Mu Millie was called into the office by her granddad he needed to talk to her about what happened her magic skill was good but she would need to practice without people find out?

Mu Millie entered the office she saw her granddad going through paperwork for the office she watched him work with his cold stern face she knew he was the warmest person for her but the outside world he was a cold-hearted tyrant she smiled and thought he is my family:" hey grandpa you called me " she smiled.

Mu Jade looked up from his work and smiled:" hey to you too sweetheart I did call you I have something to show you follow me" he stood up to walk forward to the bookcase he pulled on of the books the whole bookcase moved he entered gesturing Mu Mille to follow.

Mu Mille smiled she look like a kid going on an adventure she was excited and surprised too but she didn't hesitate she was very curious she followed they walked down a spiral metal staircase when they arrived at a room it was big but what surprised her it looked like something from a witch movie it had shelves filled with bottle looked like potions then she looked to left found a bookshelf the books they looked old with leather bindings they were the books, she had studied over the last couple of months she studied most if the books here but how she have them when they were all here are there two copies of them I thought the one she was reading was the only book she would ask Nanna later she in front she saw there was a big stone table with all sorts of equipment on it she had read all about these it was in her books that Nanna gave her she knew what each one was for, then as she her grandad he's tired to follow him, there was in a beautiful wooden cabinet with beautiful symbols on the doors when opened there was weapons cupboard there was all sort of weapons she also knew to what each one was for, she read about all of them she just needed to practice to use them now, she looked around she was amazed it was her very own well her Nanna's den where she probably practices her magic among other things. She was running around looking at everything she was like a little child in a candy store too many choices want to choose?

Mu Jade watched Mu Millie take in all her surroundings he chuckled as he watched her familiarise her self with the lab she so remained him of his wife she would spend hours down here sometimes he would assist her to they shared some wonderful moments in this lab his children were probably conceived here too he loved his wife and missed her so much but to see his granddaughter a replica of his wife just amazed him:" hey sweetheart this, as you have already guessed, was your Grandma place this is build and designed by her too it is protected too so no one will never find it and you can use this any time you want I believe you need to practice whatever it is you do okay" he smiled he couldn't wait to see his granddaughter to strange stuff he always found his wife doing funny things.

Mu Millie smiled:" Thank you, Grandpa this so cool" she looked to see if Nanna appeared and smiled.

Mu Jade:" so what will you start with" he was curious he loved to watch his wife making potion too.

Mu Millie frowned:" Grandpa Nana told me I am not allowed to touch her baby without her presence she will guide me " she shrugged her shoulders.

Mu Jade looked he wasn't surprised his wife did call this her baby and the probably good idea he wasn't sure what his granddaughter knew:" I think she is right she knows this place better even I couldn't help you here" he sighed.

Mu Millie giggled:" it's okay but thanks again this is so cool" she was buzzing she couldn't wait.

They both left the secret room and came back she sat in the office Mu Millie looked at the paperwork her Grandpa was going through she recognised the plans she remembers that this project to build a whole new complex was one of the biggest that the Mu's will carry out and she also knows what happens, she also remembers that the there where a few problems with the land before they take the project off the ground making them lose billions but finally when they did succeed it made a huge profit she also remember there was a company who the Mu's collaborated with which was the reason most of their problems occurred their reputation took a big hit too. A lot of good investors pulled out too. And lost a lot of connections. And Mu Millie felt guilty because she was the course of some of their problems. This the reason they had to put it on hold until the future. She always knew what was happening with the Mu's and the Feng's and the Chan's and others she kept an eye on them so she could vent her anger on she had in the past life she had messed with the Mu's too making them lose billions she was bitter towards them too.

Mu Millie thought should tell Grandpa about the project and correct all the mistake in this paperwork or should I leave it. Then she remembered a lot of families suffered too and a lot of people lost their jobs too so it was best to say something:" Grandpa could I say something regarding your project" she looked at her Grandpa.

Mu Jade looked surprised:" I would love for your help I am a bit stuck on how to go further, on paper it all looks good but it has to look good when built a lot of people are working on these projects and this will bring a lot of people in, from working on projects to planning it and:" he passed the file to Mu Millie to see if she could solve the puzzling project may be a fresh eye is needed.

Mu Millie took the project and then she moved herself to the floor of the office she spread the sheets of paper and went them through them then she took her Grandpa's laptop and sat her self on the floor her fingers flew over the laptop, her Grandpa watch in the fascination of what his Granddaughter would achieve, there was absolute silence in the room while Mu Jade went through some other files he would time-to-time peak at his Granddaughter who was busy she had a pen in her hair and one on the top of her ear she was so engrossed in her work she looked so serious and cute at the same time he thought that is my granddaughter that I neglected I so regret my decision now I wish I had brought her home sooner, he couldn't help but chuckle he took a picture on his phone he looked at the picture he took then smiled.

Mu Millie had finished correcting all the flaws in the project she printed it all of then presented it to her Grandpa, he smiled and took it from her. She sat there while he was going through it he looked over to ask Mu Millie to ask something and saw she was leaning on the bookcase she had fallen asleep, he smiled gently he was walked over to pick her up and place her on the sofa. The door knocks.

Mu Kai walked in he was looking for Mu Millie he saw here sleeping he smiled too:" Grandpa I will take he back to her room she can rest for a bit" he knew it had been a rough couple of days for her he picked her princess style as she smiled while she made herself comfortable snuggling into his chest. He took her to her room. Lay her down covered her while looking at her cute faces she made while sleeping, he kissed her forehead he moved back he checked her lips once he couldn't help himself he pecked again this time he stays lingering on her lips he felt the flutter in his stomach it caused he was near her, he smiles and thought she was made for him he had to wait as torture he had to through as many Life's just as Mu Millie to get to where he is today he was his reward she was amazing, he watched her torture herself and couldn't do anything about it he so angry with himself for failing each time, but the bastard ancestors had put restrained around him every time he tried to break them and get close to Mu Millie she would get hurt so for her to stay safe he never approached her until she came to the Mu's where the ancestors restrain broke they made a deal they lost.

As he tried to move away from Mu Millie she pulled him in for a hug he didn't struggle he let her she cuddled into him with her head on his chest. He was so happy to be in this position he wants this all g she made it happen even if subconsciously he wasn't complaining. He put his arms around her and pulled her in closer to him he could feel his whole body heat up it was taking all his inner strength not to devour her right here and now but he wanted it to perfect for Mu Mille he wants her to approach him when she was ready then she would be at his mercy.

Mu Millie felt warm and cosy and safe she didn't why but she had an amazing dream too. Her knight on a white horse as he came closer it was Mu Kai he pulled down to pull her on to his horse she had never ridden a horse before this something out of a movie scene but it also felt so real as she rode his horse with him they arrived near a stream where he pulled her down of the horse into his arms he kissed her but this time it was different from his peck it was deep she let out a moan she was enjoying he slowly left her lips moved down to her neck he was sucking her skin she was losing her senses she let out another moan earning a chuckle from him he whispers close to her ear which tickled her so much:" save the owns for when we make love I want to hear all those moans and you screaming my name " which made her even more flustered she was ready for him to take her she wanted nothing more she clung to like a koala. He chuckled again:" patients babe all in good time we are in the open behind close doors I don't want the world to see beauty queen" he smiled as he kissed her again gently. She shyly hid in his chest she was embarrassed by her behaviour she slit down and straighten her clothes she runner to looked at the stream so she could control her emotions which were all over the place. She sat on the grass more like fell she could hold her self up. Mu Kai bent down next to her close to the ear she could feel her turmoil build again as he whispered:" angry babe don't worry soon you will be all mine suddenly, his features changed into a different one it was Feng Chou he was different he had dark aura all him around her smirked at her:" do you think your beauty could escape me you smell so sweet I wonder how you taste your hiding but I will find you and when I do your mine all mine hahaha" the lugh was from the bottom of the depths of hell.