Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 19 - Chapter 9

Chapter 19 - Chapter 9

David looks at erik and knows that he is going thru something so he ask him what's wrong erik start to talk about what's the point in moving forward and living on if there in the bottom of the class system where they mistreated and abuse by the higher class david tell Erik that how life is you either stay we're you are or you move forward to make your own path towards your future as they make it in class they take their own seat as david checks his backpack he realize he still has the note from the girl name steffy in 4th class as he reads the note it's says to let her do all the work and they will earn a good grade for that class as he put back the note in his backpack and decides to just fall asleep until the bell rings as he put his head down on the desk he falls into a deep sleep ignoring everyone as he dreams about the past he sees a memory of a little david training with both his father and uncle as he almost lands a blow to his father face he catches it telling him he's too weak delivering a powerful kick to his stomach that makes him wake up.

As david looks up asking what class period it is the teacher replies saying about to be the end of 3rd class david gets up picking up his backpack and head's out before the bell rings walking towards the cafeteria to eat he sees erik and a couple of his friends waiting in the line to get lunch as they all get their food and sit down on there table they start talking about what to do in the weekend david tells his friend's they should all go watch a movie at one of there house's so they can eat whatever they want and worry about spending too much money on the movie theater as david ask his friend's if they have seen tony they all shake there head to the side he gets a bit worry but realizes that he can handle himself as they continue talking the bell rings for them to head to there 4th class as they say their goodbyes david put on his headphones and listen to his playlist while walking to class.

As he makes it to his english class he sees steffy his partner for the group project talking to her friends as david sits down on his desk calling his class friend to him asking him if he can copy today's note and work, the friend agrees to help him this whole school year so he can relax and sleep all class period if he want david tell him he appreciate the assist as he look over he sees steffy looking at him from across the classroom she turns around focusing on the teacher talking in front of the class and reading some of the question calling some of the student to answer the multiple choice questions as the teacher tell everyone to relax for the last 5 minutes of class david friend comes in with the notes for today and already completed his homework as he thank him steffy try to talk to him he says hey to her she looks a bit shy as she open her backpack bag she pull out a chocolate bar to thank him for paying for her.

David ask why she being nice to him after she wrote in the note that she wants to do the whole project herself and not ask for his help steffy tell david that she mistook him as a bad person who just wanted to used her for her skill but after paying for her food and not asking anything in return she realize that he is someone who can be trustworthy david looks at her telling her that he don't care about school like most of the students and just waiting for the day he graduates so he can work full time steffy is surprise by his answer she ask is there something that he cares about he thinks for a moment he says he like food more than anything steffy starts to laugh at his answer telling david is he being foreal he says yeah nothing better than eating with people you care about or trust david tell steffy to sit with him pulling out the chair so she can sit with him and continue to talk more so they know more about each other.

As steffy sit next too david she ask him won't it make him feel awkward sitting by her he ask why would they feel weird been closed to each other as david get close to steffy face mere inches from her lips she ask what is he doing been all close to her face turning red david stops inches from here looking at her brown eyes he tell ger that he likes her as a person who he can get along with, she ask him does he have other female friends he crosses his arms around his chest telling her that she he does indeed have other female friends but he feels clser to her than any other person in his life steffy smiles to herself saying in her mind that she is so happy to have meet someone unique as him steffy ask david question on what he plans on doing after they graduate david tell her that in a way it pisses of when friends and family ask him what next in his life david looks up in the ceiling telling her that he doesn't have any idea of what to do after school is over.

David tell steffy that life is a path many people already have a idea if what to do next but there's a one percent in the world where people like him don't know what's next in their path as they talk for a bit they both start getting close to each other as david grabs steffy hand telling her that he feels at ease and relax when he's by her side steffy acts tough making sure she keep her compusure but in reality this made her super happy that can she die of happiness and love as the bell rings for 5th class they both get up and put on their backpack steffy is seen waiting with her out in the open before david leaves he turns back grabbing her hand telling her to stay by his side as they walk together to her class so he can drop her off safely.