"You had no right!" I hissed.
"I'm not surprised you take their side," she narrowed her eyes.
"What's that supposed to mean?" .
"That power of yours you call "skill connect" is a skill of the Demon King himself. Developed by him in order to mix all forms of spells together to make forbidden Magic's."
"What are you getting at?" I asked. "Are you saying you think I'm the Demon King?" I laughed.
"I do not know," she stated. "All I know is that before the Demon King perished, he cursed the Gods that his soul would one day resurrect, and that he would get vengeance on the world. He said that 10,000 years from that day his soul would find a new host to possess."
"Yeah, so I've heard. But it couldn't be me," I sneered. "I'm not even from this world. I have no Magic power. And wouldn't he be giving off a tremendous amount of power?"
"Mmm…I guess so. Perhaps since you are from another world you were able to…manifest this skill from things you possibly knew of from that world. But then again," she looked me in the eyes. Directly into my soul. "The magic power you now emit may be small, but the fact you even developed any magic power without any Mana in your body. It's…odd."
"Maybe it's cause the spell you gave me." I stated. But…that can't be right. The King said he felt no magic power from me. In fact, no one was able to read any magic power from me until…
Wait, could my stat increase from Ellie and Caz be the reason I'm emitting magic power? But that wouldn't make sense, right?
"Perhaps." She sighed.
Well, whatever the reason, I'll figure it out. In the meantime….
"You mentioned I manifested a skill. Are you saying I can create my own skills?"
"Not at all," she laughed. "That is impossible. You don't create a skill. It manifests, as I stated, from things you know off. Think of it as an…evolution of sorts. Mostly of a skill."
Ah, so like leveling up a ski- wait a second…isn't that what I can do? Hmm…maybe that explains all the magic spells I unlocked from pyrokinesis. And speaking of which.
"Question," I started. "You gave me the power of fire. Do you think that you could teach me…more Magic's?" I asked. "My God isn't exactly…helpful." I muttered. Iren chuckled at the statement.
"Oh, silly boy. Magic does not work that way. I can't just show you the magic and you be able to cast the spell. It doesn't work that way. It takes many years of study."
"Then…how am I able to use pyrokinesis?" I asked.
"Because that is my specialty. The origin of my power is fire. I was able to gift it to you, but other Magic's, I can not give to you." She crossed her arms as a smile came across her face.
"What's with the smile?" I asked. "I don't like it." It made me shiver.
"I can not teach you. But…I can introduce you to someone who can."
"Really?!" I perked up at the thought of learning more magic.
"Silly boy. You don't need to learn magic. It is already in your blood. In mine." A voice echoed in my head. Yue? No, this…was a male's voice.
My ears started ringing and I got a headache that felt as if my brain was being ripped in half. "Gah!" I grabbed my head.
"Are you okay?" Iren asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Y-yeah," I lied. I felt as though I was going to die. Like something was ripping me up from the inside.
"That's because something is."
Who the hell are you! There was no reply.
"Mmm. Well, I will introduce you to my…friend later. In the meantime," she waved her hand dismissively at me. "Begone."
"Hey, Kichi," Sora waved her hand in my face.
"Wha-" I looked around. How were we at the forest entrance?
"You've been quiet for a while. You okay?"
Guess my loner atmosphere is still the same, not spoken to but rarely. I mean I'm not complaining. Not like I was really here to answer any questions or reply to a comment.
"Yeah. Sorry. I was just thinking." I scratched the back of my head. What power was it that Iren mentioned she saw in me? And who was that that was talking to me? Do the two have something in common?
The voice mentioned Magic was in my blood. In his. But who was he? Does it have something to do with the magic power I emit now? But I still don't have magic. If I had, I'd have a magic bar, but it's all still SP.
I wasn't able to keep thinking as we soon headed into the forest, searching for the Princess.
"I bet they'll be in some old, abandoned cabin," Han stated out of the blue.
"Ugh, what a cliché that would be." I mumbled.
"Yeah. What is with kidnappings and old shacks and cabins?" Sora asked.
"Who knows. I don't want to understand the brain of a kidnapper. It makes you one." I replied.
"I….don't think that's how it works?" Rubellia seemed to ask more than state.
"Well, whatever," I shrugged. "I don't want to understand their reasons. I just want to find the Princess and finish this quest so we can get in with our normal lives again. I hate doing these big missions for the King. I just want to work at my own pace."
"That's just you being lazy," Patora chuckled.
"No, it isn't. I just hate doing work I don't want to do. As the saying goes, if I don't have to do it, I won't. But if I have to do it, I'll make it quick."
"I dunno, sounds like the definition of lazy to me." Sora said.
"It's not lazy. It's energy conserving…." I grumbled.
"Kichi, that's literally the same th-"
"Shh," I shushed Patora. "Look." I pointed at a Cabin that was surrounded in shadows of the trees. Bandits seemed to be patrolling the perimeter. I didn't see any movement inside, but this was definitely the place.
"What are we gonna do?" Sora asked as everyone looked at me. "This is definitely the place."
I began sweating nervously. "I-I don't know." I stuttered for words. "I guess we could wait to see if we can find an opening or something." I suggested.
"But that means we would have to wait," Sora stated. "What if their plan happens while we wait for the opening?"
"That is a possibility," Han agreed. "Wouldn't it be best for us to make a move now?"
"I don't know," Patora chimed in. "Wouldn't jumping in with no plan or information on their numbers give us a disadvantage?"
"Agreed. Who knows how many of them there are or how dangerous they are." Rubellia added.
I zoned them out as I got tired of hearing them talk. In order for me to think, I needed silence. They did make fair points. Going in without information is dangerous. But waiting could be just as dangerous. What if they killed her? Or what if they passed her on to someone else?
We could sneak our way in. Not causing any ruckus but also not waiting. Though all of us together would make it harder to sneak around. If we did to a sneak mission, we would have to let one person go in.
Han wasn't a good candidate, as he was rather…large. Sora was….a good candidate I guess, but she was at risk to being caught and outnumbered as well as out matched. Patora was a no go and same with Rubellia. That just leaves me.
But I'm not exactly the best suited candidate either. I can't really defend myself if caught, but I'm also the best suited one for an infiltration mission.
This would be so much easier if I knew illusion magic or some sort of magic that let me go invisible.
"As you wish…."
Condition met
Illusion Magic has been learned
Who the hell are you? There was still no reply.
It's not that I was exactly…scared of this new voice. It's more that I'm…curious. It said he had magic in his blood which was in mine. And then I wanted Illusion Magic and I learned it?
Am I truly a weak hero, or am I something else? Either way, that didn't matter. All that mattered was that I know had the skills needed to do this.