Mu Kai took note of everything she said he would process everything later he didn't need his brother to dig out information he texted his brother that he found everything he needed he found the missing link to the puzzle that Mu Millie hid from them all, he would destroy Feng Chou for what he has done but what he needed from his brother was to find out about this Fen person she was going to pay dearly for what she had done to his beloved wifey she was hurting because of her she would have to pay?

But right now he wanted to know what she thought of him he like the sound if being his wifey sex bomb:" hey honey what else do you like about Master Kai" he smiled he wanted to hear more.

Mu Millie smiled in her sleep it was a genuine smile coming from her heart it made Mu Kai heart flutter it was a foreign feeling that he couldn't describe but he didn't like it either much rather he loved it:" well he is good looking, he is smart, he makes me feel safe and wanted, he touches my bodi I feel the strangest feeling my stomach flutters, it feelevery nice, when he kisses I don't want it to end it feels like my whole body has a mind of its own he tastes so delicious, I want more I don't know what it is I know there's more but I don't know how to ask, I don't want to let my guard down but he is breaking my defence walls slowly and I am scared of it what if it's just an illusion of my imagination and he doesn't feel the way I feel I know he made a promise to me and he says he loves me a lot but what if it is " she stopped as she thought of something:" but I am going to give it everything I have I want to know what is to love someone with all your heart? and if it's not meant to be then I will accept the consequences of my actions like a grace-full person that I am not, who the hell am I kidding it's going to embarrassing, and I am left feeling the biggest fool ever, what do I am so confused should I tell him or just leave it I don't have the guts so I think I will ?" she was cut off by Mu Kai kiss.

Mu Kai didn't want to hear any more he heard enough he didn't want but's and if's it he heard enough, he as to keep telling her he wasn't going anywhere he loved her with all his heart he waited for her all these lives he would only show her how he felt about her, too clearing any doubt in her silly little brain. He knows she was burning with fever but he couldn't hold himself back knowing she doubted how he felt, he kissed her as his life depended on it. He kissed until he was out of breath he stopped and leaned on her his forehead on here's and smiled:" Mrs Mu Kai I will show you from now on how much you mean to me you just watch how you fall for me babe I will invade your heart and take down every last defence you have and take it hostage until death does us part no actually beyond time and space we will still be together " he chuckled.

The Doctor arrived just in time or Mu Kai would have past the boundaries and made love to her she might have hated him for it later.

The Doctor checked her he gave her an injection and put her on a drip then he turned to Mu Kai and asked him to walk her out. The whole family had gathered near Mu Millie Auntie was now taken care of her baby girl while she scolded everybody for putting pressure on her daughter.

who had only hive birth a couple of months ago? She sat with Mu Millie and chased everyone else away, including Grandpa, she needed to wipe Mu Millie body down with a towel with love like a mother would their small child. For her, she was the daughter she never had she had fallen in love with this child from the moment she was born in this house her sis in law was vist8ng her father in law tried to persuade Mu Millie to stay with them but she didn't she went back the wicked man Chan.

Mu Kai had spoken to the doctor and found out that Mu Millie was just suffering from exhaustion she should have been resting after giving birth to not one but two children her body needed time to recover. He had trained her none stop did that cause it, he thought he would take it slowly with her training from now on he would take his time and be patient with her.

Little did he know that Mu Millie had been doing her secret training as well practising magic none stop she wasn't getting rest or sleep every waking moment she was busy tiring to catching up on year's of practice that she had missed out on.

Mu Millie was always on edge after she had seen that demon and felt the strength behind it too, she needed to build her self up to be able to protect her love ones, from what lurks in the shadows she could now sense danger and she knows all kinds creatures were looking for her, luckily they were able to cover the children with a shield which both ancestors help build to protect them from their enemy's.

Mu Kai walked back into the room with the medication that the doctor had given him, just as Auntie was placing Mu Millie top on she had Mu Millie back turned towards him he saw all the marks on her body he was shocked.

He moved forward without realising he moved Auntie's hand to look. Auntie wasn't surprised to see him here but she didn't say anything he knew they were married so she assumed they were intimate with each other:" here you dress her while I make her some soup she needs some nutrients food she still breastfeeding the twins" she walked out.

Mu Kai just realised that there was a naked Mu Millie in front of him he was shaken now what should he do he couldn't call Auntie back since he barged in luckily she had her pants on or he didn't know to what he would end up doing it wouldn't be dressing her he had all sort of thoughts going on in his head. He had to kick himself for having such thoughts about his wife at this time.

But first, he checked the marks on her back with her saying something about a whip he could see she had been tortured so badly, his blood was boiling he was gonna make Feng Chou pay dearly for what he had done to Mu Mille. He knew now Mu Millie wasn't blubbering with high fever she was telling how she suffered in the Feng's home.

He again cursed himself he had seen first-hand how she was tortured, tormented and humiliated in her last life while he stood on the sidelines watching with his hands tied every time he stepped in to help she would suffer double so he could only helpless watch, but not this time they would pay for every scar on her body. He didn't know why he kissed every scar on her back as to smooth it over with his love would make it fade away he could feel all the blood rush below but he control himself, for now, He would even punish those from her past life all needed to pay.

He turned around lifted her towards him then placed her nightshirt on the front of her body was leaning on him he could feel the softness of her breast he just about held himself together but he would not take advantage of her like this he wanted her to fully conscious when he devoured her for the first time.

It would be his first time to ever make love to a woman he saved himself for Mu Millie not in just one life in all his lives he had lived never let another woman near him. And they had tried but he always choo them away like a pest they were. For him it was always Mu Millie she was his first and only love.

He lay her on the bed he leaned forward and kissed her lips they tasted so sweet as always he couldn't get enough they were like an addiction he pecked a few more times, he covered her, he could see the fever had subsided and she was not in stress or pain she sleeping due to tiredness.

He sat and watched her a little longer this was the only time he could sit and stare without freaking Mu Millie out. He could no longer watch with each passing, the moment he was growing more impatient she did this to him no other women could bring him to his knees she had him under her spell.

He needed a long cold shower now. He walked into the bathroom as he smiled to himself and thought it won't be long now when I pin you under me. And no longer need to take these cold showers but little did he know what he was thinking and what would happen if was two different things.

Mu Mille was oblivious to what was happening around her. She hid her emotions from everyone and planned her revenge her target was Feng's she would start slow and then hit them hard when they least expected it would take time but it would have a satisfactory outcome. She wasn't going to kill anybody but she would cause maximum damage all the same.

After Auntie had seen the marks all over Mu Millie body she went straight to her husband she told him what she had seen she told her husband that the Feng's and the Chan's had to pay with their blood for the pain inflicted on her beloved daughter. she was different she was born into bloodshed so for her killing someone within reason wasn't any issues.

They were deep in conversation when Mu Taichung walked in he heard what his mum had seen he had also seen at the hospital but he knew Mu Millie wanted to seek revenge her way so he explained to his parents angry as they had to let Mu Millie deal with it.

Mu Taichung just wanted to put a bullet through Feng Chou's skull but he had to leave it for his sister to do he would back her up she could do anything she wanted but he knew she wasn't one that would kill unless she was defended her nearest and dearest and still she would only inflict that much where they wouldn't able to attack them not killing them she was too naive and oblivious to the world they lived in, in his eyes she wasn't made for the world she was born in to.

In the bedroom Mu Millie stirred a bit she was waking up she felt her head was heavy she still felt sluggish she looked around to see where she was she was in her room in the Mu's mansion she breathed a sigh of relief for a minute she thought she died again and was in the Feng's mansion again it was a recurring nightmare that never left her it always haunted her but she didn't want to tell anyone t would only worry them!

Mu Millie then remembered she was in the gym training when she had a sudden breakdown in front of Mu Kai how embarrassing was that, she remembered him telling her she wasn't alone! it felt so nice knowing that she had found a whole new life, family, friends, and a husband and his family, she wondered what they would be like with her she didn't know she hadn't met them, but before that she needed to be able to support her and her children if one day her husband decided he didn't want to be with her when I found out the truth about her children's father. What she didn't know she revealed a big part of it already to Mu Kai and it didn't change the way he felt about her!