Chereads / Never Trust A Shadow After Dark / Chapter 11 - Outrageous declaration

Chapter 11 - Outrageous declaration

"I'm afraid that's where you're wrong Micah, as my wife she does have authority over you." drawled Bane. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"

The question was addressed to Lisa and of course Bane had returned with a small packet in hand and a few more guards.

Bane's eyes never left Lisa's face as if he saw Micah as inconsequential and simply did not pose a threat.

Micah's face crumpled and he actually tensed as if bracing for a fight. 

Did the Devil's Piss affect Micah to the point where he would lose reason and attack his own boss? 

The boss that Micah had pledged fealty to many moons ago and sworn to protect. 

Even Lisa could feel the tension in the air, Bane had unleashed his magical energy. 

His power was like a thread of vitality that was warm and tickled Lisa's skin as it danced around her and the other bodyguards. 

It was Shinto, his right hand man, who broke the tension and said, "Easy Bane, remember what you came to do."

All of these men ignoring her, annoyed Lisa greatly so much that she surprised herself by boldly speaking out. 

"You heard the man, I'm his wife now and if he won't agree to get an annulment then jokes on him." 

She stood up and wagged her finger at Micah.

He and the other guards moved back to give her more breathing space. 

"Seeing as how I didn't sign a prenup I'll file for irreconcilable differences and take him to the cleaners for everything he owns."

Only Shinto alone laughed out loudly at her outrageous declaration, no one else dared. 

None of the other guards wanted to risk her slightly brushing them for fear their brains would turn to mush like Micah's because of the Devil's Piss. 

Not looking down as she moved Lisa bucked her big toe over a stone and staggered in her heels. 

Bane growled, "Don't touch her! Micah, you will apologize for the insult to my wife then you and the other men leave us alone. Remember that size doesn't make you more impressive than my wife. Believe it or not she had more magic power in her little finger than you will ever have in a lifetime. You must treat my wife accordingly, be warned for I will not spare you the next time. Now leave us!" 

The master's power whipped all around them but for Micah it felt like a noose was at his throat and tightening.

It only eased up when Bane was done speaking and drove his point home.

"I beg your forgiveness," said Micah hoarsely. 

His face still mirrored the fear he felt at Bane's words, it was like Bane had flung cold water on his ardor from the Devil's Piss and brought Micah back to reality. 

Lisa understood that Micah's public apology was not really meant for her but more to show obedience to his master. 

After nearly falling, Bane was at her side to steady her immediately.

When the men finally left the two alone she made an exasperated sound, to Bane's ears it was more like a tiny scream of frustration. 

Infuriated, she pushed past him while asking, "aren't you afraid you'll be affected by me?"

He followed behind her on the cobblestone path that led to the grounds of the private suite.

Pleased that Lisa wasn't ignoring him, Bane shook his head and replied, "I'm known for my impeccable control. I've never found a reason to be addicted to anything in my entire life."

Lisa huffed. "Never say never."

Out of breath from practically speed walking back to the direction of her suite.

The path she trekked earlier that day seemed winding and each step felt rather cumbersome while walking with Bane. 

"I don't get it, my life has been like one epic disaster after the next," she said, "why do you want to stay married to me? What's in it for you?"

He grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him. 

"Just this…"

Then he cupped her face and kissed her. 

Lisa blinked she wasn't expecting that and before it occurred to her to slap him he had already pulled away. 

The corner of his mouth curved. "I don't want a divorce."

There had been nothing gentle about a kiss fueled by masculine arrogance and a determinedly focused anticipation. 

Lisa's lips parted to protest but then Bane swooped in for another round while closing the gap between them without the slightest hesitation on his part. 

This was how it had been between them from the first day they met.

His doing as he pleased and Lisa being swept away by mutual passion.

Her hands rising off their own volition to curl around his neck.

Bane's hands entangled in her black hair as their lips met.

While her soft moans of delight slid from her mouth into his. 

It was like time stood still all around them as the kiss increased in intensity, became hotter, no wetter and more time consuming. 

Neither cared that they stood in a garden where anyone looking out a window could see them. 

For them it was all about sensations as Bane tucked her neatly against his body and pulled Lisa closer. 

Without a doubt Lisa knew that she might have regrets tomorrow but for tonight she was a willing participant and would have regretted leaving Bane's side. 

Then he stopped kissing her, almost as if he realized he was not as immune to the Devil's Piss as he wished.

Such a sudden shift in mood perplexed her. 

The fact that she had a sense of awareness of his swift change in temperament was more thought provoking than waking up disheveled in his bed.

In a completely serious tone of voice Bane took her hand and said solemnly, "We got married because you asked me to marry you. It's as simple as that."

What was he talking about being simple, nothing was simple where Bane was concerned.

"I'm sorry I got completely wasted and don't remember the details from that night. Did we even have sex?"

"Lisa, the reason we didn't have sex that night was because you went from laughing and flirting and living life to the fullest to vomiting over both our clothes. You woke up in my bed because I took the time to put you there. I would never have abandoned you in such a sorry state."

"While I'm grateful that you didn't take advantage of me while I was totally out of it. I still don't think you have given me a sufficient reason to stay married.

"You want to know what's in it for me?" Bane asked. "I want the same thing you want. I want a baby."

Holy cow. She really told him that! All the girls in France at her age just wanted to marry a hero and have babies, she must have been really been out of her mind to tell him that.

Honestly, to Lisa's ears his quietly spoken words sounded too sincere for the delivery in a mocking tone than Bane originally intended. 

"Okay you've had your fun, what's the real reason you want to stay married?"

"It's simple really. I needed a wife to claim my inheritance and you needed protection from Robert and the person who attempted to murder you. I've been doing my part so I expect you to fulfill your half of the bargain, my dear sweet wife."