Chereads / winter’s tragedy / Chapter 11 - The Child of Spring(8)

Chapter 11 - The Child of Spring(8)

It's the following morning and Eva and Emma are up early. Although they woke up earlier than the day before, Paul was long gone for work. "Wow! Dad left already" Eva says as she opens the front door "To think he has this much energy at his age"

"Eva!" Emma says "Don't say that about your father, it's rude"

They make their way pass a few streets into a different farm. "Eva this farm belongs to Scott, we will be gathering beets this time" Emma says as she smiles

"Beets? Oh I don't like beets mom" Eva says but Emma shushes her "I'm glad I'm not eating any beets when I'm gone"

They meet up with Scott who is happily sitting down in a chair. "Why Emma it sure is nice to see you. Its been a few months hasn't it?" Scott says as he stands up "You must be Eva, I know you don't know me since the last time I saw you was when you were a baby" Scott laughs

"Yeah" Eva says "Dad always told me about you and how you were a bit crazy" Eva says forcing a smile

"Don't you dare force a fake smile at me young lady" Scott says "I know what people think of me but it's partially true." Eva is a bit taken a back by this. "Yeah I know it sounds weird but that's what makes it fun. Only your father knows why everyone calls me weird" Scott says

"Well he did tell me" Emma says which upsets Scott a bit "Don't worry I haven't told anyone and it's embarrassing to say the least" Emma tries to laugh it off

"As long as no one else knows, then I'm fine with it" Scott says as he blushes a bit "Well now" Scott coughs and looks at Eva "Don't you dare try to figure out why I'm labeled crazy young lady"

"Alright" Eva says "I won't force anyone to tell me a secret that doesn't need to be spread" Eva then. Whispers to Emma "Must be very embarrassing if he is blushing at the mention of it" Emma stays silent and calm trying to ignore Eva's comment

Scott notices Eva whispering to Emma but doesn't do anything about it "It will start soon, just wait a bit longer I'll be back" Scott then leaves

"Eva you really shouldn't speak about people like that, I'm not letting it become a habit" Emma says but Eva just smiles and says "Well I won't have you stoping me when I'm gone" Emma sighs "What a troublesome woman, I cant imagine how you will act once you're gone"

Eva and Emma wait as more people arrive, it's less than before. Emma tells Eva the reason is because different farms have different sizes and abundance. This farm unlike Henry's is smaller and has less to be collected

"Alright" Scott says as he returns "I would like to thank all of you who came. It's a pleasure that so many of you are here to help us out and give the workers a rest. Now you can all begin" Scott says smiling

Emma and Eva begin to collect beets "So mom, why is it that dad works so far away? You both always seem to change the subject whenever I ask. Tell me, I'm leaving soon and I really want to know" Eva says

"Alright but Eva the reason why he works so far away is because he is stupid" Emma says a bit embarrassed "Your father when he was younger accidentally broke Mr. Aaron's new table. It was the one and only time I saw him get In trouble. He decided to work for him to pay off the broken table which he did, after 2 years"

"2 years! How expensive was this table?" Eva asked "Was it made of gold or something, there no reason it would take dad 2 years, right?"

"Well the table was made from a rare tree, I don't know what type it was. All I know was that it took 7 years for the table itself to be made but that wasn't the entire reason. Don't worry Mr. Aaron wasn't mad about it, but your father was arrested because it was destruction of private property." Emma says as they continue to collect the beats "Thankfully Aaron payed for his bail, which is the reason for why it took him 2 years"

"Wow" Eva says "Dad became a criminal in the dumbest way possible" Eva then laughs "Dad really is lucky to have meet him then"

"Yes and well he didn't tell me this until after I married him and had you" Emma says "Oh how angry I was at him, I told him that I was going to divorce him" Emma then looks at Eva who is shocked "Don't worry I was mostly joking, but I had to make sure he never lied to me about such important events again"

As the day goes on and Eva is processing everything. She couldn't believe such secrets were kept from her even when Emma was angry about Paul keeping it a secret. What a hypocrite Eva says in her head

"Eva dear, your father is a great man. He never says it but he has always wanted a son, but as you can see we don't. We were too poor for another child, but he is more than happy with what we have" Eva doesn't turn to look but is listening

"He loves you and Ashly a lot, the whole reason why this is happening is because he couldn't say no to you. It's not like I would have rejected your idea, it's just that I would've been to scared. I'm a lucky woman to have married him. I would have never had so much fun or been as happy if he wasn't with me" Emma says as she continues "He himself had dreams but he was more than ready to abandon them for us."

"He abandoned his dreams?" Eva asked "What do you mean, what was his dream"

"That doesn't matter Eva, he never told me but he said he had some." Emma says "You have the same smile as your father, probably the same as when he was chasing his dream. Is Dyoxum the place where you will achieve your dream Eva?"

"Yes, I have never been happier in my life before. My dream mom is not to just read novels, but to experience everything the world has to offer. Dyoxum is just the starting point" Eva says as she smiles "I want to experience everything and I want to write them down and send them to you. I want you both and Ashly to read my letters of what I learn"

"Well that certainly is an amazing dream Eva" Emma says before she looks up at the sky "Well it seems time has ticked fast. Eva it's time to go" they both stand up and walk to Scott with the baskets full of beets that they collected.

Scoot counted the beets and baskets and pays them "Well, have a great rest of your day ladies" Scott says as he waves them goodbye.

Eva and Emma begin to walk back home and return. They open the front door to find Paul and Ashly sleeping on the couch. Emma pokes Ashly's face and she wakes up "Mom, Eva you're back!"

Paul wakes up "huh?" Paul says as he turns and sees Emma and Eva "Oh it's great to see you two back at home safe and sound, and sorry for not telling you I would leave from work early." Emma hugs Ashly

"Eva I want to tell you something, I know this might make me seem clingy but" Paul looks at Eva "I was thinking that maybe we can travel with you. I want to spend as much time with you Eva and the family together before you depart"

"Aw" Eva says "Well I would miss you guys and I believe this will be the best way to go. I would love for you all to come in this journey"

"So I will see the big place then?" Ashly says "Dyxun or what ever it's called, and I will see Eva enter" Ashly runs and hugs Eva "Will you also say goodbye to Sophie" Ashly holds up her doll.

"Of course Ashly" Eva holds Sophie "When will I depart!"

"Well in 2 days Eva, I overheard that in 2 days an event will happen. I want you to experience it as it's suppose to be a good thing" Paul says trying to remember what it was

"Well then" Emma says "We are all set, but Eva I'll try to make something for you that will last when you're gone alright?" Emma says and Eva nods