After a while, I have all I could and placed the book aside as everything seems to go on like clockwork. I placed the book aside as I watched everyone do the things they do best. Sora and Nimbus were sparring which was probably why no one was close to them at this point in time. Grusk was most likely outside to improve his strength and stamina, Star was quite literally a couch potato.
She was lying on her belly beside the fireplace on a big and soft pillow she bought for herself while reading. Shadow, Ruby and Emerald were in a free for all fight with no dangerous weapons as the clashing of wood echoed to his ears. I looked to the secondary exit and walked out of the camp there. The sun shone down like a star was falling from the sky, a rare sight in this shadow infested world.
I squinted as I looked up and smiled, glad for the warmth from the sun. He then looks back to plain sight seeing the fight has become more of a two on one as the twins have teamed up against shadow. I spectated them a moment more before grabbing a wooden sword with a cloth grip from the weather worn table.
It contains a wooden replica of our weapons and has been tweaked to have the weight of its real counterparts. I picked up the one crafted after my sword and charged in giving them little to no warning of my approach. Shadow noticed my approach and jumped out of the way so I ended up hitting Ruby instead.
She lets out a surprised squeak as I hit her down at the spine, counting one on to my scores I moved on to battle a new opponent. As I do so my mind reverses and begins to think of the conditions inside the walls while my body moves of its own accord. 300 years ago, when the void construct was first opened not only was a new and immensely powerful energy source shown to us.
It also opened up a whole new world and monsters eager to take our world as theirs to extinguish the light. It was said that these beings were born and lived in the space between dimensions known as the void. It is completely shrouded in darkness and so were the creatures that lived in it.
The void was the first to exist and so held the most power out of all the other dimensions in space and time. It is said that eventually from being mindless beasts who constantly battle each other, they came together. In doing so made the first civilisation to exist while the other realms were just being birthed and life starting at the smallest of forms.