Chereads / Never Trust A Shadow After Dark / Chapter 7 - Just her imagination

Chapter 7 - Just her imagination

For the next few minutes Bane had her on ice duty when she wasn't helping Chandra with filling drinks orders and buffering between guests.

She breathed a sigh of relief when the bartender returned and Lisa didn't need to be working so closely with Bane anymore. 

One of the guys came up to speak with Bane, Lisa remembered the girls screaming out his name, Shinto. 

He had long black hair and Asian features but his name suggested he was Japanese. 

She got confirmation when he spoke to Bane who conversed with Shinto fluently in rapt Japanese.

Earlier Bane had made it seem that Tristan was the one with high standards in the company. 

Now that she was getting to know more about the brothers it seems the roles he hinted at were reversed. 

Even though Bane was the younger brother he seemed to show more of an interest in the business than his flighty older brother. 

When the crowd died down and with more hands helping around the bar Lisa didn't feel needed anymore and found herself alone at some point. 

"My brother was right, you are looking a bit under the weather. Do you want to call it a night? It was my idea to make you finish out the week but perhaps it's best if you went home earlier?"

Bane basically made her aware that after this morning's debacle with her missing from the photo shoot Tristan would have wanted her gone. 

Lisa's heart felt even more disappointment with Tristan, she looked up at Bane's face and her throat suddenly felt dry. 

She really needed this job if she was going to get out from under Robert's grasp.

"Again, I apologize for earlier. I won't make you regret having me around," said Lisa earnestly. 

All this time she had presumed that Tristan was…. Maybe it was just her imagination. 

Then she remembered the afterparty, how Tristan had gotten her intoxicated and left her to fend on her own.

She shuddered to think what could have gone wrong had Bane not intervened that night.

Tristan didn't even mention the afterparty, didn't act as if he genuinely cared about her well being.

To him, Lisa was just another face in the crowd and it back to business like Tristan almost never ruined her life. 

The fact that Tristan was probably in cahoots with Vivica and whispering negative things about Lisa behind her back made her lose all interest in him.

A vivid reminder that the Shadowhurst brothers were not to be trusted.

Bane followed the direction of Lisa's gaze and saw that she was staring at Vivica laughing with Tristan. 

"As you should," Bane replied softly.

What he said next made Lisa turn her attention from the couple to look at him.

"Your innocence is so obvious when it comes to my brother you were setting yourself up for disappointment."

Bane moved to sit beside her on the sofa and Lisa felt every movement in her bones.

She was so conscious of Bane at this moment that everything else was forgotten as his skin brushed next to hers. 

His slight touch sent a burning sensation on her skin and heat flooded her veins. 

Here in the privacy of the balcony, the hypnotic music, the sound of lively conversation around them, glasses filled with liquor clinking.

Just the ambience of the private area added to the intimacy of Bane's touch.

She trembled. 

It felt all wrong, Lisa had feelings for his brother.

Did Bane have a brother complex?

He must have picked up on Lisa having a crush on his older brother and was trying to use her feelings to his advantage. 

Did he think that by marrying Lisa his brother would be jealous?

Her insides screamed danger, if she scooted any further away from him she would fall off the couch.

So she settled for just glaring at Bane instead with a look of disapproval that she felt strongly.

Lisa asked directly, "what are you implying this time around?"

"You aren't the first and you won't be the last to fall for my brother angelic looks," Lisa got a rare glimpse of a genuine smile on Bane's lips.

As Bane leaned in closer, so close that she got a whiff of his fantastic cologne that made Lisa get weak in the knees. 

"I'm no angel but I'm fair. My brother can be devious and play games with your heart since he's not bound by rules or decency. That's why he invariably wins."

Lisa stiffened her spine at his words, who was he to criticize and offer this warning when Bane's reputation as a playboy preceded him. 

Bane's audacity truly knew no bounds and her contempt for him rose significantly. 

She said seething through clenched teeth, "Leave me out of whatever games you have going on with your brother. I'm not some cherry that's ripe for picking."

Bane leaned in and whispered throatily, "Cherries are best when crushed for their juice. It's only a matter of time before my brother makes his move."

Lisa shot up like lightening of the couch fueled by embarrassment from what Bane implied. 

Chandra tried to stop her but she was fast on her feet as she made her way off the balcony and down the stairs. 

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and Lisa blazed her way through throngs of people like the hounds of hades were chasing her.

Driven by her outrage at Bane's choice she pressed through the dancing crowd and she didn't stop until she was finally outside the main hall. 

Then made her way out to the gardens and plopped down on a bench where she could finally be alone with her thoughts until she wasn't. 

Lisa didn't have to turn around to know that someone had followed her outside.

She know longer had to worry about drawing unnecessary attention to herself; she swung to face him.

To her surprise it wasn't Bane but her conniving manager Robert, what was he doing in Las Vegas?

The whole point of leaving Los Angeles was to put miles between them and escape his grimy clutches.

Lisa demanded, "What are you doing here?"