"I'll give you on the count to three." He walked up to her and kicked her in the gut, sending her sliding into the wall. "1….2….," he loomed over her as he got his foot ready for another kick.
"3," I finished as I deactivated Cloak, appearing in front of him. I caught him by surprise as I switched my stats towards that of a warrior, kicking him in the chest and sending him flying back, crashing through the wall.
Oh crap! I didn't know that I kicked him that hard! Guess this is the difference in my strength now after getting 600 skill points. At this point in time, I think my stats are 300 higher than the average adventurer that's the same level as me.
"Who are you!" Several more bandits appeared at the door as they leaked into the room. At this point I was backed up against the wall with the Princess, who was shaking in fear. "How did you find this place?"
"Me? I'm all that's left. Or maybe I'm all there ever was." Damn I never thought I'd get to say that for real! I sound bad ass. Best line ever!
"Tsk, don't speak riddles. Not when you're about to die. You may as well just tell us who sent you and who you are. Are there more of you?"
"Oh, that's easy stuff. The King and Queen sent me and no, I'm the only one."
"Pfft. You're the only one?" The bandit sneered. "Do they think one man can save their daughter? As if. You need an army." All the bandits laughed.
"Well, they only needed me," I began. "Because I can handle low scum like you." What the hell am I saying?! Yes, I want to defend the Princess and save her, but I can't do that! Not with all these bandits. They outnumber and outmatch me 10 to 1.
"Hahaha! Who do you think you are, talking high and mighty?"
"I am the Reaper," I replied. The bandits stopped laughing at that, and I even saw doubt in their eyes.
"Wait, you're the Reaper?" His eyes widened. "The King and Queen hired you?"
"Damn right," I snorted. "So, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way." I cracked my finger with my thumb (like a certain someone LOL) "The choice is yours."
"You can't be the Reaper," another bandit started. "You emit no magic power." Wait, no magic power? But what about what Iren said? Can only the gods sense the power in me? Maybe it's cause it's so minuscule, or maybe it's different because I'm from another world.
"You're right," the bandit sneered again. "You think you can lie and pretend to be someone you aren't? That's gonna get you in a world of pain," he unsheathed a knife as he slowly started walking towards me.
"Oh, I have magic power," I smiled. Time to play the lie game again. "I just suppress it."
"Suppress it?" The bandit looked at me in confusion. "You can't suppress your magic power. That's not a thing," he laughed at me as if I was pathetic.
"Do you know why they call me the Reaper?" I smiled as I lowered my head, so my hair covered my eyes. It's now or never. "It's because I reap death on those who get in my way. I bring death to all, for my time has finally come to reveal who I truly am," I raised my hand to cover my face. "To some, I'm known as a saint, and to some I'm known as The Reaper. But those titles don't define who I am, no. Only one title can do that."
"And what title is that?" The bandits laughed
A smile came to my face as I cracked my finger with my thumb once again, looking up into their eyes. "I am the Demon King." The bandits looked at each other then began laughing.
"You? The Demon King?" They laughed more. "Please, you're just a kid who emits no magic power. You aren't suppressing anything and you sure as hell aren't the Demon King."
"Are you sure about that?" I tilted my head.
"Oh 100 percent. And besides, if you were the Demon King, why would you help the Princess? Don't you like, need to sacrifice her for her blood or something."
Damn, this isn't working as well as I hoped it would!
"If that's all you gotta say, then I guess it's time you die." He began walking closer to me, the other bandits following behind him.
What the hell can I do? I'm surrounded by at least 20 bandits. Even if I switched my class to a tank, I can't keep fighting them off. They'll end up killing me one way or another. Is this really the end? No one was here to save me….what am I supposed to do now?
Magic, that's the answer! Until now, I've had no reason to switch my stats to a magic user because I had no magic. But it's different now, so maybe magic is best suited for this situation.
I focused and felt the change in my body as I was drained of all my stats except Magic, Defense, and Agility. I felt myself become lighter, as if I was floating, yet I felt sturdy, like an iron Boulder. And this power I feel coursing through my body….is this magic?
Your magic power has surpassed that of the greatest mages. Class transfer offered.
Accept the blessings of magic and become a mage
All stats will be rearranged
Shifter class will be lost
Do you wish to accept?
What? That's new, that's never been asked before when I switch classes. But at this point, who cares! I need magic anyway to get out of this mess, so why the hell not!
Condition met
You have accepted the offer and your stats have been redistributed
Class will now change
Class change successful
New class assigned: Arch Mage
I stepped back once more as the bandits stepped closer. I had no where else to go, and I had backed into the wall. The princess was shaking even more as more tears rolled down her eyes.
It's now or never!
I raised my hand to them, making them stop in their tracks. "What are you gonna do?" They laughed.
"I'm going to burn you to nothing," I replied, my voice cold. My hand instantly caught fire, well actually it was more than my hand.
The fire started at my hand and slowly made its way up my arm to my shoulder. I luckily didn't feel any of the heat, even though I could feel the flame tickling my lower right cheek.
The fire burned hot and bright, illuminating the room in a bright orange. It began to feel like the inside of an oven in the small room.
The bandits faces turned pale and their eyes filled with fear. "D-Demon!" He screamed as he turned to run out. "He is the Demon King!"