spoke into the orb floating in front of her…., "hmm are the target's in place?…."…, Another voice though guttural was heard coming out of the floating orb…, Affirmative…, She replied …, "okay then…proceed as planned"…, The voice replied her.
I still can't wrap my head around the fact that Tatsuki came to this world with abilities of his own….it could also explain why his class couldn't be processed…., Juliana thought as she looked at the brown haired summoning beside her…, Milady?…., Belle called out to her showing her a pair of heels from the boutique…, Ohhh…that's gonna be yours.., Juliana replied…, Ohh…I very much appreciate it my lady…, Belle replied bowing slightly…, Hmmm…, Tatsuki moped…, Ya know for a princess…you're really kind.,., Tatsuki spoke to her…, Huh…really?…, Juliana asked…, Yup…that's what I have seen you do since I came to this world…, Ohhh….thanks for the compliment Tatsuki…., Juliana replied blushingly…, Wait…, Juliana paused…., Did he say that cus….I didn't get him anything?….., She thought…, Oh no…..how did I make him feel…., She thought as she looked at his bored looking face…., No….I have to do something…fast…, She concluded ironically in her mind…., Damn…today's really boring…kinda wish I took up little runt's offer for a spar partner….sigh…., Tatsuki thought as he dragged his feet…., ummm….Tatsuki?…, Juliana called out to him…., Ohhh sup princess…, He replied…., Lets head over there…, She replied pointing at the schools restaurant specified only for the higher nobles…, Wow….I was kinda already feeling hungry….count me in…., Tatsuki replied as his face brightened up enlightening Juliana's soul…, Sigh…what does that princess think at times…., Belle thought as she looked at the smile creeping up at Juliana's face…, few minutes later they were seen sitting at a reserved space…, Damn…so the school also has pre reserved area's for noble's….., Tatsuki spoke up as he observed the dolphin shaped fountain just across the street…, Yes Tatsuki am sorry if you feel uncomfor-It's no biggy alright?…am cool with it…, Tatsuki replied her cutting her short at the same time…, sir, madam?…what wold you like today?…, A waiter asked as he bowed slightly in a welcoming way…, I would like the tilapia-fish-cousine…what about you Tatsuki?…, Juliana replied asking…, Well I would like the....omellette rice with extra sauce too…, Tatsuki replied looking at other delicacies with words which seemed random to him…., Thanks for your order…, The waiter replied as he scribbled on a note walking away afterwards…., fufu…., Juliana chuckled lightly..., What's good?…, Tatsuki asked her…, Ohh…nothing…just laughing at how big of a foodie you are…, She replied looking the other way…, What!…I ain't no foodie….that's just common around here r-...…., Hmmm…what was tha-Tatsuki?…., Juliana cut herself short as she noticed Tatsuki's sudden disappearance from where he was just sitting right in front of her…, What what's going on?…my lady are you all right?…., Belle asked as she approached Juliana noticing her confused and worried expression…., Tatsuki was just here a second ago…and he suddenly dissapeared on me…., Juliana replied looking around…., Hmmm…are you sure he isn't pulling some kind of prank on you…, Belle replied…, No…somethings awfully odd with the atmosphere…, Juliana replied looking around…., You're not wrong about that princess….it's almost as if there's another presence here…, Belle replied…, Quick summon Winslow…..I feel a strange mana in the atmosphere…, Juliana exclaimed suddenly standing up.
-ight?…..huh?….Juliana?…., Tatsuki called out as he noticed the empty seat in front of him….but not only that….the whole area looked deserted unlike a few seconds ago…., What the?….is this some kinda prank?…., Tatsuki exclaimed as he looked around in search of one person at all…, Hinokami!!?…, Eric exclaimed as he ran towards Tatsuki…., Hey runt…, Tatsuki replied…, My names not runt…that aside do you know whats going on here?…., Eric replied asking…, Am pretty sure they are tryna prank us and all…but why go this far?…, Tatsuki replied still looking around as they walked around the fountain…., Am afraid to tell you this but your wrong…., Eric replied him…., where do you place your bases on…., Eric asked…., Ummm well the fact that I can still sense their mana…, Tatsuki replied…, Yes that too…but is it not odd that we sense their mana presence too strongly….I mean I sense someone's mana signature as if he or she is standing right here with me…, Eric replied as he gestured on the spot he stood…., What?…so what's going on?…, Tatsuki asked…, My princess…her mana signature is still in that boutique….but there's no one there…, Eric replied pointing at a boutique Tatsuki and Juliana recently visited…surprised at how they didn't cross-paths Tatsuki replied…, Hmmm so this is some cross dimensional realm of some sort…, Exactly human…., A feminine voice was heard just a stone throw's length from them…..looking at the path the voice came from…they noticed a young lady with a skin glistening it's crimson red feature in an all-black suit…she had pitch black eyes and was escorted with a bulky looking man not less than 9ft tall in height wielding a scroll on his left hand he also had crimson red skin but lighter in color…he possessed the same pitch black eyes and a pair of horns which extended from the side of his head…., What the hell?…where did they come from…, Tatsuki thought as he observed them…, I didn't even notice these two….talk-less of their mana…., Eric thought…., Hahahaha….I know what you two are thinking….how didn't I sense their mana…..yeah that's cus our mana's are tainted…pretty unfair right?…, She spoke up from behind them still a stone throw away…., Whoa whoa…what the shit?….she's fast…, Tatsuki thought if am guessing she's as fast as Eric was…, Tatsuki thought as he prepared his guard…, Who are you people…., Eric asked…, Hmmm….the little boy speaks…., She replied….., We are….we are nobody…we are just here for an experiment is all…., She replied…, The big dude hasn't said anything at all…I guess he's that type of person…, Tatsuki thought…., Okay so every single person just suddenly disappeared….leaving behind two summoning's who are just going about their day….you guys are behind it all right?…., Tatsuki replied exclaiming…., Hmmm…jumping right into conclusions are we?…, She replied smiling…., Yes and we are gonna be test subjects?….for who and for what?…., Tatsuki asked as his gauntlet's suddenly formed on his hands…., Hmmm for….classified reason's…and for who though….I think….that would be me…., She replied as a huge smile spread across her face displaying the pair of carnivorous teeth her mouth contained…., And if I were you two…I did stay one place and let me capture you guy's…., she replied suddenly unveiling an extended chain like scythe on both hands which emitted purplish glow…. Am sorry lady but I don't think that's happening…, Eric replied suddenly taking on his adult form with his staff forming on his right hand…., don't get your hopes up kid…, A deep hollow voice spoke behind him…, What th-BAAAGGGG!!!!…., Whoa…the big one's as fast as her too!!!…., Tatsuki exclaimed inwardly as he suddenly looked behind…until….RUUUUP!!!…., he was suddenly entangled in the chains the strange woman was wielding…, It's not good to turn away from your opponent you know that right?…., She spoke as she swung him sideways bashing him into the shop stalls.