Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 24 - Chapter 14

Chapter 24 - Chapter 14

Steffy is surprised to hear that someone actually saved her from the bully and stood by her side all day until the bell rang she ask the nurse what was the boy name as the nurse tries to look for the clipboard where he sign his name earlier as the nurse looks at the back she finds his name on the clipboard sheet she tell steffy that his name is david aztlan as she hears the name of the savior who help her in lunch she starts to cry and laugh confusing the nurse who ask is she okay she looks at the nurse telling her that she is happy that there is still someone in this world who tries to help out people like a superhero the nurse tell her that her parents call earlier saying there coming to pick her up steffy ask the nurse if it's possible to show a picture of david to know how he look like the nurse agree to grant her this one last favor before school is over she types the name of david into the computer and pull the files of his and click on his school photo to enlarge it turns the computer at her showing how he looks like.

As steffy looks at the photo her heart starts to beat faster and she blushes at the sight of him she thanks the nurse for taking care of her and doing the favors as she gather her stuff she waves goodbye at the nurse the nurse tells her to have a good summer that the end of the story as david finish hearing the story from steffy he looks at her looks at her in a whole new way he tries to get closed to her face who is confused an ask david what he is going to do to her as david inches away from her face he tell her thank u and gives her a kiss on her lips that makes steffy face to turn bright red as she back away for a moment trying to regain her cool compusure but she fails when david grabs her hand telling her to stay by his side from now on as she looks at him who is also struggling to keep his compusure and trying to hide a blush on his face steffy holds david hand tightly telling him that she is thankful for meeting someone like him and can't explain how happy she is to have him in her life.

david look to left side trying to hide his face from steffy who said all those nice thing about him as steffy lay her head on his shoulder whispering to his ear saying that she will stay by his side and wait until his ready to start dating as he tell her thank you to her the bell rings letting the students go to there next class as david and steffy collect there stuff and get ready to leave david ask if he can walk her to her class she says sure as they are hand in hand they walk together in the hallway taking her to class passing along some friends as they make it to her class dropping her off he kisses her on the cheek and says goodbye but steffy grab him by the arm telling him that's not enough so she grabs him by the face and gives a long kiss leaving him out of breath and with her having a big smile on her face she tell david bye as he runs outside to make it to the gym class before the bell rings he makes it as the coaches tell everyone to go get ready at the locker room and come outside line up.

As david and everyone get lined up to do some warm up the coaches tell everyone to sprint around the school five times after that everyone has to do fifty push-ups then they will be free to relax or keep working out as the coaches blow oh his whistle everyone start sprinting around the school as everyone keep their pace while running david tries to finish the five laps in a quickie while he finishes the lap he does the fifty push-ups then decides to relax whike he wait for everyone to finish up their warm-up and he puts on his headphones he decided to rest a bit and wait for the school bell ring to let them go as 30 minutes has pass the coaches let everyone go early as david runs towards the bus after he sees his friend erik and two of brothers running to get the spot in the back if the bus as they are neck an neck charging towards the bus david makes a dive into the bus making it first second is erik then is tony then gabe is the last one as the leaves david tell everyone that again he won erik tell him that one day he's gonna beat him he looks at him telling that it be a good idea to have a good rival to fight and train with.

As they make it to the first bus stop david along his friends with erik and two brother get off the bus saying there goodbye as they go to their mom house they call yango to open up a portal for them as a portal open all three enter it feeling relieve to be home sweet home as yango tell them how was school they all say it was normal and boring the ask if there any mission to do today yango say that yes they do got some request for a mission for tony and gabe as they get happy yango tell them to get there mission suit ready and meet them here at mission room to discuss the mission david ask if he free or mission today yango says that he's free right now but he might need to do a mission later at night he says okay heading to his room telling his two brother good luck on the mission heading in to the hallway tired as both brothers talk to yango asking what the mission is he tell them that a town is having some issues with some gang members and are requesting help.