Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 22 - Chapter 12

Chapter 22 - Chapter 12

As david makes it to the other side of the portal and watches it close he looks over his apartment gate and see that the bus has stop and started to pick up the students as he realizes that he won't make it in time by running slow so he looks around to make sure nobody is watching as he uses his super speed to get there faster jumping on the roofs of the buildings he reaches the gate he jumps landing on top of the school bus everyone look up to see him and bus driver top for a minute trying to figure out what happen as david jump down he enter the bus going to the back seat along with his brothers and friends who were waiting for him as the bus driver start to drive forgetting what happen as erik ask david what took him so long he just tell him that he overslept erik look at his best friend telling him to be careful next time or the bus driver won't wait for you again as they all discuss about the homework of their classes they ask if they going to eat at the cafeteria everyone saying yes of course.

As the bus stop dropping off every one they all head to the cafeteria to get breakfast and sit somewhere to talk more as they get something to eat and find a bug table to take they all talk about what they doing in the summer vacation as everyone talk about their own plan for there summer they ask david what he plan on doing tony also curious what he might be doing he tell everyone that he probably find a part time job or having a blast at the beach with his family as they talk for a bit the bell ring dismissing everyone for their first class as david and erik walk together to there class erik ask david if he care about school david tell him upfront that he really don't that he just trying to relax for the time been as they make it to class erik leaves david to his naptime as he falls asleep with his headphones on he dreams about food and what happen yesterday with the wolfgorilla pack as he continues dreaming he feels someone tapping on his shoulder he gets up seeing his friend erik telling him to get ready for second period class.

As he walk in the hallway he sees a couple friends nodding at him or giving him a handshake as he passes his science hallway he sees his brother gabe and rose walking together as he enter his class he feels like doing nothing so he decides to put on his headphones again and play with his phone until time passes for 3rd class as the time goes by fast he leaves immediately towards his third class so he can talk to his little brother as he enter the class he sees that gabe is no longer sitting at their desk but is sitting with his girlfriend rose at there own desk as david finds his desk he just decides to relax and wait for the time go by as the lunch bell rings he charges to the door trying to make it to lunch line first as he get his lunch first he heads to his table waiting for his friends to arrive along with brother tony as one by one start to sit down they much in their food while talking about what they gotta watch next when they have free time as they talk about stuff the time flies quick letting the student know to head to there fourth class.

As david walks along to his fourth class he take his seat on the table and put his head down but out of nowhere someone hits david on the head as he get up to get a better view he sees steffy who sitting next to him and ask what's up follow by steffy saying that he has to help her finish the final part of the project or the teacher won't count it as a group grade david scratches his head thinking how annoying school is, but agrees to help her with the project telling steffy where should they meet as she respond by telling him that he can come to her house today around 6 to finish the final part of the english project david tell her that won't it be weird to invite someone that she just met a couple day ago steffy tell david that she trust him alot and knows that he wouldn't hurt her left speechless again by steffy kind words to him as he looks around he agrees to drop by her house and gives her his phone number so she can text him the address or to talk as they go back to chatting steffy ask david is he have a girlfriend he responds by saying no she tell david that she also single at the moment but is willing to try a relationship if the right guy ask her out as david looks at her he tell her that he knows that she likes him but he wanna get to know her first before he ask her out on a date she looks away for a moment heartbroken about to cry but she realizes that she's not gonna give up on him and will wait until they have a closed bond an are ready to start dating.

David looks a bit amused by her determination to have a romantic relationship with him of all the people in school so he ask upfront why she likes him instead of someone who is more popular steffy looks at him she tells him a story about how him and her met before in freshman year as david looks confused of the idea of him and her meeting before but she start talking about how one day during the first lunch she wasn't a popular as she is right now david looks at her head to toe finding it hard to believe that she managed to become an idol if this school as steffy continue with her story she says that she was late to grab her lunch and had a couple minute before the lunch line closes as she sprint towards the line she manages to get a cheese burger from the lunch counter and pays for it but before she can sit down a table a group of guys surrounded her trying to take her burger and bullie her at the same time they push her on the floor and threw all her lunch on the trash can laughing at her while they call her names.