Gordon opened his eyes suddenly, the first thing that he noticed was that he was surrounded in a dark mist that was slowly curling into shapes before becoming void once again. The place had a rather dreamlike feel to it, never the less Gordan had never had a dream like this. He was laying down on a plain, slowly he got to his feet, looking down he noticed that his bandages were gone as well as his injuries, his clothes were also different. Something seemed alittle off about this place, if it were a dream then he guessed that it really wouldn't make much difference if he was injured or not but even though it had a dreamlike feeling to it Gordan had a strange feeling that it was all too real.
He took a step forward which echoed in his ears making him flinch, more out of making nice than being affected by it. Turning his head from side to side he looked for anything that might give him a clue as to where he was.
Suddenly a light appeared in front of him but he could only make out the fact that it was a light through the mist which had suddenly become thicker. Gordan started toward the light instinctively, he tried to stop himself but it was like he was being drawn to the light like a moth to a flame.
Gordan gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, if he was going to walk to the light he would do it on his own, not by another's means, the pressure began to grow as he attempted to stop. The pressure started to make him lose his breath, he started to feel lightheaded.
Suddenly the drawing feeling stopped as if what ever had been drawing him had sensed his discomfort. This made him grow curious about the source of the light, he had the feeling that whatever had been drawing him in was much stronger than himself and that he wouldn't have been able to stop himself from walking forward.
He hadn't encountered something with that much power, other than the hooded figure, in a long time. That feeling of utter hopelessness, like you couldn't do anything in the slightest.
The mist began to grow thicker the longer he stayed in place so he started walking again and it got alittle thinner, but it was still thick enough to restrict his sight.
Gordan had wondered if this had anything to do with the whole village incident, but for some reason he got the feeling that this was for something completely different, after all if the 'master' person had this kind of power he wouldn't need to send people out to do work for him.
Suddenly as he reached closer to the light he came upon a wall made of some kind of transparent material which Gordan had never seen before, the only reason he knew that it was there was because of the mist. Reaching out his hand he touched the invisible wall and the surface seemed to ripple. Shortly thereafter the wall gave way under his hand and he passed through unaffected. It was quite a strange feeling but not an unpleasant one, the closest thing he could think of to compare it to was like putting his hand through liquid metal, but that still wasn't the right feeling, just the closest thing he could think of.
Once he had finished thinking about that he looked around and noticed that the mist was not present on this side of the wall. He looked back and saw the mist still swirling around as if it was trying to get through to the other side of the invisible wall. And now that he was on the other side, it seemed to grow agitated and was trying to break the wall by knocking against it, making sounds that resembled screaming everytime it hit into the wall.
It was odd since he had never really thought about what mist would sound like, it was rather eerie but also almost sad in a way. Maybe black mist was different than normal mist or something, but Gordan had a rather sneaking suspicion that it had something to do with where he was at the moment.
He turned his attention to the light which seemed to have grown alittle dimmer, almost like it was adjusting itself to fit his needs. The whole situation was giving him a rather uncomfortable feeling, but what could he do but move forward?
So ignoring the screams of the mist he started walking forward toward the light. As he got closer to the source of the light the emptiness of the plain began to change, the first thing he noticed was lush grass, and then he saw some trees and other plants growing along the way. After going further he could see mountains and rivers, lastly animals and birds began to appear.
Gordan leaned over and picked a flower which was growing along the path alone. The flower was dark blue and had an odd glow to it, the reason he had picked it though was because he had never seen a flower that looked like it before.
The whole atmosphere of the area was so serene that he almost forgot about the sound of the screaming mist which could still be vaguely heard behind him.
Then it suddenly stopped which brought Gordan back to the situation, he had stopped walking. Taking a deep breath Gordan began walking down the path again coming closer and closer to the light.
Eventually he saw in front of him a valley filled with grass that was the color of the sea, a gust of wind blew making the grass look like ocean waves. In the center of the grassy valley there was a lantern that seemed to be the thing producing the light.
Gordan walked to the lantern and wondered what the reason was for him being drawn to this place to begin with.
"It's nice here isnt it?"
Gordan turned his head around and saw a person sitting on a rock behind him, he didnt even bother going on the defensive since he instantly knew that this was the person who had been drawing him to this location. If he had wanted to do something to Gordan he could have done it at that point, but he hadn't so Gordan didnt really have a reason to go defensive in the first place, well that was other than the fact he had been taken to this strange place against his will and that he had no idea who this person was.
Gordan looked at the stranger who suddenly stood up from the rock and walked over to him. He was quite tall, enough so that gordan had to look up at him, he had golden eyes and long white hair which he had hung over his shoulders, Gordan noticed that end of his white hair was blood red, which was rather odd. The man was wearing simple black clothes and had two large shards strapped to his back. He was smiling at Gordan who was just staring blankly at him.
Gordan wasn't sure what to make of him, he seemed to be nice enough, but as someone who had seen his fair share of violence Gordan could tell that this person had ended the lives of many. That type of person, the type that seemed to be nice, but had killed as much as this person had, were usually people you needed to be wary of.
The person held out his hand to Gordan, his smile broadening.
"I know you must have a lot of questions, and I will answer them if I can but first I have to get two things out of the way."
He paused as Gordan accepted his handshake. and then went back to what he was saying.
"First of all, I didnt mean any harm in bringing you hear. And secondly, its nice to meet you, you can just call me Zero."