Chereads / THIRD TIME COULD BE A CHARM / Chapter 55 - 55: TRAINING? You're NOT ALONE

Chapter 55 - 55: TRAINING? You're NOT ALONE



Mu Kai looked and thought that is a wound that is going to take time to heal he walked over and pulled Mu Millie into his arms he hugged her he whispered:" you are not alone you can share your sorrow your pain you can tell me anything we made a pact to protect each other and to be each other's companion so make me your best friend too, we are all here for you honey look around there are so many people who love unconditionally" he stroked her back soothingly.

Mu Millie buried her self in his chest he smelled so nice his warmth was comforting she did it for the first time she had someone who cared about her, she felt a strange feeling surge up her she didn't know what it was but she liked it.

After she finished sobbing she felt a little bit embarrassed that she showed her vulnerable side to her husband, she didn't know that's what a relationship is about sharing joy and sorrow letting each other be others shoulder to cry on, she didn't have that relationship with Feng Chou in her two lifetimes so how was she to know? She hadn't shared what's she had been through in the Feng's house with anyone, or how the Chan's treated her, not even her brother who she had become very close to. She felt it was in the past and she wanted to deal with herself she wants revenge for her son more than her self she wanted them to cry tears of blood like she had to she wanted them to feel the pain her son must have felt when he was thrown on the floor and the pain he suffered when he was on the hospital bed they couldn't rest in peace especially Feng Chou and Fen. She hated them the most.

Mu Millie whisper just enough for Mu Kai to hear:" Kai will you help me with something later if I ask it's not gonna be nice what I don't want to do but I need to to do it, they have to know what pain is of losing a loved is, they need to suffer just like I did, I don't want much just eye for an eye a face for a face and a punch for a punch I just want to return the same torture they inflicted they need to know it's not okay I need them to know that my son died in a lot of pain because of them and their selfishness and nobody was held accountable thy need to answer why that little soul had to pay so dearly and how it feels to have one's heart ripped out placed in one's hand" she sobbed while she whispered.

Mu Kai heard every word she spoke he felt her pain which was hurting her deep inside he knew whatever happened wasn't good he knew she has suffered but he needed to find, the rest of this puzzle that was buried in the Feng's house, but for his sweet huggable koala to say this meant she was hurt badly would she ever tell him or does she want to bury it:" I will help you with anything you want good or bad I will do it if it means you won't hurt anymore" he right the grip on her.

Mu Millie whispered:" the hurt won't go it's two lifetimes how can you fix that is there a spell that numb that if there is I need to find it, but I don't want to lose the feeling of hurting after losing my son it will mean I didn't love him I loved him with all my heart he is the reason I wanted to live he was sunshine on my darkest days, he was salvation when I felt I couldn't cope when the beautiful baby boy left me, I felt the world around me collapse to my very existence was shaken, I died another death that day, I woke up lonely and lost I never want that feeling ever again " she went silent she was remembering she curled into a ball on Mu Kai's leg.

He saw Mu Mille in a new light the pain he sometimes sees in her eyes made sense and he thought wtf did they do her there while she lived with them, he had seen some marks on her arms and shoulder and abdomen and legs it looked like she was beaten up, he also knew she had low self-esteem, and she doesn't think she is good enough, he found her trying to please everyone so they would like her, she went out away to help everyone including the staff, the worst was she was always looking over her shoulder like she was always worried, she was afraid, he now understood, they tried there best to bring her out of this cacoon she was in, they are slowly bringing her out of it. She laughed a lot more she smiled a lot more now he was wondering how was showing us what she thought we wanted to see, He mostly angry with himself for not be able to step in and safe her early maybe before she enters the Feng's she would be hurting so much.

At some point she fell asleep he lifted her and walked towards the door the to find his brother Mu Kim stood their he sighed he had heard everything Mu Millie spoke he was shocked what he just found out about Mu Millie he saw her in a new light his heart went out to her. He had judged her all wrong she was just a broken soul.

Mu Kai stopped near his brother My Kim and spoke:" I want you found what the hell they did to her all of them the report on my desk yesterday " he barked the order at his brother.

Mu Kim nodded he didn't speak he knows his brother the way he spoke someone head was about to roll, he would get the information by hook or crook he needs to find anything out and this was bout his beloved wife he had seen his brother pine over this women s9 he knew she was special before he married her now she was his wife he had bad feeling blood would spill? so need to open the search and bribe the staff that work at Feng's.

Mu Kai brought Mu Millie back he laid her on the bed he tried to smile but the pain that she was in and the word she spoke kept rolling around in his head he didn't know what he would do now he didn't want to ask her about her past she was in to much pain he needed to find some other way? A thought came to him he would talk to that person later maybe he could shed some light plus their clocks would be different due to the countries they lived in. He would have to wait until he was awake.

As he watches Mu Millie sleep her tears were still flowing from her eyes he wiped them with his thumbs soon as he touched her forehead he noticed she was burning up. He got up and went fetched water in a bowl and towel he wet it placed it on her forehead and neck he rung the doctor too to come and check her he cursed himself for not noticing he had made her train without a break and he attacked her in the corridor earlier too it must have frightened her, as he wiped her he noticed a bruise on her forehead it was fresh he cursed himself he caused that he never wanted to ever hurt.

As he uses the clothes to wipe Mu Millie down he heard her mumble, he moved closer to hear her clearly that he hurt shock him to his core.

Mu Millie mumbled:" please stop your hurting me I didn't kill Fen and her babie you have the wrong person it wasn't me driving that night, it was my sister Wen, please don't use the whip it hurts, Ahh, please stop I..l. I'm sorry please stop, please don't touch me like that you are sickening I hate you I never hated anyone in my life but I hate you, Master Feng one day you will learn the truth and one day you will have the retribution for your sins the Lord is watching why did you kill my baby boy Fen he never hurt anyone why him Master Feng give me back my son please" she sobbed quietly.

Mu Kai thought what the hell is going on in her head he needed to find out he moved closer to see if she would answer him:" hey why does Master Feng hate you, honey, who is hitting you" he waited for an answer he hoped in her fever she would be able to tell him what she was hiding deep inside of her?

Not long Mu Millie responded:" Master Feng doesn't like me he hates me I didn't why at first! but just before I died in my last life as leapt off the building because I didn't want to be gang-raped, and I was so tired of the life I found out the reason but being born again back in the Feng's house how could the Lord be so cruel he gave me second chance but right back in the torment, humiliation, and torture, but at least now know why! I didn't kill his beloved Fen and his live child that devious women she turned out to be the most cunning women I ever met! I know I shouldn't say this I hoped she had died if she had my son would be alive, why did I befriend that evil woman! I was okay alone I should stay alone, but it's too late my son died because the Feng's did tell me but the doctor at the hospital told me Fen threw my son on the floor after seeing he was Master Feng's son, and the bastard Master Feng is protecting her they are all hypocrites in that house the way they turned a blind eye to what happened to there great grandchildren, grandchildren nephew, son they didn't care it was like Loki didn't even exist he was never there, Master Feng seeking justice for his beloved Fen he tortured me endlessly but when it was Loki turn and the truth came out they turned a blind eye to it, who was I to them anyway a nobody a good punchbag, a sex toy, somebody to vent anger out on, in the end, a slap on the face and thrown out on the street, I was used and abused it they all watched, nobody ever stopped Master Feng I was lucky in this life, I came to my Grandpa's I never know that I had the whole family that cared about me, and I have beautiful children and lucky for me they don't belong to that beast Master Feng Chou although they still Feng's, I was angry with Jo about this matter but now he gives the beautiful children so I let him off, oh do you know I have a hunk of a husband, oh my God is sex bomb how can I describe him he is the best he makes me feel like I am on top of the world his smile is like sunshine it reaches the deepest darkest part of my heart his touch I don't even know how to describe it makes my whole body tingle he is amazing I see my self just watching him and smiling like a silly teenager falling in love for the first time and you know the best part he is all mine I sometimes get sacred thinking it's all a dream I have to pinch my self to remind my self that it is all true" she faded away in her fever.