"Huh? Whatcha' mean by that?" She asked, perplexed.
"Where's Caz?" I asked, wanting him to hear it at the same time as Ellie. I wonder how they're gonna react?
"PA!" She yelled, making me flinch at the sudden outburst. "Kichi has some thin' he wan's to tell us!"
"Kichirou is here? Hang on," his voice called from the back. I could hear him making his way to the front. He waved as he walked through the door. I waved back.
"Okay, so since your both here, I wanted to tell you some….really…really good news." I laughed softly.
"Oh? Is this what I think it is?" Caz smirked. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. What was he talking about?
"I don't know what you're thinking, or why Ellie is blushing, but if it has something to do with what you think, you're wrong," I frowned. "But here's the news," I clapped my hands together. "I was talking to the King and Queen-"
"You wha?!" Ellie gasped. "You talked ta the King an Queen?" She put a hand to her mouth. "What was it fer?" She tilted her head.
"Well," I smiled. "They requested me to help them with something, can't really say. They've been keeping it secret. But I can tell you this." I walked over and sat on the counter. "The King saw the sword you made me and has requested for you to work with and for him to be his new Royal BlackSmith."
The room was silent. Dead silent. Had I said something wrong? I figured they'd be more excited to hear about this. Maybe this isn't something they wanted? But who wouldn't want to work for the King? Maybe I shoulda asked them fir-
"K-Kichi…," I looked over at Ellie who held a hand over her mouth while tears rolled down her eyes. Her breathing was ragged. "Y-You got us a job ta work fer the King?" She hick upped.
"W-why are you crying?" I asked. "I thought you'd be excited." She walked over to me and pulled me into a hug, a really tight one!
"Thank ya so much." She whispered.
"N-no biggie," I said as I sat awkwardly. "Really. You both do good work. The King even recognizes it."
"Kichirou….," Caz started. "You don't understand what you just did for us….this was my wife's dream, to work for the Royal family. It's one of the highest honors you can get in life as a blacksmith. And Ellie," he looked at her. "Has worked so hard day after day to improve her own skills as well as try and get more customers to come shop." His voice was downcast. "We weren't doing well, but then you came along….you helped us stay afloat, and now you got us a job with the King?"
"Truly, what are ya, Kichi," Ellie asked softly. "Ya really are somethin'," she smiled softly.
I felt my face get hot. "It was no biggie," I scratched the back of my head. "Really."
"This is why…." Ellie froze for a second before speaking again. "This is why I love you, Kichi."
"W-woah!" I raised my hands. "L-love me?" What is she talking about? She doesn't really even know me that well….or I guess she does? But we haven't known each other long. Is this that love at first sight thing I hear about in fairy tails?
Condition met
Ellie has confessed her love for you
Extra Quest: Accept her love and receive an award
Reward for completing quest: 500 status points will be given to each stat
You have to be kidding me…..
If I accept her love, I get 500 stat points to all my stats? That's…broken but….I don't think I love Ellie. I don't want to lead her on.
But I'll get 500 stats points. Plus, it's not like she isn't cute. She is…extremely in fact. And if you wanted my opinion…I think she is the prettiest, even if she is the dumbest one of the girls.
From her stupid perverted jokes about me, to her quick analyzing of me. She's been the one person that I actually…feel something for?
"You…love me…" my voice trailed off as I looked at the ground.
Love…something I never experienced in my old life. Not even my parents ever told me that they loved me. They always favoritized my sister.
Like when I mentioned to the King how my sister ran away, I never mentioned how my parents blamed me even after I spent all night looking for her. And when I got home….they didn't even notice that I was gone. They thought I was in my room the entire time. Though I guess that's my fault for being a hard-core gamer. (LOL).
"S-sorry!" She blushed as she hid her face with her hands. "I-I don' know why I said that." She shook her head vigorously.
Maybe…for once…."I…can't say I love you too," I started. "But…I'm glad that you love me." I smiled softly, my hair covering my eyes. "I'm truly glad." I can actually be happy…
Extra Quest Complete
Reward: 500 Stat points to all stats
"Kichi…" Ellie looked me in the eyes, to which I averted eye contact nervously. She chuckled softly. "Some things never change, huh?" She walked up to me. "You don' have ta be scared of lookin' me in the eyes. I promise they're only full of love, not judgement." She chuckled at that.
"Don't belittle me like that…." I muttered. I know I've always been scared of eye contact, but with her…it's different…
A hard slap on the back that hurt like hell knocked me out of whatever trance I was in. "So," Caz grinned. "When will y'all be getting married?"
"W-wha!" Ellie blushed.
"Slow down old man," I frowned. "Don't push me to fast. I hate that." He put his hands up in surrender and laughed.
"Well then, what about this job with the king?" He asked. "When will we start?"
"Oh," I scratched my cheek. "Right now, actually. There should be a carriage waiting outside." As if some form of magic, the second the words left my mouth someone walked through the door.
"Hello, I was sent here to pick up Ellie and Caz."
"EEEEK!" Ellie squealed in delight. "This is really happenin'!" She ran outside to the carriage in excitement. Caz, on the other hand, patted me on the back with a smile.
"Thank you, truly." He smiled. "This means the world to us. Ellie especially." He looked through the window at her freaking out, looking at the carriage like a child. "I'm not surprised she fell in love with you." His mentioning of it made me blush. "You're a good kid," he smiled softly. "And I approve of you being with her. I know you'll treat her right."
Condition met
Caz has begun loving you as a son
Reward: All stats increased by 100
At that, Caz walked off, heading into the carriage that took them back to the castle. I, on the other hand, had to make my way to where Sora and friends would meet up with me.
As I headed there, I couldn't help but wonder. That menu said that Caz started seeing me as a son, which increased my stats by 100. But I thought the person had to love me for me to get a stat increase? But then again, there are different types of love.
Wait, so does that mean that if someone loves me like a son, or loves me as a person , or loves me in any way, my stats will increase?
If that's the case, that's kind of broken. That means if I become famous and seen as a hero, then many may love me as a hero. Would that count towards my relationship system towards them?
Maybe I could ask Yue?