Chereads / Why Did the God of Love Choose Me?! / Chapter 53 - Chapter 52

Chapter 53 - Chapter 52

"I'm more than that," I grinned. "And that's because I'm suppressing it," I lied. I don't know what I'm doing, or if it's even a good idea. But it's the only idea I have. I'm going to have to thank Torappu later for the information they gave me. "Have you heard of the Demon King?" Her eyes narrowed at the name.

"What are you getting at? Are you trying to say you're the Demon King," she chuckled.

"You don't believe me?" I tilted my head. "Is this what 10,000 years of my absence have caused? Disbelief in my resurrection?"

"Stop talking like that, you aren't scaring me." Lie.

It's working?!

"Oh really?"

"Yes! So, let me go already!"

"Tsk! Enough!" I slammed my hand on the table. "I'm sick of these games! I've been searching for the princess since I was reborn. She is the missing piece to finally awaken my power." What the hell am I saying? I'm just copying some anime plot. "The key lies in her blood. It's the key to unsealing my magic." At this point, I could see fear in the guard's eyes, terror in fact.

"I-I don't believe you. Your just speaking things we all know are true." Wait, everything I said is true?! What am I getting myself in to!

"Haha….hahahahah!" I started to laugh manically. "I don't need you to believe me. That's not how my power works. I'm not a fairy, I'm a Demon. I just need you to fear me." At that, I activated pyrokinesis, my hand catching fire. Her eyes widened and her face went pale.

"D-D-DEMON!" She screamed. "H-Help! It's the Demon King!"

"They can't hear you," I smiled. "The room is soundproof." I raised my hand to her face, the fire burned hotter and brighter as I brought it closer. "Now burn to nothing."

"W-Wait! Yes! I helped them! Please, d-don't kill me! I-I'll tell you where they took her! Just please don't kill me!" She begged, tears rolling down her face.

I smiled kindly as the flame on my hand went out. "Thanks, that's all you had to say." I walked to the door and opened it. "You all can come in." The King, Queen, Roy and my party were all there. "We got our confession."

"R-really?!" The Queens eyes widened in surprise. Roy on the other hand stormed in, along with the King.

"How DARE you be in MY platoon and betray the King!" He yelled as he pulled his sword out. "I should kill you on the spot!"

"W-wait!" She tried to speak but the King interrupted.

"Be quiet! Because of you my daughter was taken to who knows where for them to do who knows what!"

"Oh, she knows where they are," I chimed in. "Just ask her." They looked at me and nodded.

"Where did they take her!" Roy pressed the blade to her throat.

"P-please. L-listen to me. I'll tell you but listen to me!" The King and Roy looked at each other before looking back at her.

"Speak," the King demanded.

"H-he," she pointed over at me. "He's the D-Demon King." Everyone looked over at me.

"Huh?" I tilted my head. "Pfft!" I put my hand to my mouth to stop a laugh. "Really? You're going to try and lie again?" I put both my hands on the back of my head. "That's pretty stupid. Plus, there's no way I could be the Demon King."

"Indeed," the King frowned at Lea. "I sense no magic power from him, whatever reason that is, I do not care. If he was the Demon King, we would sense his magical power."

"What a pathetic lie," Roy sneered. "Now tell us where she is!"

"Thank you," the King and Queen both bowed, along with Roy.

"Er…no problem," I shook my hands in surrender. "Really. So, stop bowing." What's with the royalty bowing to me? "Besides, we still haven't gotten the Princess back. We just know where she is."

"Yes, but without you we wouldn't even know that." The King stated. "So, thank you, truly."

"Don't thank me," I sighed. "It isn't necessary, and therefore denied. Besides, we still have to save the Princess."

"Of course. Is there anything we can do to help you?" The Queen asked.

"If you need soldiers, I can get you some," Roy offered.

"No, me and my party will be enough." I looked back at my group with a smile. "But," I looked at the King and Queen. "If there are any legendary weapons you can give to my friends, that would be greatly appreciated."

"Oh, of course!" The King smiled. "Anything else? That's such a small request."

"Er….I don't think so." I scratched my head.

"Then if you follow us, we'll take you to the vault where you can pick the weapon you want." The King motioned for them to follow.

"Wait, you have an entire vault of legendary weapons?" I asked. "Then are the really legendary?"

"Oh, silly boy," the Queen chuckled. "We have the some of the finest blacksmiths in all the land working for us. Almost everything they produce is legendary. Is there any legendary weapon you would like as well? I'm sure you would find something you like."

My sword vibrated a little. Hey! "Thanks, I'm fine though. I already have a legendary sword." I scratched my cheek.

"Oh? Where did you get it?" The King asked. "And may I look at it? I'm quite good at appraising, though I'm not as good as an Elf," he chuckled.

"Er, sure." I handed him Nyankyunyaku. "And a friend of mines father made it. He runs a shop near the Plaza."

"Oh my," the King gasped. "This is one amazing blade. Its metal is made of a rare material that makes it indestructible, as well as fusing it with magic power! This is one of the finest works I've ever seen! What is the name of this shop? I want to speak to the owner and talk about hiring them to work for me!"

"W-Really?" I was appalled.

"Yes, so tell me, if you will."

"Y-yeah." This is so gonna help Ellie and her father…. "It's called Vanduzer Smithing, the owners name is Caz, and he has a daughter named Ellie."

"What of the mother?" He asked.

"…She's dead. So, I wouldn't bring it up." I mumbled softly.

"Oh my…I grieve for them…" he said softly. "Thank you for the information, I'll send a messenger to them at once."

"Oh, no need," I waved my hand in dismissal. "I can go give them the message. Could you just send a chariot for them to ride back in?"

"Oh, indeed." He stroked his beard with a smile. He then leaned close to my ear. "And am I correct to guess you and this Ellie girl have feelings for each other?"

I felt my face get hot as it went red. "H-huh? Where did you hear about that?" I stuttered.

"Hoho," he laughed. "Why you just admitted to it, what with your reaction."

"Tsk. I don't have feelings for her." I grumbled. "You just caught me off guard with such an…awkward question."

"Ohh…I see." He stroked his beard with a look on his face that said he didn't believe me.

Fine! Don't believe me old man.

I don't have feelings for her, or any of the girls….That would be weird.

"Well, y'all go ahead and pick out your weapons. I'm gonna go inform Ellie of the surprise." I gave them a thumbs up.

"Will do," Han saluted me off as he vanished from sight, following the Queen.

"Come back soon," Patora waved.

"Next time you see us we'll be geared up."Sora smirked as she too vanished from sight, followed by Rubellia who smiled and waved me off.

Maybe I should have asked for a ride here.

The walk from the Castle to the plaza was hell on my feet. It also didn't help that the sun was directly overhead, shinning down on my neck. God, is this a sauna?

My complaining didn't help me get there faster, but I eventually got there. I opened the door to be instantly greeted by Ellie.

"Oh mah, it's Kichi," she smiled in delight. "How cen I help ya taday?"

"Well, actually. I figured, today, I'd help you." I scratched the back of my head.