Mu Millie lifted her head to peek to see what mood Mu Kai was in whether she coax him or not this was a first trying to calm this angry warlock she half-smiled:" hey honey your back" she needed lies, she had hidden a lot of things from Mu Kai but she never once lied to him and she wasn't going to start now so she blurted it all out so fast:" I am sorry these two aren't involved they went with to protect me I was worried about you so I just went to look and one thing let to another I couldn't control my self and my emotions got the better of me and there was a child live at stake so I had to no matter how but I did it did I say I was sorry" she walked over she was holding his arm while talking she was so intimate close to him.
The other two men saw her defending them they were happy but they knew they were guilty so it was just best to take the punishment they didn't want Mu Millie to be punished by Mu Kai so Mu Kim spoke first:" hey bro don't punish sis in law we followed her because we were all worried about you and when we saw they were going to kill the unborn baby and sis in law couldn't hold her emotions we knew it was the right thing to do so we did know what we did and I don't believe it was wrong so I will happily receive the consequences of my actions today" he looked straight at his brother as he spoke he never lied and never made excuses for his action regardless of them being right or wrong he never shied away from punishment either he would not let Mu Millie be punished.
Mu Taichung spoke:" he is right we were worried about you so we went to have look at what was happening was so wrong so I agreed with helping the couple out to me...I believe we did the right thing too and my sister can be emotional but it was justified too so whatever punishment you give is acceptable but you can't punish my sister I will accept net punishment" he looked at Mu Kai as to say you dare them to punish my sister an all hell will break loose especially if grandfather finds out he won't let you punish her!
Mu Kai wanted to smile when he saw this trio he was happy they worked together and the way they were prepared to protect Mu Millie made him even happier but they had to be punished they had gone to a forbidden place and intervene in a matter of the old order if they were caught today the consequence would have been diabolical. He looked at his wifey she looked so sweet and innocent and wasn't adamant she wasn't wrong regarding this matter, in his eyes she wasn't guilty, but if you yo looked at it from one order of the round table she had committed treason if they were caught the punishment would have been dead, he also relieved when she left and she came back safely but the main point was she also needs to learn her boundaries as well rules that she has to abide by.
Mu Kai looks at the trio:" you all be punished as the rules we have in places warlocks I can't let this slide what you did was very dangerous, and stupid anything could have happened today what if you had got caught then what they would have punished you severely even I wouldn't be able to protect you and you brought the couple back here, do you even have a plan in place for them or were you just winging it" he looked at his wife he knew her too well he so hopes she wouldn't wink at him he wouldn't be able to hold his serious face she was already making it hard for him with the cute pouting she was doing he so wanted to kiss her right now.
Mu Millie looked at him what punishment was the warlock on end by looks in both men she knew it wasn't good and it was going to painful, she didn't think he would be so cruel but she know she was guilty so she would also accept the punished:" okay we agree with the punishment but I haven't thought of a plan to protect them I need to speak with the ancestors to see what I can do" she wasn't smiling but she wasn't worried either for some reason getting punished for the crime of saving this unborn baby brought its satisfaction she only knew how painful it was to lose a child and she suffers in every lifetime she had she suffered in this life too until she learned the truth, so she couldn't blame Mu Kai he would never understand this she carried the burden on her shoulder only she knew the pain that tore your heart, she could inky miss her children in all her life until this one where she experienced the joy of being a mother.
Seeing his sister in deep thought Mu Taichung could see that she was thinking of her past she had told him about her past lifes and the pain she endured every time she lost her children at the cruelty of Feng's he wished he could revenge for her but she made compromise he would let her do in her way! and the step she took today was because of that reason.
He loved his sister very much she he didn't ever want to see her in this kind of dilemma and be reminded of her past she was very brave now compared to when she first arrived when she jumped at the sight of her own shadow, but he knew the warlock punishment was very severe the witches punishment was no better he didn't want either for his sister:" Kai I will take my sister punishment please don't put her thought that" he pleaded with Mu Kai.
Mu Kim didn't know why he felt such a sharp pain in his chest he couldn't let jus sis in law be punished:" bro I will have the punishment with Taichung but don't punish Sis in law please" he pleaded too.
Mu Kai looked at the three communicating without speaking it was as though they knew something he didn't he was sure he knew all Mu Millie secrets he also had her past lifes too so what was it that they looked the way they did he wasn't going to punish Mu Millie although she was the instigator of this whole charade, he understood if giving a second or third time she would the same it was just her nature she was sometimes too kind for her good.
Mu Millie had tears in her eyes she never had anyone to protect her like this in her past life she was so happy she knows how scary the punishment she wouldn't let her two brothers take hers she would be more than happy she thought how bad it possibly is it's not like she was a delicate flower she probably endured worst in her this life and past lifes:" hey my amazing brothers it's okay I will take my punishment. She smiled trying not to let the tears flow she walked over and hugged her brothers she whispered:" it's okay I have endured worst we have a bigger problem to deal with right now" she smiled at them both.
Mu Kai saw this he was happy but rules are rules all, they have to be punished even his wifey it would pain him but he couldn't bend them for anyone he was the head of his family and the leader of his clan, so he had upheld the law and it was the same for all of them:" you will all be punished equally as you all, guilty " he walked out of the room me would waver his decision if he stayed any longer he wants to punish his little wifey in other ways she was being too cute and after last night it was affecting him in a part of his body that he was just about controlling.
Mu Millie went to her room she summoned her Nanna she needed to know how to protect the couple now Nanna arrived she looked worried too Mu Millie thought shit!! the ancestors are going to punish me too brilliant but sod them all I still stick by my decision today I did the right thing she would accept the consequences.
Nanna smiled at her granddaughter she was braver than all the other ancestors before her and she was braver than any witch she had ever met and Nanna had met few hardcore witches:" hey sweetheart what you did is the talk of the century and to pull the wool over the eyes of the order of the round table is amazing you are full of surprises the ancestors wanted to punish you but with your mother's on the council now she stopped them saying you did the right thing we don't know how the child born from these two will turn out like but we can hope for the best and they have been watching so they already knew about the child existing but they're all powerless in front of one order of the round table, and they have decided the best course of action at the moment is to seal the island off from prying eyes of all with the spell they gave me which has been used only once to capture and cage a demon warlock and seal his existence from the world until they find a way to kill him? until the child is born and then strip the parents of their powers so they can live like ordinary people and have a normal life for their child but they realise one thing they can't take away the powers of the child they can only seal it away until it turns 18 then the seal will break itself and the powers of the baby will appear what they will be nobody knows?
Mu Millie smiled and thought about everything:" Nanna tell me truthfully will they be able to normal life and not be detected by the fellow clans if they are detected then they will be great danger and so will the child I don't the ancestors have thought this through so tell them back to the drawing board they go or where they go to decide:" Mu Millie didn't want them defenceless when they get attack by there own or there enemies which they would plenty until the child safely protect itself.
Nanna:" I knew you would ask that unfortunately, they wouldn't be able to find them if they were ever found but being stripped of their powered means they'd be a danger for them and their child" she sighed but that watches elders want or you have to accept punished for what you've done," she said she knew which one her granddaughter would pick.
Mu Millie looked at her Nanna and smiled a bitter smile there were tears in her eyes but she didn't let them drop:" I take the punishment and help me hide this couple please" she looked down at her feet she didn't want Nanna to see her bitter face.
Mu Mille thought to her self I did a heroic deed today but instead of a pat on her back and well done she was being punished on both sides it was so unfair but that's reminded her of grandpa said " that all good deeds are not rewarded sometimes you deep down know that you've one the right thing is a reward in its self" she smiled at herself, she thought her life had changed but she couldn't be so wrong she swallowed bitter pride and decided from now on she would do as she pleases sod the consequences if this is what it would be like every time she wanted to save people and creatures or beings then the stick they're rules the so-called old rules up there where the sun doesn't shine, their rules was the wrong they needed to be changed they were like the ancestors very ancestral very old. They need to move into the 21st century. She started the window to the beautiful sea it was so peaceful just the opposite of Mu Mille mind.