Julia you called…, Winslow spoke up as he met her at the entrance of the school's canteen…, Yes I did…I have a problem…, She replied…, My summoning kind of disappeared right in front of me…, What?…is that all…I don't see the problem that's the problem…, Julia cut him short…, he disappeared on me…but I sense something else….don't you?…., Juliana added…, I…I do…..I sense his mana…, Really?…where…, Juliana replied almost immediately…, He's mana signature seems to be moving randomly…yes..I sense it right beside that fruit sta-BASH!!!!!…, was the sound made as the whole stall was bashed into by a force which seemed somewhat invisible…, Whoa!!!…what the hell was that?…, Elizabeth exclaimed as she came out of a nearby boutique…., Elizabeth?…, Juliana noticed her…, What the…, Wins-low thought as a sword formed on his left hand…., Did you see that?…, Winslow asked Juliana who was just as confused as him…, It looked like something invisible crashed into that stall-BARRRGGGH!!!!…, Was a loud crushing sound made yet again just across them….a deep crater was formed on the ground which instantly frightened the students around….., OKAY EVERYBODY OUT!!!!…, Winslow exclaimed to all the students and shop/stall owners present…less than a second all individuals present dispersed outside the school canteen…., ummm can somebody tell me what's actually going on with the noise…, Elizabeth exclaimed as she walked towards them…, something's off with the area and Juliana's summoning suddenly disappeared according to her…, Haa….sucks to be you….speaking of summonings…have you guy's seen or know the whereabouts of Eric?…., Elizabeth replied…, Your summoning?…., Juliana asked…, Uhhhh yh….my summoning duhh…, She replied…, he was with me and less than a second he wasn't am thinking he might have been looking for your summoning for some stupid training…., Elizabeth replied…., He's gone too…so is Tatsuki…..he must have disappeared too…, Juliana replied…., What do you mean by disappeared…he's obviously around here somewhere…, Elizabeth replied…, Try sensing his mana signature…, Winslow added…, Ummm I think his over there…, Elizabeth replied pointing at a roof just opposite the stall that got trashed…, Huh?…I could swear his mana signature is coming from that spot…, Elizabeth exclaimed shockingly…, How?…it's the same as how I sensed Tatsuki's mana signature and didn't see him there…, Juliana thought…., Juliana…Elizabeth…I will summon the principal why you two evacuate the premises…, Winslow spoke up as he headed out.
It isn't good to look away while the enemy's in-front of you Tatsuki Hinokami…, The strange lady spoke as she walked towards the crash site a midst the rubble's…, Pretty cringe hearing my name from someone I have never met or seen before…, Tatsuki exclaimed behind her…just across the crash site…he was seen dusting the jacket he put on…., hmm am fascinated at how fast you are Tatsuki…, She replied with a grin…., He's way faster than I predicted…I didn't see he's escape from my chain's though he actually crashed into the shop behind me….truly fascinating…., What!?…too surprised to speak….I assure you…you haven't been surprised just yet…, Tatsuki replied as he speed dashed straight at her preparing a blow with his right fist but something was off….., what the….I feel weird…., Tatsuki thought….suddenly noticing the smile on her face he put a huge halt to his steps and dashed right back…., Hahaha…why the sudden retreat?…., She asked as she looked at him…., Retreat?…I just noticed something was off and decided to step back a moment…, Tatsuki replied looking at her chains…., Those chain's….they definitely did something to me…, Tatsuki thought as he looked at his hands…, It's called poisoning Tatsuki…plus the chains are cloaked with my mana….and every touch drains a huge amount of mana from you…., She explained as she circled him…, Huff…so right now 17% of my mana has been stolen and am poisoned too?…., Tatsuki replied her as he furrowed his chin also circling her..., Exactly…I like that your actually following up….though am sorry but this fight would be quick enough for me and my partner to go back home…., She added…, and why do you say so?…, Tatsuki replied…, That's cus the poison affects your mobility….., She replied adding a huge smile to her face…, Dang it….I hate how right she is….am actually feeling a slight dizziness already…., Tatsuki thought as he observed her…, HEY Eric!!!!…..are you okay?…., Tatsuki exclaimed still looking at the strange woman…., Okay?….how could he be?…., The big muscular man replied as he tried looking through the dust that clouded the area he punched until….., Shut up geezer….of course am okay…., Eric replied from the roof beside Tatsuki…., Hmmm….you evaded?…., The bulky man spoke up not looking surprised…., Of course I did…, Eric replied already stretching out his staff aiming at the bulky man….., Not only did I evade your attack….am gonna show you a bit of mine-BLAAAASSST!!!!…., Was the sound made as a huge bolt of lightning struck the spot the strange man was standing in a flash....until…., If that's all you got….am afraid to tell you this…but am dissapointed…., The man replied behind Eric…, Whoa!!!…,BAARRRGH!!!!…, The roof was shattered in a split second…., he suddenly appeared behind Eric?...he has to be too fast….no he isn't fast…If he was…I would have noticed…., he's using some kind of teleporting ability of some sort…., Tatsuki thought as he stared back at the strange woman who for some reason hadn't made a move yet…., That was a close call…, Eric exclaimed as he was seen surrounded by several luminant circles moving around him like a defense barrier…., I almost forgot you were a paladin class mage…., The strange man replied…., Surprised?…BLAST!!!!….was another unexpected shot from Eric's staff which sent the man flying…., Alright lady!….let's get this experiment done with…Tatsuki exclaimed as his dagger formed on his right hand…, With pleasure…., She replied as she speed dashed him swinging her scythe chains at him….making quick dodges at them Tatsuki been close to her rear at that moment made a quick swing with his dagger at the moment of making its way at her back….she made a curve with her leg hitting him right at his chest…., Too freaking flexible….so she's a long and close ranged fighter then great…, Tatsuki thought as he made a quick dash before she could rebound…., Hmmmm taking the first strike are we?…., She spoke as she flung her chains at him from every corner he could escape…., Dammit…faster than…, Tatsuki thought as he speed dashed his way past them….aiming his dagger at her face…, Hmmmph fell for it…, She thought as she flexed her left hand suddenly entangling Tatsuki's right hand and leg…, Grrr…no you don't…, Tatsuki exclaimed as he wrapped his right arm around the chains suddenly dragging her towards him…, Wait a min-POWWWW!!!!!!…., Was the sound made as he layed a blow on her chin which sent her back…but in that split moment he was unbound by the chains….he made a huge swing at her….SLICE!!!…., was the sound made as Tatsuki landed on the ground. BLAST!!!!….., was another sound made as Eric made continous lightening based attacks at the huge stranger only for them to get blasted at wrong locations…., That stupid ability….how does he use it-BASHHHH!!!!!….., There was a huge crashing almost all of a sudden on the place he stood….dodging by hairs breadth he made a quick landing on the floor…., You keep attacking with the same affinity…am already bored out of my mind…., The man exclaimed as he suddenly appeared righty in front of Eric with a huge fist already curled up ready to plummet his body….., BAASHHH!!!…, Tch….how does he do that?….I can' t attack without thinking….m Eric thought as he glided through the air using his wind affinity until…., Wh…what the!!!…., he suddenly appeared right in front of the man…he was no longer on the air…., No not this time boy!!!…, The man exclaimed as he layed a deafening blow to his face which sent him flying…., I…didn't…see that coming at…POWWWW!!…., Another blow was layed to his belly before he could think twice….sending him straight into a nearby restaurant crashing into the tables…., Hmmm…you must be really quick to react boy…because those blows I gave you were meant to kill you…but you cloaked yourself in your mana minutes before impact…., The man exclaimed as he stood just outside the restaurant…, Urrrgh!!!….he isn't wrong though…urrrgh!…, Eric groaned as he tried getting up…., Damn those blows felt like two boulders crushing right into my internal organs…, Eric thought as he cast healing magic on himself…, His attacks are unpredictable due to his teleportation abilities….but one thing I noticed is…..he's ability is limited to a particular distance…, Eric thought…, I just have to be ready at all ti-What's wrong little one…, The man spoke to him suddenly appearing before him…, Tch…Not again!!!!!…KABOOOOM!!!!!…, Eric exclaimed suddenly outbursting with his golden mana until…., Try avoiding this…, Eric exclaimed as he blasted a huge fireball at the man….., BLAST!!!!!...Arrrrgh!!!…., Eric exclaimed in pain as the fireball hit him with utmost force…., Hahahaha….what did you think you would do…., The man exclaimed with his right hand stretched out and his left hand to his waist…., Urrrrgh!!!…, Eric exclaimed as he fell face down…, He can also redirect one's attacks anywhere he wishes…including the caster's location.....why…didn't I think of that?…, Eric exclaimed…., The man laughed as he walked up to Eric…grabbing his head with his left hand….., I ask….what did you think that mere attack would do to me?!…., The man asked looking at Eric…., I…I dunno…maybe….this?…., Eric replied looking down at the man's legs…, Huh?….what do you mean?…, The man reacted suddenly looking down….BLLLAAAASSSTTT!!!!…., was the sound made as a bolt of lightning hit him…engulfing him and Eric in an instant from the ground up….suddenly Eric rebounded out sparking bolts of electricity from his body…., Urrrh!!!….huff….pretty sure he didn't see that coming…I had set a magic circle on me…..but I didn't think he did actually walk up to me….thank goodness I hadn't deactivated the barrier around me…if not I did be like him eventually…, Eric thought as he looked at the body of the bulky man all burnt up from the continuous attack of lightning bolts which had eventually stopped…the bulky man remained standing with his lifeless eyes and steaming body. Huff…well that was too easy…, Tatsuki exclaimed as he robbed the blood off his dagger on a piece of the strange lady's cloth he cut out…., Hahaha….don't get your hopes up just yet…., She suddenly replied across him…., Wait wait wait…hold on a sec…, Tatsuki exclaimed looking at the lady still standing with s huge cut extending from her shoulder down to her waist….the surprising fact was that her wounds and cut all suddenly closed up…, regenerative abilities!!…really!!…, Tatsuki exclaimed shockingly suddenly standing his guard…., This can't really be what your toughest could do right?…I mean I saw what you did at the Divine tribunal realm…., She replied flexing the arm the cut also affected…., You were?…., Tatsuki replied looking surprised…, You know…that punch you gave me actually still hurts even though it's all healed up now…., She replied him as she walked towards him…., Huff….though I didn't give it my all…not to totally destroy your face and all….it's just too good to destroy…, Tatsuki replied her…., I don't know…but…that punch you gave me…kind of excited me…I felt this ...intense…pleasure from it haha…, She replied as a smile creeped on her face…, Sorry to tell you this but that's weird....and creepy…, Tatsuki added…., It almost wanna make me take you right now and straight into my lab….to cut up that pretty body of yours….it's almost like am in LOVE!!!!.…, I don't know…but seems like that blow I gave her knocked some screws out too…, Tatsuki thought…, ouch!….what the?…, Tatsuki suddenly felt an intense pain on his rib…looking at it he noticed a cut which was currently bleeding…, Ohhh…bet you didn't notice the cut I gave you…when you were going all lovey-dovey with me back there…, She replied…, That was a real risky move then…if I hadn't evaded her after cutting her I would have been quite dead…the chains probably drained more of my mana with that last move and this cut is obviously poisoned…it won't stop bleeding….dammit…she's way too flexible…evading my attacks like it was nothing….she's fast and is also a long ranged fighter…almost as if this fight was set against me….she's probably gaining the mana she stole from me…increasing her speed and agility….huff…am already getting pissed at myself…, Tatsuki thought as he observed the strange lady who suddenly stood where she was.