As Lucas enters the graveyard he stops in front of a tombstone. The name engraved is [Diego Guida] "Hey, it's been a while hasn't it?" Lucas says as he sits down next to the grave. "Did you miss me? I sure did. You won't believe how much I've grown." Lucas touches the tomb, its rough and a bit dirty "I have so many things I want to tell you about, even show you" he says closing his eyes. He takes deep breaths and doesn't move for a minute
Lucas then opens his eyes and a tear runs down his cheek. "Recently my friend Ashly, she is in the hospital at the moment" he says as he wipes his tear away "Oh sorry, I forgot I haven't told you much about her. How rude of me right? Ashly she is my only friend, a good one at that. Can't believe you never meet her at all"
Lucas continues to talk to the grave, he tells him everything that has happened. "Yeah and a week ago she got scammed. That man was really scummy and she trusted him. I mean she really did" Lucas says while laughing "I was scared that she was really going to do something. Honestly I thought that one day I would arrive to the shop being ruined." Lucas says as he stops laughing
He looks up and sees that it's very late, it's nighttime. "I'm such a mess, you wouldn't believe what kind of man I am. Can't do anything without crying at all. It's very embarrassing and this isn't what I could've been. Not unless you were still alive" Lucas says as he rest on the tombstone. He can't believe his friend is suffering and all he is worrying is how embarrassing he is "Am I a bad person? Like I want to help others, but I feel useless. I can't kill people, I just can't it makes me feel sick. Every time I point my gun at anyone I… I shake."
Lucas sees how his hands are shaking already. He raises them up and stares at them "See, just thinking about it makes me like this. Gosh I'm pathetic, even when my friend is in trouble I can't shot anyone. I think that my friend wouldn't have been shot if I killed him. I could have, instead I just scared him off. I let her almost die because I'm to cowardly to kill."
Lucas sits there quietly, he hurdles into a ball and lies down. He closes his eyes again but this time he doesn't think of anything. He doesn't want to anyways, everything bad is happening. There nothing he can do about it except watch, and feel shame. "Why am I such a mess? I disappointed you. I'm not the man you hoped I'd grow up to be, I am not the man I wanted to be either." He says and he keeps his eyes closed and slowly he starts feeling sleepy, and before he knows it he is sleeping.
The next morning Lucas wakes up and stands up "Thanks for always listening to my problems, I hope one day I can be better. To be the man that you and I always wanted me to be" Lucas says as he leaves the cemetery. He returns back home and sees his foster parents
"Sorry I left early, I went to visit the hospital" Lucas lies "I forgot to tell you both but I'm back." They nod and tell him to write a note before he does these type of things "Yeah I'll make sure to remember, love you both" Lucas says as he walks up to his bedroom, inside he pulls out his money. "Yep enough for just a portion of land"
Lucas grabs a few coins and walks downstairs "Hey uh can I go to the flower shop, I want to pay respect to Diego." They agree and tell him to not be out for too long.
Lucas leaves and walks into a flower shop. He checks the flowers and choose the Daffodils. Lucas knows that Diego loved these flowers, he even remembers some days he would go out to just stare at them. He returns to the cemetery "I'm back, sorry for this unexpected visit." Lucas places the flower on his grave "I just wanted to see you one last time, I really need to spend more time with my family. I need to stop leaving randomly but I can't help myself. I plan to move away in a few months and I want to be with you before that time arrives" Lucas stands up "Sadly for now I need to return, I'll see you another day. I promise" Lucas then leaves the cemetery "I'll probably leave this place as soon as my foster parents can't care for me anymore."
Lucas makes his way to an alleyway and finds a man laying down "Hey it's you, Lucas isn't it?" the man says as he stands up to face him. "What? Did you hear from your neighbor's about my crazy rumor"
"Yes I did George, yes I did" Lucas says
"Hey kid, you got some spare money? I'm hungry" George says and Lucas hands him some "Sweet!" He says as he takes the money, he then pats Lucas's head. George begins to leave but Lucas follows him "What? Is there something on me, quit following me"
"I want to hear more, the rumors of course" Lucas says "I know a bit about it and I want to know more, please tell me."
George stops in his tracks and turns to face Lucas "You of all people believe in that stuff?" He begins to laugh at his face "Why would I tell some kid who can't handle violence this stuff. No enough alcohol would make me spill it to you, try a different way." George turns around "scram kid, this isn't your business"
Lucas grabs his shoulder "Listen George I just gave you some money. I just want to know more about it, and it's not like I'm unable to handle the truth" Lucas says
"Yeah?" George says "Sure kid, as you aren't the same one who cries when something slightly bad happens." Lucas stares at him and George can sense his annoyance "Fine, but you must pay me" he says smirking
"Deal, I'll pay you after you tell me. I ain't gonna let you scam me at all" Lucas says and he points to the nearby library "There, we can talk there quietly without being disturbed"
They both enter the library and go to a corner. "Alright kid, listen up" George says whispering "So basically there's this rumor I heard from a friend, don't worry about them. They said something about how there is a small group of people, that's not an organization. That's were they fool you, the government makes you believe it's an actual agency full of people when it's actually not."
"Well that's something that doesn't make much sense" Lucas says "Why would they bother about making it just a small group?"
"Didn't you say you knew a bit about it, never mind that. It's said that there are only about 4 members, they are said to be very dangerous. The reason why it's small is because it's easier for them to hide from the public. They can be more stealthy with lower numbers, and cause less mistakes if only the best of the best are in it."
"Wow that still doesn't make any sense, more than before, but just not enough" Lucas says as he writes it down on a piece of paper "Alright go on tell me more"
"That it" George says "That's everything that's know about that organization, it's secretive"
"What?" Lucas says quietly "So you could of told me all of this in the alleyway. No you could of told me that while you did want to tell me back in the street" Lucas stands up and face palms himself
"Well yeah I could of told you that, but I wouldn't have gotten paid at all" George says and he stand up from his chair to leave
"You're telling me that you lied to me on why you couldn't tell me then?" Lucas says and George nods "You are a scumbag you know, and you shouldn't be proud of it" Lucas says but George just makes a face poking fun at him "I won't pay you anything, you can't force me"
"Hey now wait a second kid, we made a deal. It was legitimate, the only thing that wasn't was me not saying it for free." George says "You have to appreciate the way people make money, after all kid. Not everyone around you is who they says they are, trust me kid. You will learn that one day and it won't be pretty." George then waits at the library door "You are still going to pay me right? I need money to live after all"
"Fine George" Lucas says as he hands him more money "This is the last time I'll ever talk to you." Lucas leaves the library "No wonder everyone makes fun of him, he's a terrible person that I should of never spoke to"
Lucas then as he returns home finds a letter on their front step of the house. He grabs it and it's written by the hospital and send to his name. "Huh already" he says as he opens the letter and reads it. The letter at first contains information about the doctor which he skims through. It isn't until he reads the second paragraph that makes his heart jump "She's awake!" Lucas says loudly
The front door opens and it's his foster mother asking why is he screaming "Oh it's my friend, I have to visit them now. I need to see them" Lucas says and she sighs and tells him to return before dinner. Before she can finish her sentence he is already bolting of to the street. He begins to run faster than he ever has before.