Chereads / winter’s tragedy / Chapter 4 - The Child of Spring(1)

Chapter 4 - The Child of Spring(1)


It's a sunny morning, peaceful evening. The weather outside is warm and the wind is cool. A girl no more than 16 can be seen knocking on a door. She keeps on knocking until she enters the bedroom of a little girl.

"Wake up Ashly, Ashly!" The girl keeps on repeating until she got fed up, starts shaking Ashly's body. "Come on lil sis, don't you want to eat breakfast"

With a bit more shaking Ashly wakes up yawning "Oh Eva good morning," Ashly says still sleepy. She stands up from her bed and stretches "What is mom cooking today?" Ashly asks Eva, who is now leaving her bedroom without responding. This upsets Ashly as Eva is her favorite person other than her parents

"Ok I'm coming!" Exclaims Ashly as she changes out of her pajamas into a more modest outfit. Ashly leaves her bedroom, shutting the door and walks down the small hallway. There in the kitchen Ashly's mother is cooking something delicious.

"Good morning Ashly" Ashly's mom says as she continues to cook. Ashly sits down on the table next to her sister who is reading a book. "Breakfast will be done in a few more minutes" Eva continues to read her book trying to ignore Ashly's stare

"Ashly stop staring at me!" Eva says to Ashly "Can't you see I'm trying to read my novel" Ashly ignores Eva and just watches her read "Mom, Ashly won't leave me alone!"

"Now honey your sister isn't doing anything wrong, let her watch you" Ashly's mother says with a soothing voice not turning around "It's great that she is looking up to you after all your reading and are a smart kid"

"But mom, I don't want her to look at me" Evan says but their mother just ignores her. Eva is a bit annoyed but manages to hide it. "Listen Ashly, don't stare at me when I tell you to" Ashly just looks up at Eva smiling and says "Alright" and with that Ashly stops staring at Eva.

Ashly is happy as she hears footsteps comming from the living room. Eva and Ashly turn and see their father who has just woken up "Good morning Father" Ashly and Eva say but Ashly's voice seems to be more enthusiastic than Eva's

"Good morning girls" Their father exclaims as he yawns "Hey honey" their father exclaims "Is breakfast ready I have to hurry and get to work soon" He sits down on the table next to Eva "So… what are you reading Eva"

"Just a novel nothing special" Eva's says "Well it must be if you are that focus on it" their father pats Eva's head "I'm glad you aren't as energetic as Ashly is, or else your mother would be over worked" This causes their mother to chuckle

Breakfast is made and Ashly eats fast finishing it before everyone. "Done!" Ashly says "I'm going outside now" Ashly puts the plate on the sink and leaves on the front door

"Ashly is so happy today" Eva says "If only I had as much freedom as her I would be happy" Eva continues to read and eat

Ashly steps outside on the dirt street, she walks on a specific path and enters the backyard of a friend "Good morning Jessica" Ashly happily exclaims meting up with her friend who is also her age

"Ashly! Good morning" Jessica returns the greeting with enthusiasm that rivals Ashly's "My dad bought me a cat" Jessica starts to jump on her feet after mentioning her new pert "Her name is Candy" They both start giggling

"Can I see her?" Ashly asks and Jessica nods her head with approval. They both enter her house and into her bedroom and find a small Orange kitten sleeping. Ashly and Jessica begin to whisper "Wow it's so cute and small, where did your parents get her?"

"Well, my uncle they said" Jessica smirks "He has a cat that got pregnant and he gifted her kitten to me"

"Wow! Your so lucky" Ashly exclaims "But I'm not jealous as I'm more of a dog person" Ashly says with her arms around her sides "Ok fine, I'm a bit jealous but because you have a pet. It's has nothing to do with it being a kitten"

Jessica and Ashly leave Jessica's bedroom and are outside. Meanwhile in Ashly house, "Emma take care of Ashly and Eva, make sure they don't get into any trouble especially Ashly" Exclaims Ashly's father "Paul are you seriously questioning my parental skills?" Emma says

"What of course not honey" Paul kisses Emma goodbye "I don't want to come back home more stressed than I already am" Paul says and Emma tells Paul that no one will get in trouble. Paul satisfied leaves ready for work.


Ashly is now walking down the street alone since Jessica has to care for her kitten. Ashly continues to walk and passes an alleyway greeting neighbors. She continues her walk and finally stops in front of a cart. "Oh good morning Ashly" exclaims an old man whose name is Oliver. Oliver has white hair and is starting to bald and is 53 years old but his strength is still there.

"Good morning Mr. Oliver, what did you get today?" Ashly asks as she tries to climb the cart. "Oh nothing fun, just some candles and a few spices" Oliver then gets into the cart and pulls out a small wooden doll "And a doll just for you" Oliver hands Ashly the doll

Ashly can't help but hug the wooden doll thanking Oliver. The doll seems to be new and it's very smooth. The doll is shaped like a woman and is wearing a green dress with black yarns for hair "It's so pretty and perfect" Ashly hugs Oliver "Don't mention it Ashly, it's just a small thanks to your parents for helping me fix this cart"

Ashly begins to leave with her new doll and bumps into Eva. "Eva look at my new doll Mr. Oliver gave me" Ashly raises the doll to Eva and gives it to her. Eva holds the doll and gives it back to Ashly

"What's the name for the doll then" Ashly stands still as if she was froozen in time "So no name yet huh? Well think of one while we walk back home" Eva says "But why?" Ashly asks

Eva at first ignores Ashly as she held her hand but then speaks "Because it's going to rain soon" Points to the west where a bunch of grey clouds are approaching "Just don't bother me at all Ashly"

They both start walking and Ashly starts thinking of a name for her new doll. They walk past a store and past Jessica's house. In the window the kitten can be seen and Ashly waves at it "What are you waving at" asked Eva and Ashly points at the Kitten that is sleeping

"So that's why you were excited, your friend got a pet" Eva looks at Ashly who nods yes. Eva grips Ashly's hand tightly and begins to walk faster "We have need to go home faster, I don't want to get wet"