I opened my HUD and went to the Magic menu where I now saw the category Illusion Magic. Underneath it was the skills that branched off from it but the only skill I could learn was Cloak. I put 5 skill points into it, leveling it up to 5.
"How about an infiltration," I suggested finally to the group which was still talking.
"An infiltration?" Sora tilted her head. "But the only one best suited for that would be-"
"Me? I know." I interrupted. "But trust me when I say I know I can do it." I know I was coming off as cocky, but I wasn't exactly wrong either.
"I don't know," Rubellia hesitated. "It seems dangerous going by yourself."
"Agreed. I don't think it would be a good idea," Han chimed in.
"Well, I don't care what y'all think," I frowned. "This is what's best. No one but me is going to put themselves in danger. I won't allow any of you to get hurt." The memories of the cave flooded through my mind. The fear in their eyes when they were surrounded.
My hand clenched into a fist. I won't let that happen. Not again!
"Kichi…." Sora started but then fell silent.
"I don't agree with this, but from the look in your eyes I can tell there's no changing your mind." Han sighed softly.
"So, then we all agree?" I looked at all of them. They all nodded. "Good, then I'll be going." I stood up, instantly activating Cloak.
The four of them all gasped. If they had anything to say, I hadn't heard it, as I was already making my way to the door.
The inside looked just as bad as the outside. This cabin had to be several years abandoned. There was rot on the walls and holes as well. Some even on the floor. Guards patrolled around as I snuck around, making no noise.
Cloak helped me stay invisible the entire time, so the guards made their way past me without notice. I could overhear some of them talking.
"So, what are we going to do with the Princess? We've had her for about a week."
"I don't know. I just know we were hired to kidnap her and keep her here until our merchant arrives to take her."
"And who is this merchant? The guy that hired us, right?"
"Are you stupid? Do you not even know who hired you?"
"S-sorry. I was just asking. I just wanna know why he wants the princess."
"We weren't paid to ask questions about why he wants her."
"I know. But aren't you curious too?"
The conversation lost my interest. I had heard what I needed. So, they weren't doing this for a ransom, they were hired to do it. But why could this merchant want with the Princess?
I continued on my way until I found a door that was shut and locked. The door was made of metal and looked like a door you would use to keep someone locked up. I don't know why an abandoned cabin in the woods would have a door like this, but whatever the reason I could care less.
There were no guards at the door, for whatever reason, so I unlocked it slowly and quietly, opening it and closing it once I was in.
"Wh-Who's there?!" The Princess jumped at the sight of the door opening and closing on its own. She looked around, looking to see if she could see anyone. After she didn't her eyes went downcast once more before she looked at the ground.
Her blonde hair was matted with dirt. Her nightgown was covered in blood and muck. She looked like she was barely being taken care of. Her violet eyes where down cast.
I looked at her. The look on her face, the look in her eyes, was one of defeat. Like she had given up on life. On rescue.
I walked up to her, still cloaked, and squatted down as I whispered in her ear. "Don't scream, I'm here to help you." My voice made her jump, no surprise, but she managed to stay silent and not scream.
"W-who are you? Where are you?" She whispered.
"Oh, sorry," I apologized as I uncloaked myself. "My name is Kichirou. I was hired by your mom and dad to find you. And I believe I did." I smiled. Tears began to form in her eyes as she slowly started sobbing quietly.
"Thank you…" she sobbed.
"Don't thank me until we get you out of here." I stated as I looked at the chains that had her tied. They held her hands locked together while a chain connected to the wall prevented her from getting to far away. They had her locked up like an animal.
I wonder what this merchant character had planned to do with her. I shivered at the thought.
"Is there by chance a guy with a key?" I asked as I inspected the chains. There was a lock around her wrist.
"I-I don't know…I'm sorry," she whispered. She was shaking. I could tell she was terrified.
"It's fine," I whispered as well, not wanting to be heard. I guess I could melt the chain and not the lock. I put my hand around the chain and activated pyrokinesis. It didn't take long for the chain to melt and fall to the floor.
"What now?" She asked as she wrapped herself around my arm. She was shaking so much I was almost shaking as well. "H-how do we get out of here? They're everywhere. Can you make me invisible too?"
"No, I can't." Sadly, Cloak wasn't high enough level for me to be able to cast on others. So that was a bust. So, what exactly was my plan after sneaking in, how would I get her out?
To be honest, I hadn't thought that far ahead. I didn't even think I would have even gotten this far. But I did, so I have to think of something.
My thoughts were put to a halt as one of the bandits spoke.
"Hey, why is the door unlocked?" The jiggling of the doorknob made my heart skip a beat.
"Please don't leave me!" She begged me.
"I won't, I promise." At that I activated cloak, vanishing from sight just as the door opened.
"Hey! How did you break free from the chain? Did you melt it? How? The chains are sealed to prevent magic from being used."
"Do you think there's someone else in here?" Another bandit suggested.
"I don't think so, if there was, we're did they go? She must have done something." He walked up to her and grabbed her by her hair, picking her up. "What did you do. What tool do you have? Or what magic did you use?"
"I didn't do anything," she cried.
"Don't give me that bull crap! How else did you break free?!" He threw her to the ground. She just started crying more. "Tell me now! I swear if you don't, I'll hurt you!" He growled.
How could these grown men just throw this girl around. She had to be 14, if even, and they're just beating her. If anyone had done that to my sister….I would have….
My fists clenched tightly, and I felt my hand heating up.