"Come in!" Analis yelled at the door.
Analis laid in bed. She looked more pale today than normal and he could see it. "Are you sick your highness. Is that why you've requested that I stay?"
"Yes, I'd like some medicine for a cold and a few painkillers to help with my headache. You are after all the royal physician." Analis said making up an excuse.
She knew that eventually the pain would become unbearable and it was beat to get them now.
"Who do you plan to have look after you? All your maids and servants just left the palace. You have money but its the money that is meant to support you becoming queen someday." The physician was worried about Analis. He knew she never called for him or looked so pale. It was obviously a serious thing.
"I will be fine. Besides I can hire a staff right now. The money for my queenly years can be used. Ive decided to drop it!" Analis said excited and she waved her hands up in the air.
"Your highness no longer wishes to be queen?" The physician asked.
"Im not sure if ill be able to make it to then. Ive been keeping it a secret for my pride but i cant keep it a secret any longer." Analis said staring at the physician with uncertainty.
She knew this physician she had fired was the one to cure Ivy but she didnt know if he would help Analis.
"Princess Analis has looked to be in great health. What could possibly trouble you as so?" He asked.
"My mother had this disease... the disease called Avia, short for aviatoc. Litterally meaning Incurable in an ancient language." Analis explained as she held out her hand.
The physician held her hand delicately and used his power to check her condition. His hands seemed to shiver as he pulled away quickly. With a handkerchief he wiped up his hands and looked at the floor.
"Sorry if my actions are rude but i do not wish to get this sickness. You may fire me if you want but this is indeed the avia disease." The physician said.
Analis bowed her head as she hadn't thought about it spreading. In the novel Analis always wore gloves from the moment she woke up to the moment she fell asleep.
"Im sorry, i was thoughtless and forgot my gloves today. I should have thought more about it." Analis said as she rose her head a little.
The physician looked at her concerned. She was the highlight of the news as the emotionless princess who never did anything bad nor good.
"No worries. I would have asked you to remove your glove anyways. You said the disease name but how and why do you know it. Where might you have gotten it from? You were isolated from your mother so you wouldn't catch it." The physician asked suspicious of Analis's attention.
Analis knew exactly who because the original analis was told by her dying mother.
"My mother told me. I know who planned for her to get it but she wouldn't turn on them. She only told me about it when she had learned they planned to give the same disease to me. I got it just after her death." Analis said thinking about the family from her mother's side