Chereads / winter’s tragedy / Chapter 7 - The Child of Spring(4)

Chapter 7 - The Child of Spring(4)

Paul and Wilson are traveling back home "Paul, I can't believe it" Wilson sighs "I forgot, today is my anniversary" Paul looks at Wilson with pity "Aww don't give me that look. I can still save it we just need to take a detour." Paul reluctantly agrees and both take a different turn. "Don't worry it won't take long, you will be back to your family before you know it" Wilson smiles


Ashly wakes up "Mom?" Ashly asks as she looks around and finally sees her. Emma and Eva are cooking to her surprise "Eva!" Ashly says a bit to loudly, Eva startled cuts the same finger that got a paper cut.

"Fuck!" Eva says in pain as she drops the knife "Ashly don't startle me" Emma grabs a paper towel and wraps it around Eva's finger "Language young lady" says Emma as she checks Eva's cut which thankfully isn't deep

"I'm sorry" Ashly says as she begins to tear up "I didn't mean to scare you" Ashly runs to grab a bandage. Eva looks at Ashly "It's just that, that you never cook and I was just surprised"

"I get it" Eva says as Ashly wraps the bandage on her finger. "I would too be surprised if I saw myself cooking" Ashly looks at Emma "Mom" Ashly says hugs her as she cries, she tries to wipe the tears away but can't. "Don't cry Ashly, I'm not mad at you" Eva says as she hugs her

"When did you come back mom?" Ashly asked "Just a while ago, not to long. We just started cutting the vegetables" Emma grabs the bloody knife and begins to wash it "Eva, just take a rest for now" Eva nods and sits in the couch calling for Ashly. Emma watches as Ashly continues to cry as she runs to Eva.

Eva hugs Ashly "I said I'm not mad at you, don't be so dramatic Ashly. It's just a small cut not to deep or troublesome" Ashly continues to cry "Gosh, your such a crybaby sometimes" Ashly looks at Eva's finger "See" Eva starts moving it "It's ok nothing to bad, I'll be fine after a few days"

Emma starts to cut the vegetables again but with a hint of happiness, as Eva and Ashly's bond grows. Emma stops herself knowing that Eva got hurt in the process but just can't.

Am I a bad mother for being happy? Emma thought to herself. She continues to cut the vegetables.


In a neighboring town Wilson is seen running through the streets. "What should I get" Wilson asks himself "I'm such a bad husband for not knowing what she would want" Wilson turns a street and find a store "There" Wilson enters the store which smells nicely.

Paul catches up "Darn Wilson" Paul begins to pant and sweat "You sure run fast when your stressed" Paul sees that Wilson has bought something "What… is that" Paul manages to say

"A special something that I hope she would like" Wilson says and he does his best to hide it from Paul "Don't look, it's a bit embarrassing but she will like it" Paul nods and both turn around to the cart that's not to far away. "Told you it wouldn't take too long. Just under an hour that's all"

Paul and Wilson walk to the cart and get in. They begin their journey back home again "Wilson, I really do hope I can return before dinner" Paul says tiredly "I'm pathetic, can't last a day without my family and I'm already this agitated" Wilson sighs "Paul buddy, it's normal to feel like that. Don't let the other guys get into your head, you love your family a lot. Those guys are young and don't understand the responsibility you have, specially when most of them don't have a family of their own yet."

"Well I have something that might help you relax" Wilson says as he takes a small bottle of whisky out of his bag "Don't worry, we will only take a few sips of it. This is a… a treat for us" Wilson laughs "I was lucky they had some left, I love whiskey even if it's the cheap ones"

"Alright Wilson but… one little sip for me" Wilson opens the bottle and grabs a small cup from the cart "Here" he pours a drink for Paul "I know you are being cautious, but you're pretty tolerant to the tough stuff" Paul grabs the cup and takes a small sip. Wilson in the other hand chucks it.

"Wilson, you're to reckless" Paul says as he finishes his cup "Thankfully you're the responsible one" says Wilson. Paul pays attention to the road thinking of getting back home. Paul thinks of his two daughters, he thinks of his wife as they wait for him. Paul smiles as he thinks of Oliver coming over again for dinner.


Ashly is now calm and is in her room with her doll Sophie. "Sophie, I know that Eva isn't mad but that doesn't excuse it. Sophie please listen" Ashly keeps on talking to her doll about unimportant things. "I know! Let's sneak out and try to get Eva a flower" Ashly's eyes start to sparkle "A marigold! She loves them a lot"

Ashly begins to sneak out of her bedroom into the halls. Ashly tiptoes pass Eva's room and walks down stairs. Emma is still cooking and is distracted which allows Ashly to pass by. Ashly then as she gets near the door, she grabs her shoes and slowly opens the door. Ashly squeezes through and is now outside, she puts her shoes on, and as she tries to run she hears a voice

"Ashly what are you doing out alone at this time?" Ashly turns and sees her dad who has arrived. Paul is tired but is happy to see Ashly "I'm not sneaking out" Ashly lies "I'm trying to uh… get some exercise" Ashly says but Paul walks to her and picks her up

"Ashly I know whenever you get in trouble you sneak off and try to find a flower. Who is it this time?" Ashly buries her face on her doll in embarrassment. "Was it Eva again?" Ashly looks away, a clear indication that he was on point. Paul opens the door "I'm back and I brought back a surprise with me"

Emma as she walks to the living room gasps as Paul is carrying Ashly "Ashly!" Emma runs up and grabs her "You aren't in trouble Ashly, you don't need to sneak off. You have to get rid of this habit of trying to apologize with a flower" Ashly stays still wishing she can disappear.

"You're back early?" Emma asked "Yeah, we finished our work faster than we thought" Paul said happily. Emma kisses Paul which Ashly covers her eyes and says that it's disgusting

Eva runs down the stairs "Father, your back" Eva runs and hugs him "I want to tell you something" Paul hugs Eva "Alright but tell me during dinner I'm tired and I need to take a bath" Paul said as he lets go of Eva and walks to his bedroom.

Time passes by and they are all now sitting in the table. Paul notices Eva bandage "Eva, what exactly happened to your finger? Was it Ashly" Eva takes a moment "Not indirectly, I mean she started me when I was chopping some vegetables. It's fine it wasn't to deep just some blood" Paul looks at Ashly who is looking down

"Alright, but Eva what is it that you wanted to talk about" Eva takes a deep breath "Dad I want to move to Dyoxum" Eva says and Paul pauses for a bit. "Why so Eva?" Paul asked

"This place is to boring, I heard Dyoxum not only is bigger, but It has multiple book stores and libraries. Dad you won't need to go and travel to another town everytime I finish my book, they let you borrow them for free." Eva smiles trying to convince her father of this big proposal.

"Listen Eva, we are poor and we can't afford such a travel" Eva smiles slowly starts to fade away "But Eva I have saved some money over the years, and I almost have enough for just you to travel there" Eva jumps from joy

Eva says "Really father, but can I?" Paul nods "Yes Eva, but it's something I never expected. You will be alone, and will have to find a job and a place to stay. Eva I don't have enough for you to stay there." Eva starts thinking

"Eva I know your a smart girl, but I think we can make it happen" Paul says, Emma is concerned as Paul has always had trouble saying no to his daughters. "Honey" Paul asked Emma "I think we should think about it, I don't want to make any promises I can't keep"

Eva smiles "Sure dad" Ashly is silent watching as Eva has committed to wanting to leave. "I'll make sure to think of plans dad" With that Eva stands up and walks to her room, Paul then sighs