Chereads / The Unknown class summoning / Chapter 10 - CHAPTER 10

Chapter 10 - CHAPTER 10

Damn its been like two weeks already and no contract?…, Tatsuki exclaimed as he lay lazily on the lounge's sofa…, Am probably sure it's because they are no match for you fufufu…, Juliana replied chuckling as she scribbled at some notes…, You're a pretty hard core bookworm aren'tcha?.., Tatsuki asked looking her way as she studied on a table not far from him…, fufufu…yeah I could say so myself…after all the institute could set exams anytime of the week….by the way why so restless when your so free…, Juliana replied asking him…., well back in my world there was something called a Television or a smart phone…but all I see here are floating orbs displaying Holographic images in the air…, Tatsuki replied sighing…, Plus Eric's been persuading Liz to train with the both of us just so he could get on another boring round with me…plus there's really no way I could cope up with your super fast swings with that damn sword of yours…, Tatsuki exclaimed as he grabbed a book that lay beside him…it was labeled HISTORY with bold letter's.., Hahaha…it did be okay if Elizabeth showed up once in a while though…plus that was a compliment about me by the way…, Juliana replied blushing…, Compliment?…, Tatsuki replied as he opened the book…, Am better off reading this piece a' crap either way.., Tatsuki thought as he's eyes went through the pages catching something almost instantly…, Huh?….there's actually three continents in this world and several other islands scattered across the world.., Tatsuki read on…, The first and the highest is the NEATHER REALMS consisting of humans and their summonings also known to have the most strongest mages and knights….no wonder the humans are at the top…, Tatsuki thought…, The second is the DARK REALM known to consist of DARK ELVES and DEMON KIN'S they are a race of evil beings and entities they originally were at war with the Neather realms for half a millennia due to certain territorial conflicts…huh?…what caused it though?…, Tatsuki couldn't find the cause of such conflict…, Lastly the BEAST-MEN REALM housing several demi-humans and beast men…obviously….they possess a medium amount of Magic abilities and affinities…they are widely known for their peaceful and harmonious behaviors their lands are rich in nutrients which makes their realm a trade mark for stock exchange marketing as they export goods to the two realms also including other isolated or colonized islands…..seems like that's the most interesting topic in this book…, Tatsuki exclaimed as he flipped through the pages…, Finally found something interesting in a book?…, Juliana exclaimed from where she was as she observed him…, Well as far as what you said turned out wrong…i am just finding out that there are actually three major realms in this world or should I say continents…, Tatsuki exclaimed still flipping through the pages…, ohh well yeah…they are th-Neather, Dark and Beast men realms…yeah I just read all that…, Tatsuki interrupted her…, but there an info that wasn't really detailed out here in this book…, Tatsuki replied as he flung the book to a chair beside him…, And what was that?…., Juliana replied him as she put on a pair of glasses still scribbling at some notes…, Well…it said that there was some type of war that went on with the Neather and Dark realms several years ago?…, Tatsuki replied her.., ohh well when I was little there's the story of a great white knight that circulated around the neather realms up on till this day though…they say that the Neather realms were the most weakest among other realms and the Dark realm took the position of top realm….the neather and dark realms were always at war with each other with the dark realm coming out victorious until a fateful day…when man kind were almost pushed into extinction a young boy arose out of the multitude with a tremendous amount of mana…he defeated the dark elves and the demon kins with a swing of his sword which according to the stories was covered in flames from the sun…it was later found out that the dark elves used their dark magic abilities to drain the humans of their mana…making the humans weak against them…after defeating the dark realm he made the Neather realm reclaim their title of top and strongest realm….he was also crowned OVERSEER of the Neather realm..making him the first ruler of the Neather realms…plus he was kind enough not to annihilate the dark realm…he instead made peace with them…and that's the end of the story…, Juliana ended it looking at Tatsuki who dozed off…, DON'T TELL ME YOU SLEPT HALF WAY TO THE STORY'S CONCLUSION!!!…, Juliana exclaimed…, Ohhh…well all I could say is that the guy's a really cool guy if he was that powerful…but you also didn't tell me that each realm had an overseer!!…, Tatsuki exclaimed…, isn't it obvious that there should be an overseer since there are so many kings!?…, Juliana exclaimed accordingly…, By the way ya looking real cute in those glasses…you should wear them sometimes ya know…, Tatsuki replied out of no where as he tried getting up…, Wha…What!!!…, Juliana exclaimed covering her face…,, Huh?…what's wrong?…, Tatsuki asked…, YOU SHOULDN'T SAY SUCH THINGS OUT OF NOWHERE YOU IDIOT!!!…, Belle exclaimed as she pounced on him…, How the hell are you here…I didn't notice you at all!!!.., Tatsuki exclaimed as he evaded the attack…, Hey Tatsuki?.., Juliana called out…, Yeah?..what's up.., Tatsuki replied.., let's go shopping at the school's shopping mall…, She replied him.


Hey..Eric?…, Elizabeth called out to her summoning.., Yes my lady?., Eric replied her as he made to move towards her…, What do you think of these cabbages?…, Elizabeth asked as she handed him two cabbages that looked alike…, Heh…am not really good with sizing my lady…don't they look alike?…, Eric replied her.., Huff…naughty boy fufufu the one on the right looks a little light greened than the left which looks darker…, Elizabeth replied chuckling as she patted his head.., Sheesh my lady…you do remember that I am an adult right?…, Eric replied blushing away…, Yeah yeah the looks tell me other wise fufufu…, She replied chuckling…, Am pretty sure if not for my retorting you did be walking around holding my hand like I was your little brother…, Eric replied her as the maid took the cabbage from his right hand putting it into a basket she held…, Hahaha…exactly Eric…now now let's head over to the coffee shop we need to re stalk our coffee seeds they are almost finished back at the dorm…, Elizabeth replied him as they walked on…, Huff I really wanted to head over to Juliana's dorm to meet Tatsuki….not like I want to be his friend or anything…I just need training that's all…, Eric thought as he walked with Elizabeth…before they got to the shop he noticed something by the end of he's eye view…., Huh?…was that Tatsuki just now?…..nah am just over thinking it….gotta think straight dammit…, He exclaimed…, What's wrong Eric?…, Elizabeth asked…, Ohhh it's nothing hehe…, He replied feeling awkward…, Really?…you just acted weird right now….and that weirdness made you sooooo cute!!!…., She exclaimed as she adored him…, Sometimes I wish I wasn't summoned here as a 10 years old kid…, Eric sighed…..meanwhile…., Sir….the stage has been set for the retrieval as planned earlier…, a feminine voice was heard from an alley as she