peaked his head around the corner to my question, his eyes clearly showing the same excitement as he shook his head in response to my question. By the gods, sometimes I think we are to overly impressed by the simplest stuff. I fear we must look like fools to them at this point. But we did not care, this was all so new to us.
Botan Date: "But of course, I will have one the female servants bring you some towels and a bar of lye soap to you guys. Just stay here and relax for the time being. It should help you guys to loosen up some. So please do enjoy yourselves."
Kaida Endo: "Thank you so very much. I am fairly certain it will help us a lot. And besides, we traveled all those days with just slop baths from the river. A warm bath is more than welcome."
Botan Date: "Well when you word it like that, how in the hell could I possibly deny the use. Just wait here till the maid brings the stuff to you guys."