Chereads / The Unknown class summoning / Chapter 14 - CHAPTER 13

Chapter 14 - CHAPTER 13

Seems like we are back…., Tatsuki spoke up as he noticed a large group of students just outside the canteen gate….they all immediately fell silent as they noticed two familiar faces standing right where the academy's principal stood initially…., Damn….what a mess…, Tatsuki exclaimed as he looked around…., THEY ARE BACK!!!!!...., A female student exclaimed….., Tatsuki!!...Eric!!!...., Winslow exclaimed their names as he approached them accompanied by he's vice chancellor not excluding Juliana and Elizabeth….., Urrrgh!!.....what a pain!..., Eric exclaimed suddenly reverting back to his younger form…., Eric!!!.....are you alright!!?....., Elizabeth exclaimed as she rushed him embracing him like an older sister did do to her favourite sibling…., Ouch….my back still hurts though…, Eric exclaimed from pain as her embrace almost crushed him…, It's good to see you again….you were gone for like hours!!..., She spoke on ignoring him…., Tatsuki!!..., Juliana exclaimed as she rushed him embracing him…., Woah careful there princess….am okay…just few cuts…., Tatsuki replied looking at her…., She totally forgot about the public while embracing him didn't she?..., Belle thought as she chuckled whilst standing beside them…., You don't ever go disappearing on me…ever again…, Juliana replied still hugging him…., Hehe…though I didn't do it of my own free will though…, Tatsuki thought as he chuckled…, She reminds me of her…, Tatsuki thought as he felt her warmth…., I see you guys are taking your time…, Winslow suddenly cut in…., Woah!...didn't see you there!!..., hey Tatsuki…where are the strangers?...., Eric asked as he stared back at where two bodies were meant to be….., Huh?....what the….how did she…., Tatsuki exclaimed as he looked around for the perpetrators…, You mean the ones responsible for abducting you two?....., Winslow asked…, Yeah!!...we literally defeated them….there was no way they could have escaped…., Tatsuki replied Winslow….., They must have come prepared for defeat…, Eric added…., Well we will leave it for the Principal to handle…..for now you guys need medical attention….., I don't need any….am good!!...., Tatsuki exclaimed suddenly unlocking her embrace…., You two will need medical attention…, Winslow spoke on…, Here…, Eric spoke up handing the scroll shaped device to Winslow…., Huh? What's this?...., He asked…., I don't know but it is related to the event that transpired today…., Eric replied as he walked off with Elizabeth…, .....where's the principal?...., Winslow thought as he looked around,…., He's back at he's office…, Sir Rendell spoke to him as if reading he's mind…., Ummm mister chancellor sir….uhh I pretty much feel okay…., Tatsuki cut in…., So do i…I used healing magic on my body…., Eric added…., That's a lie….you still feel pain somewhere around your back…., Elizabeth replied him as she patted he's head…., Princess?...., Eric groaned…, So she did listen after all…, He thought…., I won't repeat myself….you two…the med room…Now!!..., Winslow commanded as he walked away with he's vice chancellor…., Talk about lame…., Tatsuki retorted…., Tatsuki?...., Juliana exclaimed shushing him…., after all that he behaves like nothing happened at all.., Juliana thought as she looked at him…., What would I have done if something bad happened to him?....what happened today was all so sudden and mysterious…., Juliana thought…., And….the principal would like to see you both…in order to address what happened today…, Winslow added…, he would be seeing you two tomorrow so take the rest of your day recovering…., Huff…typical… Tatsuki thought….., Asides that….Julia what are we having for dinner…am kinda famished…, Tatsuki exclaimed rubbing he's head as they both walked back to their dorm house….The eyes of the staff and students were still glued to the victims as they retreated back….to be questioned the next day…., several hours had passed and the principal was seen with both Miss Flora and Sir Rendell…., What happened here today shouldn't be taking lightly by anyone…., The principal spoke up as he furrowed he's beard…., Are you sure the council should hear about the events that transpired today?...., Miss Flora replied…, You weren't at the premises today Flora….you didn't file a report…, The principal replied her ignoring her question…, Yes….i already filed an earlier report about been off academy grounds the other day….was visiting some relatives…., She replied…., You look tired too….almost pale…..You look like you need a rest…, Rendell added…., Ohh Hehe…just motion sick…after all they live at Port fall…, Well back to the matter at hand….answering your question…yes…the council will have to hear first-hand what happened to the summoning's of both Elizabeth of Dragon stone and Juliana of Adroph during their disappearance…., The old man replied as he relaxed on his chair…., But still it doesn't explain why this all happened…..and why they targeted the recent summoning's….the only bodies that know of their existence are the council….which also comprises of the kings and ambassadors of the Neather realm…, and they wouldn't go as far as to send assassins or spy's to the academy…., Rendell replied…., If it were to happen I would have noticed… light barrier which covers every inch of the school wall would have sensed an unknown force….and the students couldn't possibly be the spies…..Our Uknown Tatsuki Hinokami would have sensed their ill will the moment he won the match between Juliana and one of the other student Travis of SALT LAKE…., The old man explained…., I for one have sensed how much mana Tatsuki possesses….and with he's physical prowess he's sense must be very heightened….anybody who ever had a plan to attack him would have obviously had an escape plan….it's no wonder the perpetrator's escaped…., he added…., So it had to be an external force?...., Flora replied he's theories with her own….., That could be a suggestion too….it also means they have technology more advanced than ours…, The principal replied her…., This was given to Winslow by Elizabeth's summoning Eric…..he said it was the device which was used to activate the Spatial drift…., Rendell explained as he handed the principal the scroll which had several symmetrical patterns all around it which glowed a bright green…., Hmmmm….they did well retrieving this….you would have to give it to the schools Technology departments scientist….maybe she could decipher the code's embedded In it…., the old man replied as he handed it back to Rendell…., I also believe the invaders were very skilled…., The principal added…., why do you say so principal?...., Flora replied…., hmmm…..the state Tatsuki and Eric were in was haggered….it looked like they took quite a beating not excluding few injuries that were spotted on Tatsuki's left arm and ribs…the cuts looked fresh….the academy's physician did say that Tatsuki had several doses of poison sap mostly found in the Nivaria lotus….a very poisonous flower that could kill a human in less than four seconds…three beaker's full of them were extracted from he's body during the treatment…., The principal added…., Gasp!!....and he didn't die!!!.....he even looked like he was unharmed internally when they were finally free!!...., Rendell exclaimed…., That's how unnatural That Unknown really is….., Flora replied him…., It wasn't that info that was surprising…., The old man replied…., Huh?...., Flora and Rendell reacted simultaneously…., Rendell…where are Nivaria lotuses found?..., The principal asked…., Well they are normally found in the....., Rendell paused as he was about to mention the location…., What's wrong Rendell?.... Flora asked in confusion…, Well…Nivaria lotuses grow in the dark realm…in areas where the soil is most alkaline…., Rendell added…., What!!?.... but that could only mean one thing!!!...., Flora exclaimed…, Exactly….now you both see why I said the issue is far greater than anyone could presume….You two should go back home for now….take a rest… would all be concluded in Dragon stone tomorrow….the council picked their place of meeting to be held there…, The principal concluded the meeting…., Thanks for the information Principal ELDMOND…., Rendell replied as both he and Flora walked out of the office….., Hmmmm….they finally picked a time to strike…, The old man thought furrowing he's beard as he stared outside his office window.


It was dusk already…there was a familiar figure walking around the site of the accident…., How was the experimentation…., A guttural voice spoke as a blue hologram of a face which couldn't be made out due to its incomplete form asked the figure standing near one of the crash sites…, Well…it was quite good and draining…, A feminine voice which was also familiar replied the initial…., Hmmm…., The guttural voice reacted…, First off…before I start..i want to just say that we lost the guy you people lumped on me as a partner…., She added…, There's no problem with that….there ought to be sacrifices on this mission…., The guttural voice replied…., Okay then….well…it turns out that our little experiment is a success…..he's immune to all forms of poisons…seeming he just lost a little bit of he's stamina after getting a dose of the most poisonous flower…., you know what? short he is what we expected him to be right from the start…., She concluded….., Hmmmm….so it was a success then….it won't be long until we finally turn him in as our own…, The guttural voice replied as a faint smile was noticed on the base of his face…., Yes…it sounds easy at first….but he…he won't be easily swayed…., She replied…, then you will build something better than him….you always surprise us with your invention Wyomia…, The voice retorted…., You don't get it….he…he…I don't know…he has a way of flirting with me…., She replied…., Flirting?....Wyomia are you drifting again?...., The voice replied…, Ohhh no I meant he has a way with things….especially me…., She replied sounding like she was chuckling…., You know you're crazy right!!?....just don't mess the mission up with your delusions….get this done while the masters patience is fresh… He exclaimed as the hologram disappeared…., Huff…no one understands sheesh…after all he didn't kill me…he left me alive on purpose…. She spoke to no one in particular as she felt the area around her neck…., Tatsuki Hinokami…I can't wait for the opportunity to meet you again n person…, She thought as a huge smile formed around her face…., I can't wait to experiment on you again…, She spoke.