Chereads / OMNI:First Origin / Chapter 23 - Chapter 13

Chapter 23 - Chapter 13

While steffy was one the floor the group of guys call her mean names and told her to leave the school and go die on a alley as everyone turns around to see a girl on the floor about to cry they either ignored her or started laughing along with the groups of boy but steffy stop for a minute looking at her hand and smiling telling david this is the part that changed her whole life and where they first met as steffy continues with the story she says that while on the floor about to cry she sees a dark figure coming behind the group of boys who were picking on her and sees the leader of the group flying across the cafeteria as everyone turns around to see who threw the group leader guy across the room as they see the person picking up steffy in his arms they find out it was david who saved the girl from the bullies and threw the leader on the other side of the room.

As the whole cafeteria gets quiet and everyone start talking smack to group who were bullying steffy the group members run to their boss asking him if he's okay as the boss gets up and pushes everyone out the way to see who threw him across the lunch room as he see a random kid helping the bully girl holding her in his arms who's looking at his way with a disgusted look that makes him furious as he tell him followers to help him and surround the kid so he won't escape as the boss and his followers surrounded david and steffy as the boss ask why he threw him across the lunch room david tell him that he just wanted to help the girl and beat someone who is weaker the himself as the boss look aggravated by david word's he tells him that he's gonna give him two options either leave the girl and they will forget what he did today or he will also get bullied along with the girl as david has a moment to think about the two option he's been given he ask the boss if he can add a third option the boss looks amused by his sudden respond and agrees to hear his option as david explains that he will give him and his followers a chance to forgive the girl in his arms.

As one of the boss followers get close to david and the steffy he ask what happens if they don't do the third option david look at him full force and tell him that if they don't say their sorry to the girl then he will send them all to the hospital as the rest of the follower burst out laughing at his threat as the boss calls everyone in the lunch room to get there attention telling them this is what happens when someone tries to play as a hero and stand up to them as the boss throws a right hook towards david, but before he connects david throws the girl up in the air while the boss looks up confused for a moment he then turns back at david who block his right and he threw his own right hook that lands a powerful punch on his face sending his whole body flying towards a lunch table where the students leave immediately before he makes contact as the boss lands on the table breaking it in half falling on the floor as the follower go toward him they see that he knock out cold.

As the followers look at david who knock out their boss they retreat carrying him and telling him to watch his back because there not gonna forget what happen today as they leave david looks up and catches the girl that he threw up in the air a moment ago as he get the girl backpack and binder he tells erik and his friend's that he will see them later as david walks towards the door everyone in the lunch room start to chant at the boy who beat up the boss and scared away his followers as david turns around to see the crowd of students his raises his arm in victory that makes the whole crowd shout loudly asking what his name is he tell them it's david and to not forget it as everyone start chanting David,David,David that makes the whole school echo his name across the hallway that even makes the teacher's curious of what is happening as the cafeteria room as david walks to the nurse room telling one of the nurses to help her get a bed for her rest and telling them what happen to the poor girl and dropping of her backpack and binder.

As david ask the nurse if the girl will be alright they tell him that all she needs is rest and she be back to normal david ask the nurse will it be alright for him to stay by the girl side the nurse ask why he wanna stay by her side david tell them that he wanna make sure the girl is safe until she wake up or until school is over as the nurse agrees to let him stay until the school bell rings before the nurse leaves david ask would it be alright to tell him what is the girl name the nurse tell him that her name is steffy and she leaves for her lunch break as david plug in his headphones falling asleep beside steffy after a couple hour passes the nurse wake up david telling him that the bell about to ring for them to head home david looks back at the bed to see steffy still sleeping after been save by him as david leaves the nurse room meeting up with his friends so they can go sit at the back of the bus after a couple minute after david left the nurse room steffy wakes up and looks around to find out where she at and realizes that she's at the nurse room as she go to the nurse sitting on her desk to ask what happen after she pass out a couple of minutes of the nurse explaining that a nice boy brought her here and stay by her side this whole time until the school bell rang.