The two men begin to walk to the wagon, the ugly guy sits down. He is bleeding and is cursing. The short guy looks into the wagon and is shocked. Ashly the young girl is staring at Eva's body. She isn't crying or looks scared, instead she is just staring blankly. Ashly then turns to look at the short guy
"What's taking so long" said the skinny guy "Don't wanna finish the job, I'll do it" he said as he looks into the wagon. He as well shows the same expression as the short guy. "What is wrong with this family? Is it full of psychos?" he said as Ashly just stares at them without fear
Ashly then turns and looks at Eva who's blood is now reaching her feet.
Why did you do that, why did you attack that man. Ashly was thinking, if you didn't do anything then mom and dad would'nt be dead. You wouldn't be dead, Ashly then smacks herself
Why is she blaming Eva, she was just scared and trying to protect her. She shouldn't blame Eva, she herself was too frightened to do anything. Ashly then hears a clicking sound and turns around to see the ugly guy pointing the guy directly at her
"Now don't make that face" the ugly guy says "I'll be quick I promise sweetie" but before he can shot he hears yelling from the distance
"What the hell!" A man yells, he is a frail looking old man. His beard and hair are white, he has lost most of his hair "Who's going to tell me on what's happening over there?" he said angrily
"Bruno" Gael said as he got out of his horse, Bruno approached him and stared directly at him "Sorry but they acted on their own accord, I had nothing to do with this"
Bruno then looks at the three men who are stil staring inside the wagon "What are you staring at?" Bruno says as he approaches the wagon and looks inside to see Ashly "Is… that?" Bruno says softly
"Mela?" Bruno says which catches the three men off guard
"Sir how many times do we have to tell you? Your daughter died when she was very young" the skinny guy said but Bruno gets in the wagon. Ashly watches as the old man touches her face
"Oh you look so much like her" Bruno said in a comforting voice. He hugs her "Don't be scared" he said "No one is going to hurt you, right?" Bruno then stares at his men who look away
"But boss, we killed her family in front of her, she might as well be dead inside. There's no way she will be normal after all of this, we have to kill her" Gael said but Bruno ignores him
Bruno holding Ashly brings her out of the wagon "Why did this all happen?" he asked
"These men" the bearded man points at them "They are responsible for all of this"
"Alright then, pack up the bodies in the wagon" Bruno says "Incompetent fools" he whispers to himself, the men begin to load the bodies inside the wagon
Ashly is placed on Bruno's horse and Bruno turns to Gael. Gael notices Bruno's stare and nods. As the three men finish up placing Paul's body on the wagon one of the men notices Gael and the bearded man pulling their guns out
"What's this about?" the skinny guy says Bruno looks at him in the eye and speaks
"You three have caused us too much trouble, I can't have you with us anymore. The SDA is after us, someone has reported us." Bruno said
"Ah" the ugly guy says "I remember we forgot about that guy because of an old bastard. He must have been the one" the ugly guy yells at the skinny guy. "No, it was your fault" the skinny one said "You said you wanted to kill him, this is on you"
Before the two can fight Bruno silence them "Shut up! You are all fools that should have died sooner" Gael and the bearded man keep their guns pointed at them "I made a mistake and I'm here to correct it" Bruno says as he pulls his revolver at them "Cover your eyes kid" Bruno says to Ashly
Ashly covers her eyes and hears gunshots, she doesn't dare to open them. "That's what you should of done with them Gael" Bruno says as he walks to his house. Gael and the bearded man place the men's body inside the wagon.
"We are burning their bodies, all of them" Gael said "Nothing left will remain of them, this wagon is ours now." The bearded man gets out of the wagon
"They had money, lots of it" the bearded man says as he shows them the money "They seemed poor but had this" he hands the money to Bruno who puts it in his pouch.
Ashly keeps her eye close now covering her ears as she feels Bruno get on his horse "Now you see, you're comming with us" Bruno said "What's your name?"
Ashly stays silent for a while then she opens her eyes and looks at Bruno "A-Ashly" she responds with a timid voice. Bruno smiles at her and tells her that she will be living with them from now on.
They begin to leave, the bearded man is now driving the wagon while Gael made sure the other horses don't run off. Ashly just stared in front of her, she doesn't fight back. She didn't dare to move at all, she could hear the men laughing at each other.
"I was hoping that we could of robbed that small town, Worrokoy" the bearded man said "I'm pissed off that they got the SDA after us, killing them wasn't enough" he says
"Shut up" Gael said "We can't do anything about it anymore, be lucky the boss isn't killing us right now." Gael stares at Ashly
An hour later Wilson arrives at Rodonu, after arriving at Arthur's house he gets out of his cart. He knocks on the door and Xavier answers, they talk and Xavier tells him that Paul and his family did arrive. It was hours ago but they are long gone by now. Wilson feels anxious but believes that they must be safe
There's no reason for them to be in danger now that they aren't in Rodonu. Wilson thinks to himself, he decides to follow the path to Dyoxum. The exact one that Paul went, he remains calm. This is just to check on him, to be relaxed once he sees that they are fine. Wilson can't imagine why they would be in danger but he continues
[ Wilson travels and makes it to Dyoxum and asks the security about a family that should of arrived. Wilson gives a description and they look over the passports and papers. Wilson waits for hours until dark time and they return. Wilson is horrified to find out no people with their descriptions were admitted.
Wilson decides to travel back home hoping that maybe they cancelled their trip. He arrives home, but they are no where to be seen. Wilson tells his wife and the people in the town, but nothing. Wilson asked the SDA to send a search. Wilson would then spend days that then turn into months asking around. Sadly after a few years the report was filed as unsolved and never touched again. Wilson didn't give up and would spend the rest of his life searching, with a few others but in his last days he would never find out exactly what happened to them.
Ashly who arrives at a vast plot of land and sees about 13 men, Ashly would then be raised by them. Bruno would raise her as his adopted daughter, he was delusional and Ashly knew it. She felt pity for the old man who missed his daughter, but she never told him that. A year after Bruno took her in he died of a heart attack, Ashly has at this point lost a second father figure. She grew angry, they killed her family and the man who raised her now was dead as well. The men now lead by Gael move a great distance away.
Gael knew that the SDA would be near and they moved to a different area. They would spend weeks searching, but finally arrived at a different area where it was run by a district called Iriage. They were in the clear for now but Gale made sure to be more strict. They couldn't afforded anymore mess ups like the one the three men did. They grew in numbers as this area was full of poverty. They grew up to 57 men and Gale changed the name of their group to the [Iron Deadlock]
Three years after Ashly was taken in she meet Lucas. At that point Ashly was very bitter, she has mostly forgotten what had happened that day. Ashly was the only female to work under this gang. Gael stopped caring for her once she turned 13 and she had to fend for her self. Ashly held anger that she has forgotten why she gained in the first place. She still held a few memories of her family but they weren't anything past her being 7. Ashly only relies on Lucas as he doesn't seem to be tainted.
Mumbled noises can be heard, they get louder but it's still indescribable. In an istance cold water can be felt Ashly then wakes up "What the hell!" She screams as she looks up to the mysterious man
"You were screaming and grunting, I tried to shake and yell at you to wake up. That didn't help so I threw water at you" he said "It's still later than you said you would stay"
Ashly stands up "I'm wet now, how am I suppose to go out there in the freezing cold" the man stops and throws her a towel "Fine, I'll leave in a moment"
"May I ask, why did you scream in you sleep" the mysterious man asked "Was it a nightmare?"
Ashly stays quiet for a moment "No, just a weird dream, nothing much I can remember. It's nothing of importance, just stupid" she said as she continues to wipe herself. Ashly stands up and puts on her coat and leaves the building.
As she walks down the snow covered street she can't help but think. She knows that something happened but can't remember what. "That old gezer died on me, I want to leave these people one day"
She then looks up and sees Lucas waiting for her. Lucas smiles at her holding up a can of tuna "Ashly, good morning" he says