Chereads / The Unknown class summoning / Chapter 19 - CHAPTER 18

Chapter 19 - CHAPTER 18

W... Well what other addition do you want to perform? King Greyhaert asked he's son as Reinhardt seemed to have stopped…., Hmmm the king of Nivania seems to have been shut up for good too…., Wait!!.... I have an objection!!...., The king of Nivania exclaimed before things could be rounded up…., Tch…I almost forgot he's main power…., King Edward thought as he snickered…..., He's a real stubborn asshole…., He thought…., Huh?...what's he got against you this time….., Reinhardt thought as he looked at the king smiling…., I love the way we have all resolved the demonic issue but first…I don't think I have to remind you all of the threat he posed at me…..prince Reinhardt didn't quite resolve that issue….., The king exclaimed with a grin on he's face…., If I fail to form a contract with Adroph…at least I get to lock up that coward of a summoning and taint the name of Onswell's house hold with he's insolence…., the king of Nivania thought…, Ooh?...., Tatsuki reacted as a thought just came up…., Yooooooo!!.....I have something to say too!!...., Tatsuki exclaimed as he walked up front to everyone's surprise…., Huh?....Tatsuki what are you...!!?..., Eric exclaimed inwardly as he tried to stop him…., Well there's no place that said you could harm or prosecute an individual talk less of a summoning if they offended you in any way….., Tatsuki spoke up…., What!!?...., Thw king exclaimed inwardly…., Hmmmm….he's on to something big…., Reinhardt thought…, Well as you can see…the law stated that during sessions or conference meeting' between kingdoms…apart from the king or ambassador of the kingdom the meeting is held….every other individual are seen as equals slightly…I don't think you could prosecute me for acting out in spite of you and your allegations King Luthor of Nivania….., Tatsuki laid them out to the utmost shock of every single person in the room….excluding the principal and King Greyhaert….., W…What?...., The king of Nivania king Luthor was flabbergasted at that moment too…., yes….as King Luthor of Nivania has no other objections…summoning Tatsuki of Adroph can be elevated of any secondary punishments for he's tantrum…., King Greyhaert spoke on…, Wait….secondary? there's a primary punishment?...., Tatsuki asked Reinhardt…., Ohh I forgot you were new to this world….yeah….there's a secondary and primary punishment….haha and if you read deeper the individual that made the offence is instead punished with the primary offence…haha…you are funny you know that?....hahaha….., Reinhardt laughed on…., What?...., Tatsuki felt like a pile of rocks just bashed against he's head..., Hmmm…I am still confused as to the purpose of all this…., King Greyhaert thought as he racked he's brain on how to end the meeting….., Ummm!...., Tatsuki exclaimed as he looked at both the dumbfounded King of Nivania who stood one place and the king of Dragon stone…., Aren't we gonna revert back to the main topic of the meeting?...., Tatsuki exclaimed…., What?....main topic?...., The king of dragon stone thought as he furrowed he's beard…., Damn that boy…of course he wasn't affected by the Pandemonium haze…., Yes your highness…it seemed like you all drifte3d far from the focus of the meeting…., Eric added as he looked at the kings and their confused expressions…., Hmmm?....and what was the focus?...., King Greyhaert asked…., I don't want to be the one telling everyone that I too forgot…hehe…., The king thought…., Ohh my….I can't believe you ae asking such questions…., A feminine voice echoed behind him…., Huh?...., King Luthor reacted looking at the lady beside him….she too was seated amongst the eight kings…., What?....what's a lady doing seating amongst the kings?...., Tatsuki asked in confusion….., Ohh…that's because she is actually one of the eight kings of the Neather realm….Lady Margarette of Kingdom Salt Lake….., Reinhardt explained to both Tatsuki and Eric's surprise, Of course she also wasn't affected by my affinity….she also has unusual mana, Well….the meeting was held for the purpose of addressing the issue on the event involving two demon's intruding the royal academy….and attacking the two summoning's present….but for some reason….., She paused as she looked at King Luthor of Nivania…., Every single person lost sight of the goal when King Luthor stated he's thoughts….., OOOhhh….now I remember!!.....why the hell would I forget such trivial matters…., King Greyhaert exclaimed…., What? did I forget such a matter?...., King Edward as well reacted…, Wait…that's actually right…., We were all so focused on the demon allegations against that summoning and just forgot….., Was the allegations so intruging?...., Hmmmmm…I sense foul play here…, Murmurs arose…., Ohh…oh my!! would I drift away from the current issue?...., King Luthor exclaimed as he felt the stares of both Lady Margarette, Reinhardt, Tatsuki and Eric…., Alright…shall we continue?...., King Grey heart exclaimed as he clapped he's hands. 30 minutes later every one in the room were seen retreating to their fellow Asterix with their chauffeur holding the door handle…, Damn…still can't believe the meeting dragged on for 3 hours straight…., Tatsuki exclaimed as he released a sigh…., haha what did you expect…..your mere existence manipulated it…., Juliana replied him as they walked up to their Asterix…on their way they met Reinhardt and Elizabeth…., Ohhh hey Tatsuki…going hoe already?...., Reinhardt asked as he released a smile…., Yeah….am pretty bummed with the after effects of the meeting…., Tatsuki replied…., Damn….i was eager to know you more though….alright…what about a special invitation…., Reinhardt exclaimed…., Huh? invitation!!?...., Juliana exclaimed…., What!!?....Elder brother don't tell me your planning on letting them stay the night!!...., Elizabeth exclaimed…., Hahaha….Of course I am Elizabeth…..your so cute when you pout haha…., Reinhardt laughed her off…., Now…do you accept?...., Reinhardt asked…., Well…I humbly-Do you guys have any hot baths?...., Tatsuki interrupted Juliana…., W..What!!?...., Juliana exclaimed…., Of course duh!....We have the most finest in Dragon stone too…., Elizabeth retorted…., Well count me in!!...., Tatsuki exclaimed almost immediately…., Whaaaaaat!!!?...., Juliana exclaimed…., Com'on don't feel like that milady….i haven't soaked in a hot bath in forever…., Tatsuki replied her…., Alright alright…., Juliana replied…, And hey Reinhardt…., Tatsuki called out…., What!!?...he's already calling the prince by he's first name?...., Eric thought as he approached Elizabeth…., He's already calling the prince of Dragon stone by he's first name?...and with no honourable!?.., Juliana thought as she noticed the irritated look on Elizabeth's face…., You do realize you could have used something different to attack me back at the meeting ya know…., Tatsuki spoke up as he looked at the bandaged part of he's palm…., Ohh hehe…old habits die hard right?...., Reinhardt replied rubbing he's head…, Well….seems lie the Principal and sir Rendell are headed back to their various homes…., Elizabeth spoke up looking at them entering their different Asterix….., Yeah….huh?...., Tatsuki reacted as he's eyes met that off Lady Margarette as she gave him a cunning look whilst entering her Asterix followed by her maid and body guard…, Hmmm…seems like she has something on you Tatsuki…., Winslow cut in as he approached them all…., Huh?....Winslow you are alright!....., Juliana replied him…., Wait you noticed?...., Tatsuki replied him…, Yes….after all you were the main interest during todays meeting…., Hmmm?....who are you guys talking about?...., Elizabeth asked in confusion…., Well seems like we would have an extra guest too…, Reinhardt exclaimed as he patted Winslow on the shoulder…., What?....Guest?...., Winslow asked…, Yeah…he already invited them over which they accepted…., Elizabeth replied him gesturing to Tatsuki and Juliana…., I must say Winslow….your skill really aided the meeting…, Reinhardt spoke on…, Well…I haven't mastered it yet though….i only hail in Sword ship just like Princess Juliana…., Winslow replied as he adjusted he's glasses…., Ohh…but if I recall your Telepathic ability is all thanks to your Divine blessing…, Elizabeth replied him…, Yeah…but I never gave it much attention…its probably why it took me time to penetrate Prince Reinhardt's mind…., Winslow added…., well I would like to stay over as a guest too…, Well splendid enough…..see you all later…, Reinhardt exclaimed as he walked off with both Elizabeth and Eric…, TATSUKI HINOKAMI!!..., Tatsuki's name was heard from a mile away it sounded like a man's voice…it was also quite deep and firm… was Juliana's father King Edward Onswell…., Oh no! father must be really angry at you after wat you did today…, Juliana exclaimed as he approached the three of them accompanied with several guards…., Tch…I musta really pissed him off…, Tatsuki replied her as he formed a grin…., Pissed? pretty sure he's furious though…, Winslow added…., Tatsuki Hinokami!! have really shown me….., The king paused as he finally approached Tatsuki looking down on him (and yes…the king is quite tall and hefty)…, You have shown me...…HOW GOOD IT IS TO BE WELL EDUCATED!!!...., The king exclaimed as he grabbed Tatsuki's hand with a smile on he's face…., Errrrmmm….What!!?...., Juliana exclaimed out of shock…., I must admit…He got me there for a second…, Winslow thought as he adjusted he's glasses…, Ehh….Ehhhh? confused your highness…., Tatsuki exclaimed…, Confused?....this is the first time I am seeing my daughters profound Unknown summoning… be honest from what I heard they said you were known to be quite hard brained…., The king exclaimed…., Ehh…who must have said that…., Tatsuki thought as he suddenly thought of Belle…., Wait but just now father….you said something about Tatsuki been educated…what did you mean by that?...., Juliana asked…, Ohh well the law code he quoted during the meeting is really rare to be seen in any constitution guide book….so I was surprised somebody as Hard brained as him would know of such a code…., The king explained as he furrowed he's half greyish beard…., Please drop the Hard brained Title…., Tatsuki thought with spite…, Yes now I remember…Tatsuki I never new you were the type to read…., Juliana spoke to him…, Ohhh well you see…in other for me not to get too confused during the meeting I kinda went to your private library and searched for books regarding to the law of the Neather realm…, Tatsuki replied…., Ohh that's awfully clever!!..., Juliana thought as a firm of doubt crossed her expression....., nope that's just been plane sarcastic....., Winslow thought scoffing.