Mu Millie stepped into the office and closed the door stood behind panting for breath she was embarrassed but she loved her perverted way too. She couldn't understand how she became a pervert or has she always been one, she was chuckling to her self" this man is going turn me into a complete pervert" he smiled.

She looked forward and her Grandpa was watching her and thought what was up to his silly granddaughter but he was happy to see her smile. Mu Millie looked up and saw her Grandpa looking she was even more embrassed now. She didn't know where to hide her face it was burning pink.

Mu Millie smiled her best smiled and walked forward she stood in front of her Grandpa asked:" good morning Grandpa did you check the project is it okay " she smiled she knew how to put a project together she had done plenty for different people who had kidnapped her, brought her, sold her, even Feng Chou took advantage of her for her this skill when he discovered that she was useful, he had to stop beating her for this reason and reason alone she could make him money in billions. She became his secret weapon to his success where he was known all over the world. But this time she would help her own family and even her husband if he would let her?

Grandpa looked up and smiled:" my sweetheart where did you learn this from it is superb I send it with you Uncle this morning and it is already the talk of the board it was sold for 5 billion it went into a bidding war the old grumpy's haven't stopped ringing me asking who designed it I haven't told them because your Uncle wants to reveal you to the world in a conference in front of the media in the meantime he wants you to join him in the office as his partner with your brother would you like to join" he was hoping she would say yes he could tell this young lady had inherited her mother's brain and skills for business his daughter always knew to win the client's over that's how she met the Chen and ended married to him.

Mu Millie beamed with happiness and thought this time she would help the family that loved her and she would also be a partner with the biggest tycoon in business she needed this as part of her plan to revenge form Feng Chou:" yes Grandpa" she jumped up and down she ran over and hugged her Grandpa she giggles like a silly school girl.

Mu Jade watched his Granddaughter with the love he always wants to see her this happy he never wants to see her cry the way she did when she first arrived she had come out of her shell since she had come here he wants to boost her self esteem until she was untouchable. He chuckled was so her Nanna and, as he watched Mu Millie full of happiness and full of life he so missed the other women that weren't in his life.

Mu Millie:" Grandpa can I work on other projects as well I have few ideas in my head I want to show you please" well they were her ideas, but in the future in five years that she helped design for Feng Chou she never got any credit only abuse in return she was made to help other business tycoons in her last life she knew all these people from her past life so she could steal all the clients now she could use them here and now so she could build a good business network before she went to destroy the Feng's and the Chan's.

Grandpa smiled he was listening:" yes why do need to ask" he smile he couldn't wait to see want she would come up with.

Mu Millie smiled:" thanks Grandpa" she giggled again like a little girl.

Grandpa noticed a bruise above Mu Milles's eye he abruptly got up to take a look shocking his Granddaughter who looked worried. She walked over and moved her bangs way to look carefully:" who did this" he asked gently he didn't want to scare her.

Mu Millie was surprised:" what Grandpa is it" she needed a mirror she couldn't see it.

Grandpa took his phone out took a picture and gave it to her she quickly answered:" oh that was training this morning I wasn't paying attention when it happened" she smiled sheepishly. It was her own doing it happen when she was trying to lie, Mu Kai, down she accidentally bumped on his belt now it's all so embarrassing.

Grandpa:" oh try to be more care sweetheart your mother was the same she was never like the other young ladies she was always scrapping with the boys the number of complaints I use to get from there parents she was a rebel without a course" he chuckled when he remembers his daughter got in to fight the parents came to personally complain thinking she was a boy they were shocked that she beat their son so bad even the bullies at school ran away from her.

Mu Millie:" okay Grandpa I am going to check on the twins now and tell me when I join the office I can't wait I am so happy to thank you Grandpa" she smiled as she walked out.

Mu Millie went upstairs she walked into the twin's room to find her brother Mu Taichung and brother in law Mu Kim with a baby each they were cuddling them she smiled in the doorway. Behind her, Mu Kai followed he had made the baby's milk he was walking in he stood behind Mu Millie and looked at what she was watching he smiled seeing her smiling he whispered:" I think they'd make great fathers, would you ever think they had this soft side to them" he looked at both men.

Mu Millie looked at the pair they were very cold and unapproachable apart from their loved ones Mu Kim had changed towards her too they had very awkward conversations she was always polite he was her brother in law he was family he did step in to save her and children.

Mu Kim was still inquiring about Mu Millie he leads went cold when she married into the Feng's it was like she never existed in that house he was curious. He did find out that it was a marriage of convenience and revenge, he also found out that the Feng's paid a very large amount to Chen's for Mu Millie he didn't understand what the secret was between them all. He was looking for Wen Chan she would spill the beans but she had disappeared off the face of the earth even the Chan's we're going crazy looking for her.

Mu Kai gave the bottles of baby milk to the men and grabbed his wife's hand walked out he took her to the gym he needs to test her to see if she could remember from her past lives she needed to use the weapons when the time comes. He had to prepare her just in case she needed to defend her self and her loved ones he would, always protect her but in there world everything was unpredictable they always needed to be alert and on guard.

He first gives her the daggers and told her to aim for the target board. Mu Millie looked at the daggers and then the target board and then at Mu Kai in her head she thought wtf am I supposed to them. Mu Kai walked behind her he held the hand with the dagger in he helped her aim it at the target board the throw it hit the middle bullseyes.

Mu Millie was shocked she hit the middle okay with help of Mu Kai. She beamed with happiness she turned around and hugged him surprising Mu Kai he didn't know what to do with his crazy wife but he responded to the hug. Then an idea came to him.

Mu Kai:" honey you try it your self now just like I showed you" he smiled.

Mu Millie didn't tell him her culinary teacher who taught her how to make different cuisines also taught her how to throw daggers and use a sword and other weapons too, including different firearms but in front of Mu Kai, she presented she was just learning she behaved she didn't know anything she smirked and thought dear husband only if you knew what this wife was capable of you would be left speechless?

Mu Millie aimed her daggers one after the other in the middle of the target board. Surprising her husband who was thinking beginners luck. Until she did it a second and third time. This time he clapped and hugged her surprising his wife, Mu Millie hugged him back. She like this feeling she got every time she was near Mu Kai she never felt anything like this in two lifetimes.

Mu Millie didn't understand what was happening to her body she thought about it and decided to make an appointment with the Gp just to get checked out she never had this feeling before so she couldn't decide what to do, she felt okay in her herself it didn't make sense so it was best to get herself checked.

Mu kai was impressed he know she had a little skill but didn't know she was tho good he needed to check her sword skills:" come on then let's practise with the sword" he smiled.

They used would replicas to start with Mu Milkie looks at her husband and thought you poor babe only if you know what your wife knew shame I can't tell you! They start the dual Mu Kai took it easy on Mu Millie as he thought she would be rusty but soon realised that his wife wasn't rusty she was very good he was using full force she was defending every strike he wasn't able to his her at all he was amazed and thought her fighting skill are similar to Master Ning but how to end when did she meet him he doesn't have any disciples huh that's strange.

Why he didn't know is Master Ning was a good family friend as well as a trainee apprentice to Mu Millie Nanna so on her request he went to teach Mu Millie he presented to be her culinary teacher they secretly trained her and said it would come in use someday he also urged her not suffer alone contact her Grandpa which she didn't do. At the time she felt she would be a burden to them as well she thought it best not to disturb their peaceful life with her disturbing presence.

Mu Kai:" when did you meet Master Ning," he asked.

Mu Millie looked a bit puzzled:" who's Master Ning I don't know him" she smiled she was a bit puzzled.

Mu Kai:" your fighting technique is like his" he was surprised he knew she didn't lie bit was she hiding the. Truth.

Mu Millie:::::"":::::::?

Mu Kai saw she was looking confused:" so who taught you how to fight" he smiled.

Mu Millie:" oh my Culinary teacher Master Chengdu, he taught me.

Mu Kai thought it must be Master Ning disciple that would explain it:" don't get me wrong your good you impressed me I didn't know you would know how to use these skills" he smiled.

Mu Millie:" I was surprised when he first asked to learn but I needed to stay out of Chen's house as long as possible I hated going home to get bullied so I agreed later to train in different fighting skill, Master always said I would need them one day when I return with my true identity, but when I married Feng Chou I saw him once he told me that I would need these skills later and to practice them when I could and not to tell anyone in the Feng household about them? and I should also contact my Grandpa Mu to bring me home I shouldn't stay in the Feng's house I didn't belong there? at the time I would just think I would be a burden like I was to everyone else? but now realise that I should have called a lot earlier maybe I could save my son he would still be alive its all my fault for not being a good mum" she sat on the floor at the thought of her son tears came and flowed like a waterfall she cursed her self for not standing up for herself if she had maybe her son would alive today she held her knees up and her head buried in them as she sobbed quietly.