Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 25 - Chapter 15

Chapter 25 - Chapter 15

As tony and gabe discuss how they should handle the gang attacks by humans yango tell them to just beat and knock them out then call the A.S.F for them to take the whole gang to prison so they won't hurt the town people as they discuss that the boss might be a martial art master so they have to be careful when confronting him as they might be in a bit of trouble is they fight him head on as david finishes taking a shower he decides to watch a bit of tv while he waits until grandpa yango calls on him as yango tell gabe to be careful who he talks to and not attract unnecessary attention he tell why doesnt tony get the prep talk tony comes in saying that him and david and some of the members know how to act on a mission as tony tell gabe to just listen to yango while they get set up as they finish discussing about the mission yango opens up a portal for them to go to their destination as they enter they make there way to a motel to rest for a bit then go out to explore and find the gang leader and members.

Following tony and gabe they walk around the town name dandelion checking out how the gang members run the town as they walk around asking some of the civilians about the gang members who came to there town they talk to one old lady asking her questions and she responds by saying that bad people came to this town about a month ago to make a base of operations for them to take over the whole town they ask if they know some of the names in the gang she says that the boss name is gold tiger and the right hand man named is kupp and the rest are foot soldiers she also tell them that if there looking for them they could walk to the middle of the town to find there base as they thank the old lady she goes around the corner transforming into a new young aged woman who tells her boss that they have sent some people to destroy this base for me the ask her to return immediately they have her second job ready for her as she vanish into thin air tony and gabe make it into a big base asking where gold tiger is as the guard ask to state there business tony tell him that he wanna have a fight with the strongest person in this town and get them out.

As the tow guards laugh at them they point there assault rifles at them tony ask gabe if can handle the foot soldiers and kupp alone he says sure as tony vanishes towards the base looking for gold tiger gabe knocks out the two guards immediately as he enter the base every soldier focus their attention towards him beggining to shoot at him while they sound the alarm letting the rest of the soldiers and kupp know there been attack they try to put him down but gabe is fast dodging every single bullets and attacks the foot soldiers try to thrown, but someone manages to land a punch at gabe face landing on the ground he looks up and see someone with a stronger ki as the soldiers yell out commander kupp has come to save us as he looks back and see the commander pick him up by the shirt putting him face to face telling him he shouldn't have come making trouble here gabe smiles telling kupp that yeah he does wanna make some trouble for them at he throws at blast at kupp face who drops him and manages to dodge it backing up he tell the soldiers to weaken him as they charge at him.

As gabe throws punches and kicks knocking the rest of the soldiers out the way he charges towards kupp landing a strong hit on his face sending him back as he looks back at gabe he tells him he has been waiting for someone to be a worthy challenge for him as he get ready to fight he charges at gabe throwing punches and kicks as he return the attack going blow by blow landing couple punches with each other as kupp gets behind him grabbing him on a headlock unable to move gabe tries to escape but can't escape as he is loosing air close to blacking out he manages to elbow him on the stomach making kupp loosen his grip as gabe grab kupp by his arm he shoulder throws him into the ground letting gabe land a powerful blast towards kupp knocking him out for good as gabe finishes defeating the rest of the soldiers he ties up the soldiers and kupp calling out to the A.S.F then hanging up as he look back at the buildings he waits for his brother tony and the gang leader gold lion to finish up fighting earlier before gabe and kupp finish fighting tony was sneaking around trying to find the gold lion.

As tony is into the base he goes to find the huge office where gold lion was waiting for him as he sees two guards standing in the front door as he charges ahead knocking out the two guards as he look back at the big door he hears the gold lion call him to enter the office and to not worry there's no trap waiting for him as tony casually opens the door entering the office he stare at gold lion who's just resting in his chair looking at him he ask why he's letting his guard down while there base is getting under attack as he stands up walking in front of his desk he tell tony that they won't lose to a bunch of teenagers who doesn't know how the real world works around here as he walks face to face to tony telling him does he believe he has what it takes to defeat him in his town tony looks up telling him straight up that he's gonna show him why he shouldn't call them unworthy.