Chapter 58 - 58: MU MILLIE OBLVIOUS



They had other foreign business wanting to collaborate with them they were impressed with their ideas and new inventions but they didn't know behind them was their greatest strength, Mu Millie's ideas which were from the future all the projects that Feng's and other businesses benefited from. Mu Kai knew all about the ideas she was coming up with he had seen in his past life too, but he kept silent and watched his wifey building in her self-confidence in leaps and bounds.

But they had new problems they had the elite families asking to join hand in marriage with the Mu's and they all found out about Mu Millie which brought all kind of creeps out of the woodwork. Mu Kai watched Mu Millie like a hawk he realised he was a jealous husband but he knew one thing Mu Millie only had eyes for him she didn't even notice other men around her she was oblivious to what was going on around her she had the men of her family and her bodyguards surrounding her and protected her even in the office all the staff had become very protective of her when she was sent flowers or unexpected visitors turned up to woo her the staff would step in to protect her they had all come to know that. (1)she was happily married and (2) she was too simple and naive (3) she was their Queen that needed protecting.

Mu Millie always knew that the staff treated her very kindly and took care of her and she also notices that they were on extra alert when she was meeting with the opposite sex she thought that her jealous husband had put them up to it. She never shook any males hands she would just bow as a courtesy she didn't accept a gift from any male she didn't know especially flowers, as she remembers once one of the male clients came with a big bunch of flowers left them on Mu Millie's desk Mu Kai walked in he fingers them out of the window landing on the man's head. Mu Kai then sulked around it took a lot for him to come around only when he saw Mu Millie almost burst into tears he stopped and embraced her he told her not to accept flowers from any male except family and only friends. No business clients and especially stranger she chuckled but promised him.


In no time at all 7 years had passed the only progressed Mu Kai made with Mu Millie was kisses hugs and cuddles they even slept in the same bed hugging each other he would steal kisses here and there he still not consummated their marriage not that he didn't try but Mu Millie always panicked and froze tears would roll down her face she was so scared that it scared him, he did know exactly what Feng Chou had done to Mu Millie but she couldn't bring herself away from the fear, they always would get to the main bit and Mu Millie would start to have a panic attack, she would curl her self into a little ball and hide away under the blanket, later she would feel so guilty she would constantly apologise for her behaviour and promise not to scream murder every time they tried to make love.

My Kai was scared that he would lose the little he was getting from her he had to think of a solution for it but so far nothing worked. He had to work out why it was at a certain point that she would panic and not let him continue further, She made it clear she loved him with all her heart and she was sorry that she caused so much stress and grieve for him, he never pushed these boundaries he believed when she was ready she would let him make the last move that makes them a complete married couple he assured her that he wouldn't push it so she feared him it was most inmate moment between a man and woman to show how much they loved each other but for now he was just happy she was in his life.

For Mu Millie, the last step put the fear of hell in her? She didn't have good memories of having sex be it with Feng Chou in her last life or the previous life's where she was sold and brought by dirty men who thought it was alright to drugged her and do unimaginable things to her, the minute she closed her eyes it would coming flashing back into mind all she saw was the dirty old men, she would end up screaming, she even consulted Nanna about it, Nanna was struggling to find a solution too. The only solution was to close her memories of which she didn't want to do.

Mu Millie was in her office finishing her new project she was working late in the office she shared with Mu Taichung he had gone home it was a day to take the twins out they were all going to the funfair.

Mu Kai walked in and watched his busy wife stretching her arms in the air he walked over and pecked her on the cheeks and whispered:" finish shall we head out everything is ready" he chuckled.

Mu Millie shot a smiled she was nervous as hell at home she had plenty of places to hide and hundreds of excuses but when they were in a hotel room there were only so many excuses and not so many places to hide she knew what was coming and that he waited patiently for her she knew she was being unfair, so she had decided that no matter what she would commit and not scream like she was being murdered?

Mu Kai saw the weird smile she was giving he knew she would be scared but he had spoken to a psychiatrist he had advice on how to overcome this trauma if that didn't work he would just drug her and have his way with her he chuckled at his thoughts he knew, in reality, he wouldn't harm her in any form she would cast a spell and turn him into a frog or something along those lines.

Mu Millie went forward she held Mu Kai hand kissed it:" let's go kai" she led him out, the office was empty the staff had clocked off there usual time they walked to lift then to the car park as they sat to go towards the airport they were off to and little island just outside Italy was secluded so it would be a hand full of people.

They headed towards their destination on the private plane she fell asleep. When she awoke they were in a beautiful white room everything was white it was like they were in heaven she got up ran to the window and looked outside she could see the blue sea it was amazing to view the sandy beach wow!

She looked around there was no sign of Mu Kai she walked around the room it was beautiful everything was white it was elegant she was too scared to touch anything in case she dirty it, she went back to the balcony where she could see the sea it was a beautiful colour of the clear blue she could see the fish swimming in the see she even saw dolphins jumping up out of the water as they greet8ng her, she had been to the different country over the 5 years with the Mu's but that most business this was her first holiday in all her life, the view was the best she had ever seen she has seen pictures all the time but sees it like this, it was a whole new experience.

she couldn't wait to go and soak her feet in the water. She turned her attention back to the room it was white everything was white it was like she was in heaven well her idea of heaven. She turned to the bed she was sleeping in it was huge you could fit at least 10 people on it, it was spherical, she felt jitters about the whole experience it was too good to be true she thought she is dreaming all of this her family her children her husband it was all a dream these five years have flown by peacefully.

Mu Millie hadn't forgotten that she wanted revenge she was planning it carefully she knew taking on the Chen's was easy but the Feng's was going to be hard they were an established family that span over a century and now she learned that Feng Jo was a warlock he would come to defend his family and when he found out that she was witch he would hunt her downtime a wild animal been hunted in the forest, and if he discovered she was a gipsy royal witch it would game on for all the other warlocks. The worst-case would be if Feng Jo were to discover that she had his children he would want to take them off her she would have one hell of a battle on her hands but if it was the case she wouldn't hesitate to kill him?

Mu Millie had already started to damage the Feng's business-wise she would mess with their proposals that they had planned on their computers they system would have viruses or they would complete crash they were fuming she also hacked into the CCTV cameras at the offices and at home she watches each one of them make sure she knew what each one daily schedule and their routines where she discovers a lot of secrets they were hiding from each other, she was keeping an eye on especially Fen she messed with her so much?

Mu Millie had harrassed Fen so much by just stupid things? Mu Mille realised she was a very materialistic woman she likes her designer clothes, jewellery, handbags shoes, socialising with the other rich wives of the elites. So she would mess with her credit cards, her shopping on-line eg: change it to something else or change the sizes, the best was when Feng Chou send a bunch of red roses she would change the order to send Lilies Fen hated lilies she loved watching her throw the biggest fit when it wasn't right, she would ring Feng Chou and complain alike a sad puppy but in secret, she would curs him, which would put Feng Chou in a bad mood too but she did feel sorry for the staff who would have a rough day.

Mu Millie always deep down knew this woman was weird at the best, but she also thought that Feng Chou and Fen deserved each other they were matched made in hell, she also, saw that Fen never showed this side vicious to Feng Chou she was sickly sweet with him, she also noticed that he was avoiding her too, but why! she wanted to know so she could use it to her advantage and she notices that after Feng Chou had gone to work she was always on Fen on the phone and then, she went out looking nervous, Mu Millie thought she is up to something she needed to find out and cause more havoc with the what she would learn she wanted Fen to suffer just like she did for two, lifetimes, it wasn't asking too much after all these women were the reason why Feng Loki wasn't with her, she couldn't kill her but to slow torture her was much better, but she feels for the staff who got abused by her regularly these staffs were always okay with Mu Millie especially the chefs they taught her a lot.