Chapter 57 - 57: MU KAI SHOWS HIS LOVEEE



AUTHOR NOTE ( 18+ read at your own risk)

Mu Kai walked out of the bathroom to see his wife staring at the ceiling, he wondered what was she thinking about? he walked over bend his forehead to hers to see if the fever was gone he smiled at her their noses touched sending an electric current through Mu Millie's body she was burning pink again and feeling warm again: "hey how are you feel now! You're still warm! you should have told me you were tired! I am sorry for working you too hard we go slowly next time, sorry for scaring in the stairs too" he chuckled at her puzzled look.

Mu Millie looked at him and thought what's he talking about! and why is he looking like that! did I do something while I was out of it! she couldn't remember she must have for him to have that look she thought should I ask Nah!! leave it, I have done something embarrassing so it is best not to know. Why is he apologising did I say something to make him say sorry? She was puzzled but too embrassed to ask!

Mu Millie was still in her thoughts when she felt his warm lips on her cold ones they were soft and minty he tasted so nice she didn't stop him she let him deepen the kiss she liked it, it felt like the most natural thing to do between husband and wife she had seen other couples like this all the time. It's what she secretly dreamed of she didn't want to kick the gift horse in the mouth.

What she was too embrassed to tell Mu Kai that in her previous life she had been married to Feng Chou he never kissed her it was always biting and Feng Jo she had never kissed on the lips he always pecked her on the cheeks, and the time he did he was unconscious did that count? forehead everywhere else never the lips, she didn't want to be kissed by them anyway! Feng Chou was forced on her and Feng Jo was to hide from Feng Chou, and in her other lives was everything in between! she didn't know why she had never kissed any of them! Or was it they didn't want to kiss her she was puzzling her self? But what thoughts had she got herself into she got back to her moment!

Mu Kai was showing her he loved her, he had told himself he would show her from now on, she just better be prepared for him to woo her off her feet. He only released for air they gasped then he went in again Mu Millie curled her toes up as she felt her whole body react to the second kiss which was more aggressive than the first she felt his hand move around her body she froze, it wasn't that she didn't like it, it was that she loved it she wanted more but didn't know how to ask! She hadn't felt this feeling ever in her two Life's in all her lifetimes this was amazing, whatever it was making her body feel giddy, She slowly was losing her senses she was letting go and letting him take her where he wanted her to go. HIs travelled under her shirt, reached her at he touched them gently Mu Millie was lost she let out a moan, why made Mu Kai smiled while his lips still locked on to Mu Millie's he laid with her breast more, he didn't leave her lips his tongue. Side of her mouth playing around he came out for air then went back in he was enjoying himself, this feeling was arousing him, the touch of her body was sending him to another world he wasn't planning anything but it just happened this way! Mu Millie didn't close her eyes they wide as saucer the more he deepens the kiss the wider her eyes became, then it stopped abruptly she looked confused she was enjoying that? Why did he stop did something happen! did she do something wrong? she didn't understand? Inside she wanted to cry why was it like this?

He smiled at her: when your 100% I will continue, rest for now and I will say this, again and again, until it's embedded in your mind, heart and body, and soul," he pointed at the places where he mentioned:" I am here to stay with you forever I not going anywhere I will be at your beck and call, whatever you want! whatever you need! when you're tired lean on me! when you sad I am here you hold you and tell you you not alone" he smiled as he walked out of the room leaving on extremely confused Mu Millie. She was left wondering what happened? What was that was he teasing her? What did I blubber while out of it, it's worse than being drunk she couldn't remember for the life of her?"

Mu Millie Auntie came back with soup she smiled to see Mum Millie awake:" good your awake now how are feeling I made a nutritious hearty soup I want you to drink it build up your strength my sweet child you have been working your self too hard we all know you want you to achieve all you've missed but take it slowly okay" she smiled as she placed her hand on Mu Millie cheek.

Mu Millie was worried she knew only too well what forces were coming their way, she couldn't just blurt it out and scare everyone, it's only a matter of time before they find her she had been ready, there we're a lot of people to protect she needed to be ready for them when they came. She knew this because she been having dreams that felt so real she would wake up sweating and panting like she fought the demons in reality she didn't understand what was happening, she hadn't told anybody about it yet! She didn't know how to deal with these recurring nightmares, she was thinking to her self that's it's time to have a good talk with Nanna while mixing potion to make pellets of different medicine that they would need.

Mu Millie had also managed to awaken her brother Mu Taichung inner witch he was showing signs that he has the witch gene in his blood they just had open the rest of his inner chi which she managed by giving special pills that Nanna had helped her make because he was a direct descendant from the royal which, he would have some of the witches spell making and combat skills running through him and after Mu Millie transferred her blood into him his spirit chi was strength 10 folds making him a wizard it was very rare for it to happen there was only one other wizard ever to exist in their ancestral line before him.

The whole of witches ancestors was shaken by this revelation, it was kept under wraps from the rest of the world they didn't want any other being to know that he existed not even the two warlocks living under the same roof as them, they only knew that the strength Mu Taichung had now was just little spells that Mu Millie had taught him, Mu Millie told him that he had to keep his power secret until the time they needed to be revealed, both brother and sister kept it to themselves they would practise their witchcraft in secret, Between them, even they didn't know how much power they held.

But the ancestors knew they could wipe out a whole clan of warlocks with the strength combined they were truly the Royals that legend had spoken of they had become to be known Royals of the witches, not just their ancestors but all the other witches and their ancestors around the world had learned of the royal wizard and royal witch, they had achieved only what the ancestors thought were myths, but they also knew if this had come about then there was something coming from the creatures world too, it wasn't going to be good whatever it was but they had to prepare for an all-out war.

Mu Millie had come along way from when she first came in almost two years she manages to learn that of which the gipsy witch learned in decades she was on a fast crash course sometimes even Nanna would worry, but she was told by the ancestors it was because she is born with gipsy and warlock blood in her that's why she can progress so fast. She had not only learned about the witches she also learned about the warlocks too from the warlock ancestors they were amazed and worried at how fast she picked up their secretes and skills in the art of war too the head warlock ancestors told the others "it's shame she is a girl or she would be the greatest warlock they had ever seen".

On fighting skills it was like it was embedded in her she had mastered all the arts, human, witches and warlocks too way of fighting not with just her body but all manners of weapons she kicked arse even her brothers and brother-in-law and husband, they were very surprised by how fast she learned. The bodyguards were highly skilled fighters but she beat them without even trying they were amazed at her skills too they were sure she used her magic to beat them his could a person be this skilled little did they know her cułnry Master had taught her the from of different skills while she slept.

Mu Millie had contacted him through a soul finding spell he was very happy to eat but told her this was their secrat, not another soul should know of what they were up to? Her master also know who her father was but he kept it to himself he never told her that her father was the one that sends him to teach his daughter in secret?

Only Mu Kai knew the real reason why she was a quick learner or so he thought! because she already had the skill she just needed to remember from her past lives, as well as her secret training too he knew she had surpassed him a while back but he didn't say anything he was very proud of her and amazed at her learning skills he knew if she was born ancient times she would be one hell of the warrior she would lead armies into battle he could see her in his imagination.

In the office, she had joined work with her Uncle, brother and sometimes with her husband it was easy working with Mu Kai he knew about her past lives so he knew where her ideas came from he loved working with his wifey but she was very sneaky she would steal kisses from him while no one was watching leaving lip gloss marks on his face he only knew when his secretary would tell him, instead of getting angry he would smile and chuckle to himself which shocked his staff they know him as an ice prince but when he emailed he looked so good the women wanted to be their boyfriend and the men were envious of him that all the women wanted him.

But the men in the office had fallen for Mu Millie she was their Queen as well as being good looking she was very sweet and very kind she went of her to help anybody that needed help he never got angry or threw a bitch fit like they had scene another rich Princess throw they had seen their fair share of action in this office since they the Mu's boys were good looking and they had the elites spoiled princess chasing them around.