In a abandoned town, covered in snow and debris. A soft thud can be heard, a person seems to be searching their bag
"I have an empty water bottle and a half empty can of corn, dam it" said Ashly
Two footsteps can be heard in the distance, Ashly stops in her tracks and hears a voice closing in
"Hey you there" said the mysterious man whose voice sounded raspy and deep. The man approaches Ashly with another person.
"Yeah you turn around slowly, and dont you dare make any sudden movements" said, the other man whose voice was softer
Ashly stands up slowly and turns around looking at the two men. One was older, he had a beard that was black and was bald. He seemed to be in his mid forties and looked tired.
"Wow, it's a girl and I mean it an actual girl!" Said the other man who was blond and taller than the other man
Ashly is a young woman, she has brown eyes and a small nose. Ashly was a brunette and had a small burn mark under her left eye
"What do you want from me" said Ashly as she stared the two men down.
"My name is Donovan" said the older man, "and my partner here is Joseph but we initially wanted to rob you, but this is different"
"Yes and wow you sure are a cutie, I thought women wouldn't dare to wonder alone, specially in such a dangerous place" said Joseph
"Why don't you come with us and have some fun" said Donovan calmly "We can let you stay with us and you won't need to go in such places ever again"
"Fuck off" said Ashly "I don't want to be near any of you two" she says in a harsh tone
"Listen" Donovan said while pulling out a handgun "I don't remember giving you an option" said Donovan now in an angry tone
"Well" Ashly said strangely calm "You might have to shoot me then"
Donovan now pissed off, yells at her Fine then, you aren't as pretty as we thought" as Donovan was about to shoot Ashly, *bang* a gun shoot can be heard. Donovan screams and drops his gun
"So you finally decided to intervene now" said Ashly as she looked up at a ruined building to her left. There a young man can be seen holding a rifle
Donovan checks his hand and sees that its fine, only his gun was knocked off. "Shit" says Joseph as he tries to pull his gun out yelling at Ashly "you are dead me-" *bang* Joseph before he can finish his sentence, was shot in the head by Ashly
"Ahh" yells Donovan in fear "Please I'm sorry for pointing my gun at you, I swear I wasn't gonna kill you" Donovan was in fear as Ashly points her gun at him
"Listen, I'll let you live if you leave all of your stuff behind for me ok" Ashly says in a mockery tone
Donovan drops his gun and bag running away in fear in the opposite direction. As ashly begins to search the bag, the man with the rifle gets down form the building
"Nothing in here is worth anything!" Ashly says annoyed "The other guy must have something better" Ashly murmurs as she begins to search Joseph's body "Shit! nothing either, these two were carrying nothing"
"Hey Lucas! These people don't have anything valuable except for their guns" Ashly says as Lucas approaches her with his rifle
"Darn it Ashly!, those jerks really we're going to kill you" Lucas says "Try to be more sneaky or else people are going to die"
"Let's go back, this place doesn't have anything" Ashly stands up and begins to walk away carrying two m9's
"Ashly" Lucas calls out to her in a soft voice "I mean it, I don't want you to get hurt or worse killed" Ashly stares at Lucas and stops walking to think for a moment. As she continues thinking, seconds felt like minutes but eventually she replied
"Fine Lucas but I'm not a baby or anything, I have survived on my own for a while and I'm not dead" As soon as she finishes that sentence, Ashly's stomach starts growling "Alright I'll try but I'm not promising anything"
Lucas sighs and carries Ashly's bag "I know but… I just don't want to lose my friend ok, is that weird?" He looks at Ashly and continues "I swear, why does me wanting you to stay safe seem so strange to you? It's as if you've never heard of that word before" Lucas says
"Shut your trap Lucas! I'm tired and I don't want to arrive back after dawn" Ashly says. Luca smiles at Ashly and continues to walk with her without any form of stress
In a gun shop an old and fat man named Dale is inspecting the guns "Well, these guns are pretty new, they have no scratches nor seem to be broken" said Dale, the gun shop owner "I'll give you 4 metal coins and 7 copper coins for these"
"What!" Ashly said in a surprised tone "But you said that I could get 1 silver coin for these" Ashly angerly stares at Dale
[1 silver coin is worth 50 metal coins, 1 metal coin is worth 20 copper coins]
"Well I said, you could get 1 silver coin if you gave them to me in separate parts" Dale says smirking at Ashly "oh I'm sorry, I forgot, I didn't tell you that at all" Dale begins to laugh
"You dirty old man!" Ashly screams "Fine, I'll take the money, but next time if you try to scam me again" Ashly says angerly "I might have to kill you myself" Ashly begins to leave the shop with her two silver coins
"Ashly listen, don't you dare speak to me in such a tone" Dale says in a stern voice "never dare to threaten someone unless you mean it"
Ashly takes a deep breath "Don't tell me what I can or can't say" Ashly is about to scream at Dale but manages to stop herself "I guess I might have overreacted a bit, but don't you dare pull this on me ever again"
As Ashly leaves the store furious at Dale, she meets up with Lucas who is waiting for her. Lucas is a blond young man who has green eyes and is shorter than Ashly. Lucas is carrying his rifle on his back.
"By the look on your face, you seemed to have been played" Lucas says in a concern tone "What happened?"
"That dirty old man scammed me out of 1 silver coin" Ashly says in a calm voice "I can't believe it, I trusted him more than anyone in this stupid place, next time I promise I'll-" Ashly starts taking deep breaths
"Ashly, I understand that you're angry but don't murder him" Lucas tries to reassure Ashly giving her a can of beans
"Fine I'm going to Greenside, I'm tired and don't want to walk around anymore" Ashly begins to walk and Lucas begins following her to a small town called Greenside. Greenside is a place that's full of people who are poor and is occupied by a gang called [Iron Deadlock]
As they approach Greenside Ashly prepares herself. "Lucas, you know that you aren't suppose to go here" Ashly says as Lucas continues to follow her
"I know but I just want to make sure your safe around here" Lucas tries to reassure Ashly
"Just wait here, don't try to talk to anyone and if anyone asks why you are here, pretend that you are just buying stuff alright" Ashly stares at Lucas as she stops walking
"Understood" said Lucas watching as Ashly enters the town. Ashly is tired of being babysat by Lucas, but understands he only wants to protect her.