Chereads / The Unknown class summoning / Chapter 9 - CHAPTER 9

Chapter 9 - CHAPTER 9

Why….do you want to apologize?....after all I should be the one apologizing you let us go without achieving the said victories from Adroph…, Juliana replied…, That?…forget about that…Eric here told me that your summoning Tatsuki purposefully let down his guard during their final moves…, Elizabeth replied…., plus you saved my country a lot of damage too…, Elizabeth replied…., Ohhh uhh apology accepted…I guess?…., Juliana replied…., Make up your damn mind princess….urgh that's totally what I hate about you….anyways…that's settled…, Elizabeth replied…, He he…yeah…I appreciate you coming all the way here just to apologize…, Juliana replied chuckling…, Hey now…don't start getting all buddy buddy with me just because of what happened now after all am the most popular because I have the highest ranked summoning with me…, Elizabeth replied her …, Hey Tatsuki….I really don't like what you did back there…, Eric replied…, huh?…and what's that?…., Tatsuki replied him as he sat back at his chair…, You never told me how you made those moves or how you have such abilities and strength….you were basically hiding the truth…, Eric replied him looking serious…, ohhh that…, Tatsuki replied him looking the other way…, Don't tell me he forgot…, Eric thought…, Well kid…I ain't telling ya squat…, Tatsuki replied him…, Tch….why not?…, Eric replied him…, That's cus...I….don't know myself…, Tatsuki replied Eric to his bewilderment …, What the actual hell is wrong with you?…, Eric replied him looking at Tatsuki with a dissatisfied and dissapointed look…, Hey why do you suddenly look like I am irredeemable?…, Tatsuki asked as he noticed Eric's look…, Hey Eric I believe we are done here let's go…, I will see you around Tatsuki…, Eric spoke to him as he walked off…, Alright kid…I will see you around too…, Tatsuki replied as he waved him off…, For God's sake stop calling me Kid!!!…first Runt and now Kid?….you want a death wish!!!…., Eric exclaimed…, Alright alright sorry jeez….it's not like you don't look like one…, Tatsuki replied as the whole class tried holding back their laughter…, Tch…Huff expect me sooner than expected…, Eric replied him as they both walked out of the classroom.


Charlotte dear….have you set the activities for today?…, Winslow asked his vice chancellor as he arranged some papers on his office desk…, Yes I have…..for the first period the students would be having their magic training on their various affinities and for those without magic they would be engaging on weapon mastery….meanwhile for the second period the summoning's would be taken to the tailoring room for the change of suits….they would be choosing their new suits which better suits them and represents their kingdom fully….and for the third period and the final one for the day they will be taken on an excursion to Backwater valley for mastery of their mana flow as directed by the principal himself, he says that the area has a strong mana force which is good enough as a training ground for the students…., Charlotte explained in details as she listed out the activities…., Hmmm okay then…post it into the platform before classes commence…., Winslow replied as he wiped his glass lens with a piece of clothing…few minutes later Tatsuki was seen walking by the hallway's with Juliana as they made their way to the Gymnasium for their weapon and magic training….on their way in they bumped into a familiar face…., Ohhh…sorry there….it's you Tatsuki Hinokami…..the Masochist…., Anna spoke up…., Yeah it's m-when the hell did I become a masochist!!!…., Tatsuki replied exclaiming…, Hahahaha am just joking is all…am just surprised at the way you single handedly defeated that Tank class summoning…., Anna replied…., Ohhh is this the summoning everyone's talking about?…., The young girl of about 16 years of age, fully voluminous, Grey haired and average height-ed…., Ohhh Tatsuki this is my good friend Sasha Grey and her summoning Anna…., Juliana introduced them…, Ohhh nice to meetcha….The name's Tatsuki and I have already met your summoning Anna…, Tatsuki replied…, Yeah we kinda met back at the school hall during the appraisal…, Anna replied…, Ohh…I didn't quite realize…, Juliana replied…, Hey Julia you made them think that we were some kind of short lived duo….., Sasha exclaimed…, Actually our friendship dated way back when we were still kids….though for some reason our father's don't see eye to eye anymore so our kingdoms aren't allied….., Sasha explained…, you didn't really have to explain it though…, Juliana replied…, Ohh so you guy's were like some kinda trio when you all were little?…, Tatsuki asked…, Trio?…, Sasha asked…, Well that's including that Winslow dude from the other day Julia filled me in on their child hood a little…, Tatsuki replied…, Ohh…in a way yeah….we all used to hang out at each other's palace including Elizabeth's…, Sasha replied…, Am sorry your tryna tell me that snort faced brat Liz was one of your child hood friends!?…, Tatsuki asked surprisedly…, Hahahaha multiple titles for one person…just don't say it to her face though…., Sasha replied laughingly…, Snort faced what now?…and you literally just abbreviated her name too…, Anna replied chuckling…, Unfortunately yeah…she was one of our group of friends…, Juliana replied…, Then what happened?…, Tatsuki asked…, well let's just say friendship's don't last…, Juliana replied…, Kinda harsh way to put it don't'cha think?…, Sasha replied…, Hey hey now…what are you guy's doing blocking the door way…., Elizabeth exclaimed as she approached them accompanied by Eric her summoning…, If it isn't Liz the snort faced brat…, Sasha exclaimed…, Haaagh!!!…who are you calling snort faced brat…are you asking for a death wish!!…, Elizabeth swore…, Hahahaha just learnt it and felt like using it…, Sasha shoved her off…, seriously this girl knows no bounds….she behaves almost like Tatsuki…, Juliana thought as she faced Elizabeth…., Huh!?….you are here for magic training…ohhh I forgot you are lacking the needed amount of mana which makes you fall under the weapon mastery category…., Elizabeth spoke to Sasha as she faced her…Juliana made no response and just smirked a little…, Tch!…, Elizabeth hissed as she walked past her into the field shoving her off…., What was that smirk for!?….does she now see me as a lowly being or something?…just cause she has that Unknown by her side?….Damn you Julia…, Elizabeth thought as she walked away that same instant some group of girls joined her…, I hope she didn't misinterpret…I tried holding back my laughter..I really didn't know what to say when she spoke to me…the sight of her apologizing earlier suddenly popped up in my head and it was unbearably funny…, Juliana thought…, Sheesh….after all that apology?…., Tatsuki exclaimed…., Ohhh what's up runt!!…, Tatsuki exclaimed facing Eric who had been observing the whole time…., I said....STOP CALLING ME RUNT!!!…., Eric exclaimed walking away…., I feel like he's going to persuade Elizabeth to form another contract Hahaha-And how is that funny?…., Tatsuki cut Sasha short…few minutes later the students were present at the schools training field…, I have been elected as supervisor to observe the following training exercise's…and my vice chancellor here will be in charge of penalizing students who break the rules that I am about to state…, Winslow exclaimed as he suddenly tapped on a transparent tablet he held with him which suddenly displayed a large screen with inscriptions…., Rule number one: All students are not to be helped by their Summoning during the training exercise…but a summoning is only able to duel their summoning as another form of training.

Rule number two:Students are allowed to use their magic abilities or sword skills to it's full extent but only enough not to render a fellow student deceased.

Rule number three:All….uhh….what was it agai-Adhere to the rules above…, Charlotte helped him…., Cool if you ask me…huh?…, Tatsuki cut himself short as he noticed the Blond haired student and his Summoning the Minotaur who was all patched up…, Oi Blondie!!!…, Tatsuki exclaimed…, Huh?…It's him…, Juliana thought…, Huh?..who's call-Gasp!!….Shit it's that bastard with the unknown class…., The blonde haired student exclaimed inwardly as he tried hiding his face…, Oi am calling are ya doin-BLOCK!!!…, The Minotaur immediately blocked his path…, All patched up and looking for another fight?…, Tatsuki spoke up referring to the Minotaur…, Damn…seems like the Minotaur's looking for another contract…, Sasha exclaimed pointing at Tatsuki and the Minotaur…, What?…come on!!…, Juliana exclaimed as she observed…., I am afraid you are mistaken Unknown,…., The Minotaur replied Tatsuki…, well you still calling me unknown defies that fact…, Tatsuki replied smiling…, huff…am simply apologize on behalf of my master…., The Minotaur replied baffling Tatsuki and Juliana…, My master really wants to apologize but is too proud to do so-Apologize my foot….I don't intend to even do so in the nearest future!!!…, The Blonde haired guy replied…, so…will you acce-THE HELL'S UP WITH YOU WEIRDOS DAMMIT!!!…, Tatsuki exclaimed…, Apology this apology that…twas just a fair fight dammit…, Tatsuki exclaimed walking off…, Sheesh almost thought you were gonna fight…, Juliana replied him as he approached her…, Am not a kid you know that right?…, Tatsuki replied her as he placed he's hands in his pocket…, By the way…the injury healed pretty fast didn't it…, Tatsuki replied her…, Ohhh…that's how you guys where summoned…you see as the summoning is been transferred here they are certain abilities and information's that are imputed into their subconscious and consciousness at times the abilities are determined by the type of mana and amount of mana used for the summoning…, Juliana explained…, ohhh so that's why we basically know about some things….and also why we have our abilities...even the ability to heal fast-the healing takes less than two days for mild injuries…but for severe injuries it takes up to two or a week straight…, Juliana cut in…, And that's why I also noticed how you didn't kill the Minotaur…you gave it a cut avoiding his vitals too…you are at short amazing Tatsuki…., Juliana replied him…, Hmm is that so…but how do you explain my abilities then….apart from my increased speed and strength which I had in my past world there's this other ability I have that I can't seem to understand…, Tatsuki replied her looking at his hands…, Wait did you just say abilities you had in your world?…, Juliana retorted…., Yeah what's the matter?…, Tatsuki asked scratching at his head.., Ohhh it's…it's nothing….well some of my lab attendants lent me their mana so I mixed in mine plus their all together fueling the Particle accelerator used in the summoning process…, Juliana explained…, so it also explains the strength and ranking of the other Summoning's too…but does it also mean that Liz has a tremendous amount of mana?…, Tatsuki asked…, Well to be frank with you…she has a medium amount of required mana…but it still wouldn't have been enough to summon a Paladin class summoning….it was probably her father the king of her kingdom DRAGON STONE, or her brother the captain of the White fangs that protect Dragon stone…they say her brothers mana output is outrageous enough to summon two paladins at once…., Juliana replied him…., but Tatsuki it still doesn't explain your ability to outclass a paladin as an unknown class…am sure by now news of a newly summoned unknown class of Adroph kingdom has surpassed the newly summoned paladin of Dragon stone kingdom…, Juliana replied him looking serious…, Sheesh…I don't really know what to say…actually am just a normal looking guy…, Tatsuki replied her grinning…, Really…are you sure that your just a normal guy?…., Juliana replied him as she drew out her sword in front of him…., Yo what gives!?…, Tatsuki exclaimed…, I don't have any affinity…so I train with weaponry….you are gonna be my duelist today…, She replied him.