

Mu Millie did as she was told then the demonic creature fell to the floor screaming:" no master don't leave me I will die without you" he wailed in pain as something cut him with a knife.

Mu Kai took his sword and slated him while he was on the floor he turned in to dust and disappeared. As they finished they all dropped to the floor Mu Kai looked at his wifey who looked like a sheep ready to be slaughtered by him he knew she severed the ties of the demonic creature and its master who was the demon prince he would have felt the power Mu Millie released this wasn't good he would have a taste of what she had he would come after her to not steal her powers to make her the queen of his Dominic kingdom she would be a source of energy he would drain her slowly it would be the worse kind of torture known to any creature or human. He had to get them home safely keep a close eye on his wifey she was way more powerful than he thought .

Mu Kim also felt the same as his brother now she was his sis in law he would protect her regardless of how he felt he looked over at her sat in the corner like a lioness protected her cubs he thought she looks really cute he didn't notice before but his sis in law was very pretty and cute at the same time.

Mu Taichung ran over to his sister:" hey piggy/ bunny are you okay is the children, okay everything is okay you need to lower your shield now so I can see if you're okay" he smiled gently he knew during the fight his sister send some of her energy to him he felt like he was invisible it hadn't disappeared so was it for keeps.

Mu Millie looked at them:" it's not over there are more on there way call everybody we need to go home quickly " she was looking at Kai at this point.

Mu Kai and Mu Kim looked at her brother calling her piggy and bunny what he still calls her that he just called his wife piggy he would deal with him later, he knew the look she gave him so he yells for everybody to gather in the main hall room. Mu Kim went and brought everyone they needed all leave together how he was waiting to see what his sis in law had up her sleeve. He knew they couldn't leave via front door?

Mu Kai carried his children and Mu Millie followed behind him as they all gathered Mu Millie looked all of them and at the wall Nanna had told where the portal was to be opened this was the first time she would open a portal she would either send them home or to the moon her guess was as good as anybody's but least she had Nanna so she couldn't mess it up. She still couldn't believe she was about to do something beyond her wildest imagination when still trying to reel her head around that she was a gipsy witch.

She drew a star on the wall then wrote her incantations in it then she chanted what Nanna told her to repeat the wall turn in to mirror you could see the living room of the Mu Mansion house. All the people gathered looked on in amazement at what Mu Millie had just done.

Mu Millie turned to everyone "ready or not we need to leave let's go we don't have much time" she took the babies of Mu Kai and gave one to Mu Kim and one to Mu Taichung she told them to pass through first she knew the babies could also guide the portal the right way. Both men look at her then the portal at the babies they held then at Mu Kai they weren't sure either had never travelled through a portal. Mu Jade came forward he realised they were all sceptical. He also knew that his wife was here too so he trusted his granddaughter.

Mu Jade:" I will go through first so you all know it safe" he looked at his granddaughters winked. he knew his wife was around he had sensed her. He was very happy that his granddaughter had become very powerful like her Nanna. He walked through everyone saw him on the other side safe.

So Mu Kim and Mu Taichung walked through they were amazed when the arrived in the living room of the mansion two by two the rest followed until only Mu Millie And Mu Kai remained.

Mu Kim and Mu Kai could also open portals but they needed devices that they had never seen one open with few words and drawing they realised that Mu Millie wasn't an ordinary which, the two men had never used one before. They certainly couldn't open one, not of this scale. And certainly not long enough to let so many people through.

Mu Millie looked at Mu Kai she needed to erase any sign of them being there and also seal the house to stop future attacks from another source if any kind they knew they would be hunted like a wild pack of animals now, she also had to stop the demon prince from tracking them to the mansion she was following Nanna instructions:" Kai go through while I complete the spell I meet you there" she smiled.

Mu Kai looked at her and thought wtf:" I am not leaving you here by your self I will wait for you to complete what it is needed okay" he was stern in his speech it was like a command, not an ask.

Mu Millie looked at him inside she was smiling but outside, she was very serious:" okay just stay very close to the portal as I erase and seal the house nobody or thing should know that we were here okay" she smiled.

Then she quickly ran through the house chanting a blinding spell as well as sealing it from the enemies when he came to the hall Mu Kai was waiting for her she smiled as she continued her chanting she walked towards the portal they were ready to leave there was a large explosion in the main doorway it was like you were in the middle of the battlefield, they knew someone or something was trying to enter Mu Millie looked at Mu Kai she quickly finished and grabbed Mu Kim hand jumped through the portal they landed in the living room she quickly closed the portal she stops and looked behind her all the people stood still looking in a daze she was worried did something happened to them why do they look like they had seen a ghost it is her she had used magic in front a lot of humans which was non-existent in this world.

Mu Millie chuckled tried to laugh it off she didn't know how to explain this:" we'll what you guys have seen is real it exists in this world and this moment in time, the dark demon you saw in the other house was real too so I won't hide anything because you are all part of the security teams and maids and butlers which means you should be aware of the dangers surrounding us so if you want to leave you may and those who choose to stay there's need to worry you will all be taught how to fight the unseen and weird of the so-called myths and legends.

What she didn't know these people working in this house were either warlocks apprentice or witches, maids so they knew of their existence as well although they haven't fought anything of that nature up till now. They seem to be protected in this house so the old lady must have sealed it.

Nanna whispered:" they already know they have been trained accordingly so don't worry" she smiled.

Mu Mille looked surprised and thought someone could have told her that before she gives that awful speech. At least didn't have to worry that everyone was in danger around her and her children.

Every one cheered Mu Millie she was their hero they all left to do their allocated jobs.

They all walked off they didn't know what had happened, the remaining people were taken by Mu Huan and Mu Jiajing to settle in, that they brought back from the Mu Kai Mansion they were also in danger so they brought them along, Mu Kim, Mu Taichung still had the baby's in their arms walked off to the nursery, they wanted to play with their Neice and Nephew leaving Mu Kai and Mu Millie, Mu Jade in the living room.

Mu Jade excused himself leaving Mu Kai and Mu Millie there Mu Kai walked over to Mu Millie:" hey Mrs Mu Kai you were amazing out there you handled everything like I thought you would" he kissed her cheek as he smiled.

Mu Millie froze he just kissed her what should do should she respond or run away she wanted to do the latter but she needed to ask him some questions too:" hey thank-you I think but I wouldn't have known what to do if it hadn't been for Nanna she guided me she is the real hero" she smiled.

Mu Kai looked at her she is so naive she doesn't know she had killed a demon prince cousin which is next to impossible even they struggle with the devious bastards, she severed his ties to the demon prince like she been doing this all her life who would think that's he learned this only a few months go his wifey was amazingly he hugged her tightly he was very proud of his little witchy if she knew would she feel the same.

Mu Millie was taken back by his hug she stood there like a statue she didn't know how to respond, she had to admit it felt very nice warm, cosy, and safe how can one hug reveal all these strange warming emotions inside of her, she was lost in thought.

Mu Kai took advantage he kissed her lips this time shocking the Already stunned Mu Millie she looked so cute he couldn't help peck her lips again and then again. She tasted so good sweet she smelled even sweeter he wanted to eat her now but he knew he had to wait she had to come to him, that's the deal he made with the elders but there was no rule about him giving her helping hand she was his wife now after all! He had taken this step to make sure they couldn't sever his tie to her they bound by the heavens now.

Mu Millie was about to ask Mu Kai something her mind was a mess after the hug then after the kiss it went completely blank she forgot what she was going to ask!! All she could think was what had he done to her he had used such dangerous methods to knock her off track, she thought he is seriously dangerous I need to wary of him, she could smell the scent it was old musk it wafted into her nose making her wanting to sniff some more of him.

Mu Millie was pulled out of her thought when she was called by her Nanna:" hey daydreamer he has gone " she chuckled.

Mu Millie was embarrassed about what was wrong with her brain it was doing strange stuff to her it was rebelling against her putt8ng strange into her:" hey Nanna thank-you for helping earlier my mind went blank and I panicked bit promise it won't happen again I will be on high alert" she smiled like a good girl in front of her class teacher.

Nanna was serious:" sweetheart it time to get serious now before you were pregnant so I was lenient with you but now there is no excuse so it's time to get a lot of practice in magic and your martial arts, you attracted the attention of the demon prince which isn't good if he catches you he either kill you or in prison you in his realm he is cruellest of being ever to walk the earth" she knows from Mu Millie past lives she knew martial arts she was very good this life she has fought anyone so she doesn't know she had the skill inside if her she just had to awaken the dormant body within.

Mu Millie looked at Nanna and wtf now who have I attracted is he worse than the Feng's or was it worse than the last life she was listening to her Nanna she needs to learn to fight she realised how useless she was she couldn't rely on the guys every time she was in trouble and how would she take revenge in her enemies if she could fight,

Mu Millie thought about the best persons for her training and thought she needs different fighting techniques so she decides to start her training with her bodyguards then her brother, then the Mu brothers she had it planned nicely in her head but her husband had other ideas.

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